The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Mar 1930, p. 4

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March Th -- ' C . $X \ * lall taxes due by race tracks have been / Government drew $1,100,000 from the i firkscate. . _ 'Dald. and, if not, the names and amount Commission, which, with minor adjust-- |$::;$a§e(slhg$dm 0:,1 stock, but_ffi? , lol arrears. Are there any other COr-- ments, brought the balance in profit investment pu es -;; purchased. for |-- boration taxes outstanding as of O¢t. and loss account down from $298,476 1th3/t it wasphg):sso' thatet;le:t';':'s show 31, 1929? Is all the gax tax paid? to $221,464. on the stock were a contlnua.lmaends Hon. Dr. Monteith made no reply 'in doing so. the Covernment con-- "Of earnings. I again refer to the source_ iimen Prulp: f tinues to milk the T. & N.O., which has | 6 sacred-- Expenditures Criticized S |ness of the funds. Insurance funds C ael e Urmkcized,. been its policy for the past five years. - unds do In the expenditures of the DeBarts | mhnis is no doubt the otutc not belong to wealthy individuals or. m r ome of its y ment of Education," Mr. Tweed CcON--) cfforts to show a surplus which dos corporations. They belong mostly to| tinued, "we find a very interesting iteMm | not exist eS iworking men and working women of --Eoutham Press, $20,227.175. As the| s this country. There is a sacredness in first and second volumes of 'Great Men | Homuth Replics. + 't,hese trust funds," he declared. of Canada' were printed by the South-- Mr. Homuth, in his speech, read from | Mr. Homuth then turned to a list of am Press, I assume this item covers the|2, DeWSspaber clipping | crediting Mr. |\bonds and debentures purchased by the cost of the first volume of this book Tweed with saying that the only protec-- ; various insurance companies as shown 'The second volume was issued in Sep-- | tion that the investing public had under '\in the report of the Superintendent of s |the Ferguson Government was through ; tember, 1929, and we will, no d.ubt, find | ;)( 3000 $ Insurance in 1928. ber, > ' "%,, |tax inspectors, and that <the last tax "Then," said he, "on page 417 we a similar item in the Public AcCOUNt | ncpector that had visited Waterloo had g d SCe for 1930, makifig a total of over $40,000 |peon an ex--hotelkeeper and beer vendor | a [or ol Swole ano bonds purchased as of public money (spent upon books!ana nag to be shown how to do his || * result of the legislation of 1928. If which are probably never used, although | wopre ZV ern];?:fi'é'sve§h3?spfiarf:?f:§§ ":2 figsd ;i;:l they may be found useful in supplyin®g "al trye," intorjected Mr. Twoed, as | Co CC inspiration for ths Young Conservative vp, Homuth rcad.J JH. Homuth dthon bonds. F'}'k}ree purchased less than $25,-- Clubs which are being organized iD produced and read an affidavit made | 000, WOTt; one a Quebes company, a various paris of the country. by Albert Hergott, the tax collector :n | filtle more The other, the Ontario "The preface of the first book, which question, to the effect that he, in June, | R4Witable, of which our honorable was written by the Hon. Minister of 1926, visited the offices of the Ontario '¥1e'md froIr)n North _ Waterino _ (Mr. Education, indicates that the ~seccong Equitable Life and Accident Insurance ' weed) I'ih resident and Genera'% Man-- volume was not contemplated. Company, and that Mr. Twooed intro-- Iagex'. pur:'aseq ?717,000 wm: i "Another item of expenditure that duced him to a woman subordinats who | iVIr. Sinclair interrupted with: .I ask calls for attention is found under the looked after the stock transfer books, | the honorable member a qu.estion';"Does + heading of Litigation: Tiny Township The affidavit says she apologized for hehIsa_: _t;xet'putrvn'ase, NS dlllegals. l v. the King. Tilley, Johnson, Thomp-- '"there having been neglect in paying , _( 8810 [N8} W PASSE the bill in son & FParmenter, $37,000; Young & the transfer tax in respect to certain m:&e con ';?ued Mr. hHorr_xuth, under McEvoy, $13,500. Total, $50,500. This stock transfers." 