ing the Government's administration of the finances of the Province. "It is hard for an ordinary man to under-- stand," he said, in commenting on the Government's bookkeeping, "how there is a surplus of $2,600,000, and yet we are $32,000,000 deeper in debt." He estimated that at the end of 40 years the debt would be twice as large. Prefers Bucket Shop. Referring to the Security Frauds Prevention Act, Mr. Elliott declared: "I'd rather have & bucket shop in my town than a liquor store. The bucket shop may hurt you financially, but not morally and physically." J. A. Sangster spoke particularly of the complaints of the people of its united countics in the Glengarry dis-- trict, that they were being overtaxed. They protested, he said, the 20 per eccnt. for highway work and the 20 per cent. for old age pensions. Hoe stated that they had a credit of $129,-- 000 in the road developnmeont, but that they were still taxed. Ho Gdeclared that the Provincial hishway running throug'> the united counties, did not serve 10 pst cent. of the people there. NEW LIQUOR STORE [3 REING EQUIPPED "We expect a decrssase in taxtion," ho said, emphatically. § I1 the absence J °. J. Mahonsy (Conservative, South Wentworth), W. H. Irelund, Conservat'ive Whip, ad-- <surmed the debats. With chagrin residents of Oakwood arc watching the preparations now under way for opening a new liquor store at St. Clair and Robina Avenues, despitt the vigorous protest waged and the presen-- tation of a petition to Sir Henry Dray-- ton bearing more than 1,000 signatures opposing the establishment of a new store in the district. THOUSAND -- SIGN _ PLEA Hearing Not Yet Granted to' ;;rz»( Citizens by Sir scetic Henry ."'_"A;,fl According to a member of the execu-- tive of the Independent Citizens' Asso-- clation, speaking to The Globs last eve-- ning, men are busily engaged in equip-- ping and preparing the interior of the store for business. Outside has been hung the sign of the "Ontario Liquor Board," while the coat of arms has also made its appearance. Alithough a letter had bsen forwarded to Sir Henry Drayton asking that a large députation of citizens protesting against the opening of the store be re-- ceived, a hearing had not so far been granted, said the Oakwood citizen. _ Sir Henry Drayton, when spoken to by The Globe last evening, stated that the date of the opening of the new liquor store was not definitely settled, but it would be fairly soon. He commented on the present considerable crowding of the store near Dufferin Street. Questioned regarding the request for a hearing of the deputation of Oakwood citizens, Sir Henry admitted that h had received a letter from James Crang and referred The Globs to Mr. Crang, who, he said, "knew all about the mat-- ter." Mr. Crang could not be reached last evening, but a member of the Executive of the Independent Citizens' Association stated that no hearing had been granted. _ DESPITE PROTESTS SYSTEM OF PERMITS TO BUY NATIVE WINE wines states: "Except as expressly pro--| fang lvlded by this act and by r{ne fcgl\)na-: TOld Of by PhySIClan ;iions, n:dplerssn shall have or keedy anyl w mmenn m mm en« quor thin Ontarto which has not| been purchased from -- a (}ovemmentg A clean biil of health for the ether vendor or from a physizian as provided |ated in the fatal operation of Mrs. by Section 56." The old section said, Myrtle Rodgers in St. Michael's Hos-- "excopt native wins." These woras are mital on Feb. 21, as woll as for the now omilted, thus making the wire saile other now used in local hospitals, was | subjecs to regulations which the Liguot {returned by Joslyn Rogers, Provincial | Board, uncer the dirscin 0° Sir Henry mnalyst, at the inquest urder Chisf j | Drayton, may from time to time 'in-- Woron:r M. M. Crawford last night. | pose. It is intended that these regula--| Prof. Rogers declared on the witness tions will be passed by the board in the Lt.and that his examination of various ' near future. anaesthctics used in surgical operations | In Unlawful Piace. mere, particularly, his periodical exami-- ; \ _ Purther strangtbsning is given in the nation of the anaesthetics used }n the | lact to the soction as to where liquor Toronto General Hospital, has failed to | ! may be ccnsumed, namely, only in a AROW that the drugs are unsatisfactory, | | private residence. Some Magistrates, dangerous or impure. P &n nce., soint wmogw@lUltt@~/ Johl Aantereet fiurtmer=--sndod lls eVi~ i Amendment Introduced Into Legisiature--Laws Made More Strict Control Act placing the sale of native wines on a permit basis, and, generally, imposing new restrictions along ths lines ut thoss forecast by Premis; Per«-- guson during {(/> last election campaign, were introdused to the Logislatura y&Ss-- terday by Atorney--Gncral William H. Price. pMNGF . -- Av i9 ALEVLEEIULOEL CAPO . DUOMARN OIIECATT uB ESVEC . PERRsTRmas s CC tions will be passed by the board in the '.!t.and that his examination of various near future. anaesthctics used in surgical operations In Unlawful Piace. mere, particularly, his periodical exan3£- | Further strangtboning is given in the nation of the anaesthetics used }n the | act to the soction as to where liquor Toronto General Hospital, has failed to | may be ccnsumed, namely, only in & show that the drugs are unsatisfactory, | private residence. Some Magistrates, Gangerous or impure. i "al (Remireme narmman ie ----onzmorcotov--~ He deciared further--and his evi--' | Colonal Price said, have held that, NMeaence was corroborated later by Profes-- t | ordar to constitute an offense under ;oy Dr. V. G. Henderson of the School | the section, the consuming must takeof Pharmacology of the University of . plaoe with the keeping, having or Siv-- 'Toronto--that "there is nothing in the ; ing. The amendment changes the con--impurities of cther that would cause a | | junction "and" to "or," to put the mat-- geath." | | ter beyond doubi, so that a person may n made it plain to Crown Attorney | be committing an offense against the wric Armour, who asked him to com-- | | s--cticn if he has or consumes liguor in ment on "the popular opinion that | an unlawful place. there is impure ether about." that | | _ Another section deals with preventing "nothing from the samples of ether j ' the sale of any compound, mixture or which I have examined would terd to | 'preparation. in solid or liquid form, to indicate that there is." | ;wl:nch the addition of water or any Nxo Need to Fear. | other lz.quid.or any substance will pro-- professor Henderson, in a Getailed | duce intoxicating liquor. _ Attempts put simple account of various anaes-- | ihgx'e been made by merchants in for-- thetics, declared that "he did not think ' cign countries to introduce for sale in there 'wa,s any need to fear the im--; .Onpario substances in solid form to pyurities in ether." | which tl.m addition of water produces pr. V. A. Killoran, chief angesthetist ; | an intoxicating beverage. Most of these at St. Michael's Hospital, brought to the | 'appear to come from Germany. The jury an exhaustive description of the | ;SCCUOH prevents them. administration of an anaesthetic with | | _ Stronger regulations are placed upon the McKesson machine, -- which he'l emp)pyees in vendors' stores, making it wheceled into the courtroom and him-- | prohibitory to sell or furnish liquor in self demonstrated, while Dr. Oscar | ' any other place than authorized. The Klotz, & medical man of international | ilamcndments also place responsibility note and Professor of Pathology at the | | upon permit issuers in issuing permits University of Toronto, EaAVe experti to disqualified persons, or those fur-- pathological evidence on a condition of | | nishing false or fictitious particulars. Mrs. Rodgers's lungs.h iped in his de | | Permits Pr. Killoran was he n his ae-- ; | 5 R.etum,ed 4* Boarf" mcription by instructions received from ; | False or fictitious permils are pIO-- pp, E. I. McKesson, the American in--| ihlbxtred. as well as a permit of which yentor of the machine. This enabied | the holder is not the owner. A duty is nim to satisfy the jury on the smallest | :placcd upon hotel proprietors to turn details, besides offering the advice of | into the board any permits which they g medical inventor recognized as an | find on their premises after guests have authority in Canada and the United, checked out. Abuses have been made States The noted medical -- men of tourists' permits left in hotels. brought to the inquest phases of e'»'i-'S | Penalties for obstructing the police dence which Coroner Crawford gather--. 'ux}der the act are increased. For first ed in an attempt to make a thorough | offense 2 fine of from $100 to $1,000, Or inquiry to clear the distrust aroused in i three months, and 'or a second or sub~ Toronto by the number of recent deaths equent offense imprisonment for three an the operating table. ;{r}cix}ths. Formorly the fine was $10 to Emn" Is Varied. 4 K o ns k an-- smnapi» yen i 47k Stronger regulations are placed upon employees in vendors' stores, making it prohibitory to sell or furnish liquor in any other place than authorized. The amondments also place responsibility upon permit issuers in issuing permits to disqualified persons, or those fur-- nishing false or fictitious particulars. Permits Returned to Board. False or fictitious permits are pro-- hibited, as well as a permit of which the holder is not the owner. A duty is placed upon hotel proprietors to turn into the board any permits which they find on their premises after guests have checked out. Abuses have been made of tourists' permits left in hotels. Penalties for obstructing the police under the act are increased. For first offense 2 fine of from $100 to $1,000, or three months, and 'or a second or sub-- equent offense imprisonment for three months. Formorly the fine was $10 to $100. _ For offenses against the wine regula~ tions the penalty is placed at from six months to a year in jail, without a finc. Another section deals with hotel own» ers who have been found to have fic-- titious leases prepared in the name of some individual who will take the re-- sponsibility for the breach of the act in the event of conviction. In cases, Amendmenis to the Ontario Liquor new section whith deals wi th Expert Gives Demonstra-- _ tion to Inquest of Ma-- chine W hich Administers 'Anaesthetic -- Condition _ of Lungs of Mrs. Rogers _ T old Of by Physician the real owner has been allowed to go unpunished by reason of the f{et that the Crown's case was cut short by the pro-- duction of the fictitious lease. The amendment provides that the Judge may draw inferences of the fact from the surrounding circumstances and im-- pose penalties of from $1,000 to $2,000, or three to six months. There are further amendments to govern certificate of cancellation of permits, and making it compu}sory for Judges to dismiss appeals with costs if the appointment is not taken out within the prescribed thirty days. A chemist, & PALNOIDiSL, OH """"""° thotist, a nurse, a -- pharmacolo-- gist, a surgeon -- they followed one another in the witness box. while an rudience composed mainly of university medical students and local physicians listened attentively -- to the evidence. which sometimes partook of the natur? of a lecture in a hospital amphitheatré, 1 writma«--~*~ wxine** though the medica x J sls . J I $4 8 . anates--