'The affidavit says he | »?° a}sumpuion fmaf the bill would 104 scems like a very generous legal fee. . Yequired no assistance and received | be Used as it has been used. "The Province." bhe then declared, none, and at the end of his inspection | Libel Is Alleged. "shows $7,511,000 received from the he cailed on the woman subordinate in _ 1fr ginclair--Mr. Speaker, the hon. Liquor Control Board as profits, fines, Oorder that she might check ever f;l.l'fi member is taking advantage of his liconses, etc.. and confiscated stock, be-- Shortage. This she"d'id' and fort'""l_'fl. position to make a libel against one of sides $985.000 in permit fees reported pax_d tl}e deficiency _ \\h}Ch I found WA@S ipp outstanding commercial enterprises through the Provincial Treasurer's De-- | OWing," the affidavit set forth. in the Province. Although the man-- | partment. | Wants Document Tabled. ager may be a member of the House, "In the past year the total business of | _ Mr. Sinclair indignantly asked if Mr. | he should not intreduce matters of this the board reached $56,487,515, accord-! Homuth was prepared to table the | kind into debate. ing to the statement of the Aitorney-- g document. | _Mr. Homuth--I am simply showing General on Fob. 21. The profit, there--| "Certainly not," said Mr. Homnth,! that the attacks on the Attorney--Gen-- fors, represents just 13 per cont. of ' "but you can see it if you like." i eral prove more far--reaching than the sales. 'The detailed and audited re--| Mr. sinclair protested. "Surely," he| simple politics or the love of the people port of the board for 1928 showed4that | said, "the honorable gentlieman realizosi of the Province. (Applause.) the board had a gross profit of 20.14 per | that there is nothing before the House y $ o 4M cent. of sales, and after expenses and | when he refuses to table that docu-l Alleges Purchases Total $717,000. j other adjustments, a net profit of 15.98 i ment." |\ "The Ontario Equitable Company, per cent. on sales. For 1927 the net| "I read the affidavit My word is be--| Continued Mr. Homuth, "bought $717,-- profit came to 16 per cent. | fore the House," said Mr. Homuth. 000 worth of stocks and bonds in 1928. "Liquor is evidently costing the board | mr. iweed, on a question from the| NOS only did they buy that amount, | 80 per cent. of what it is sold for. Speaker as to whether Hergott had but before t.h'e law w:;'z in force flf;lilgy |\ Compared With Quebec. known nothing about his business, said | Purchased g:;::xsc,gotoo maknwbal; ;rofi"' g | "Por comparison, the Quebec Liquor | that the records at the Provincial | gh'-';fggé» i fc making m lo+ --of mMon:y, Commission for the year ended April, | Treasury would show that his company | Go / porore the act was in force and 11929. reported srles of $27,007,431, and | had paid out some $400 more in trans-- | P0 CCC CV OV. iney had purchased cost of sales $17,329,244, or 64 per cent. | fer tax than it had needed to. §393 000 of stocks and bonds. Was that of sales. When expenses, etc., are ac-- Mr. Homuth--You are not answering irchase illegal? Yes." counted for, the Quebec Commission | my question. You make the statement |P Mr. Sinclair--Mr. Spsaker, might I | showed a balance of $9,688,268, and $8,-- | that the collector knew nothing about ;'ask h'OW strong the condemnation of the 000,000 was paid over to the Province. | his business, Dia he? | Attorney--General is of the insurance TmSIiS more than Ontario gets from | Nclir' ;rweed--He had to be shown how lrepart as compared with the condem-- dcuble the business. to do it. | gai him? "British Columbia obtlained $4,541,225,| Mr. Homuth--May I ask my honor-- 'na.?.ilf);:e a"g&g::ion of the stocks that| or about 25 per cent. of its sales. '< able friend if he had actual knowledge were purchased," went on Mr. Ho-: "From the prices at which liquors are | that the girl had to show him. | muth, "is not libel against the insur-- ' sold it does not appear that Ontario is Mi. Tweed--As President of a life in-- ' ance company or a gentleman connect-- | passing anything along for the benefit | surance company of considerable size, 1| ed with it. But they took advantage of of the consumer. There is a considerable | don't keep the books. ' the law in such a way that other com-- gulflg';im:' tleh Eri";SO f&r'i ingividual "Carefully Examined." | panies did not, and I say they :Vn';ig! aq ea}'t't;)o oss Ou ]nml o do not Continuing, Mr. Homuth stated that | sacred funds. If insurance %omp ;s' | p'r')n Qgeb: 89?;" fy LWels k ! he had to bring a matter before the Iare going to do those things, t e'r; w:!'b-; I30 per cont on itgrguz!ixe;es;naslf(fulgbroxgg |House which he had "hesitated" to ia'cy;:avernment iidieas ol Snss . -- Ontario ;'eaiize, at the same rate, about [broach, But he fell Shat it was Nis ECQMY Sinclair--What does the Attor-- $16,000,000. Is the difference of about 1duty to refer to it, and that it should | gev--os eral say as to the insurance re-- $8,000,000 wasted in incfficient buying>» | PC Carefully examined. [ Borts 2 en Referring to the gasoline tax, mr.| , N°*f ho observed that, up to May,|P9%° n uin on, don't get nervous. Tweed attacked the Government on the | 1928. the powers of the Dominion COV=) w 'gincaip_tf the Attorney--Gen-- lgmunds that it collected the revenue | CUDS incorporated insurance companies fal é'own't' answer, I can't make him. | for general purposes and not specifical--. | WoYe extensive. These powers were verY ©"Mwyn0) wore these investments?" CON~ [ y for roud Duilding. | broad and allowed the companies ?o iimued Mr. Homuth. . "They were in T. & N.O. Affairs. ?xx}vcst in bonds and stocks. Ontario oil stocks, copper stocks, in railway | e--mpanies could not do that, and so k stocks. Or were they in-- Mr. Tweed attacked the Government | the Ontario concerns appealed for such Stocks, bank SLOC is the question the in regard to its handling of the T. & | rizhts. The Ontario companies were vestments? -- That x d see whether N.O. Railway. Ho felt that the Gov-- | confined exclusively to trustee bonds. people should £20Xr dotar of the | ernment is "milking" the railway, and people are taking advantage ; | taking away in interest of fund_;. Ad~ Then the Government expressed its wil-- | jlaw." | vanced to bolster up its own finances. lingness to give such powers because ,Question to Attornsy--General. He declared the railway should be given e reconis of such powers in the Do-- ' Mr. Sinclair--Let us know right nowl a chance to get ahsad financially minion field showed that there had | if thé Attorney--General passed censure| _ He declared in this regard a su;n of been no abuse of the measure. | upon the Ontario Equitable Life Com-- | $1,100,000 drawn from the Timiskam-- And the assumption was, Mr. Homuth E gqy as a result of those purchases. ing & Northern Ontario during the past . stated, that, with the amondment, the | P I'Vlr Homuth--Wait until I read some year, as interest on funds advanced : Ontario companies would carry on like ilo\" tr{ese purchases. was more than the net earnines of the the Dominion ones, and not abuse the | *=f mention these," continued Mr. Commission for the year. The Com-- *Y}C": | Homuth. "Were they made for invest-- mission's report just issued shows net ,__NOW» Mr. Spcaker," Mr. Homuth | nong purposes?" profit of $1,027,880. Against this the CODtinued, '"we have one Dominion | company that did purchase very largely

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