The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1930, p. 2

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k 4 4 A R us'c/? "L(fin -- > e ! th ---- % emnme e ee s s, &« f the ',',{';?:S';;'n;eg*:'a;}gg;mg All C255 County), F. D. Laughton (Conservative, || $16,050 in income tax and couldinot at-- _ | pessing of the bill would mean the end| North Middlesex). T. J. Mahony (CGone |/ ford to lose this revenue. . . of income tax--the loss of a consider-- z;:rvaitslze, ?gug;ex:g::org;)si Wfilllrina'rln | ChaNh?tt:ax':ery serious," remarked the | 4 orTr M 0 » m % qg:,c ;{?xgzr;)tl?f C';e';'(')"'éis_:g'era':geg 1:1'_; tor), Thomas Murphy (Conservative,|| '"Is that all you collect in London?" further along cther channsl t P yk.. Toronto Beaches), Edward J. Murp,hy asked Mr. Wilson (East Windsor). Mr. -- . i 1'1«" ;:.dr channsis t0 M2®" . (gconservative, Toronto St. Patrick's), || Bennett consulted his figures, and, aided (l'?vw"';-ult' *L wou) o the "competition" n p. Murray (Conservative, South Ren--| by some prompting from outside the ,',\'\','";?l,,\;]"',l_";;ll'l;];(_'",' "";Lf';hif a'di?inh;g 'frew), -- Russell Nesbitt (Conservative, || committee, correctsd the figure to some abolish income tax while the big cities [RrBbondale), C. E. Bayen, (Conserve» ( €100,000 Foot of Kit o tatrang} 3 " **" |tive, Elgim West), J. M. Robb (Con-- ity Treasurer Foot o chener, in snn eC servative, Algoma), D. M. Ross (Pro--| Offcially or=~.sing the measure for his sscaping the Tax, He Claimed. gx;essive ,North Oxford), H. C. Schol. | municipality, said that abolition of the Mr. Wilson con{--nded that competi ion |field (Conservative, Toronto St. George), || tax would cut off about 3 per cent. of was exacily what the municipali®ies bad '@. A. Seguin (Conservative, Russell), A. | their present revenue. He feli that the |:oday--on'y in "an Plegal way." With L. Shaver (Conservative, North Went-- collection and payment of income tax |exceeding empohasis Mr. Wilson defisd j .. _3 amith" (Comervative +C | in most of the wrhan multicipglities wat any ons to siate, trutHhfully, that the worth), G. J. smith (Conservative, 'to-- not worrying them much. _Passing of i municipal incoms tax was 'psing o',l'_ ronto Greenwood).'w. W. Staples (Con-- . the bill_would_ result, he said, in com-- i forced reneraliy thrpushout Jofxt-':lo servative, Victoria _ South), _ Mark plete elimination of the tax, and no | t('fi"\'\ . nbp'l\c }.m,-n' (..r;'{:'; nlnlv mov:iln'? Vaughan (Conservative, Welland), and such step should be taken, he submitted, out of the larcer contres (Lh es=ans ine lS. T. Wright (Conservative, Toronto | Without the whole question being first tex) to nnv"éipqiitio( in \'"'flch. it ",,,; | Dovercourt). stud_led along scientific lines. ither wsakiv enforeed or "a dsad loc.l City Solicitor Waddell of Hamilton cith o ivs ;::\.,\. r'.lfm('d or "a dvad let-- 6Chnnging Hcoadquarters. stressed the danger of "competition" 1 o ue it mtn ahas that j, @ _ _« |, In sponsoring the bill to the commit-- from adjoining districts and municipali-- r |__Mr. Homuth charged that lawysers | tes, Mr. Macaulay clsimed that thore ties. "Why," he asked, "should the | and }':':,'..-n'.:'n'.s:';mfl 0 '\"x~' P:fi:fa- ::f.'".] ) were casss, to his knowledge, where cities be made to suffer simply because men did n~ t';." proDnot TCIr"s}--(14> / companies, to escaps income tax, were the outside townships cannot equalize it wos the fixed swforid men w20 SU/-- moving their headquarters into districts their assessments?" | 'The Legislature, fored, inasrmch as the assessot ©U°W where there was no such tax. For the he argued, should deal with abolition of his inccine exactly--thal tat SCOMLHS* _ yery same reason. industrics wore locat-- the tax, and it should not be put upon es in ntsiare e taw '"1'""; '.Lf';] (j.nfi'l-'}?";f ing in Quobee cilies, whore thore was, the shoulders of the Municipal Coun-- o alnmnared ho mnaserns {'1}',\"63,1""0 no tax, that otherwiss wou'1 come to| C!s. ;u":'...'.:..'x..l*.\.}\:l' l_);\,, p';.?f}l,:f:im'{fl r&fi'u ape | Ontario cities and towns. The legis-- City Solicitor Intervenes. | ai '\1".;::;':.':' .Lx;'(i'\'ix'?d, :V'.'ljiotl".tr ;nv'mbAcr i!aticn. he stro.»*.:'?("l. N2A pul'(fly optional City Solicitor Colquhoun of Toronto . "I" the 'committes. | in nuturo---'a point that weas picked up a stated that the obvious purpose of the "I say they are." returned Mr. H»-- moment later by Reeve Dean of York| bill was to make York Township "at-- muth. "In some cases they don't come | Fownship,. and again emphasized. At| tractive to people." within 59 per cont. of the roturns they lengih, Mr. Dean described his munici--| Mr. McBrien--That's rot fair. Ivn"",'q make" " n pality's peculiar assessm.ent problem,! In Toronxnto, said Mr. Colquhoun, the _ ara" Macaulay brought thrse of th: and stated that, by passing Mr. Mac-lincome tax was about three mills on I it avat 'w~re\' pers the Mzil and Em. | 2W2y's bil!, the committee could furnish | the dollar. The money _would h.ave to l pire. The Gicb», and the Telegram, inco | YO'k Township some redress for the | be got somewhere else, if the city did : | ]tl'{e '"{,'u,n,,']; b'v q{n'l'-nv edi:;rlals from | Situation in which his municipality now | not get it frpm income. "The commit-- [ them in '=111;1::1r'tv of the principle of his | finds itself. ! tes should give this question great con-- $ l aét Th"'n'.o'binlon he contended, bet-- |\ _ _Jomes A. Hughes of Woelland, who in-- {Sidel'ation.' he said, "before putting *| ter reflected public opinion on the ques-- | {"Oduced the deputation that was "u»" j more taxes on a man who now cannot f ;f' th'an~ 9'ny ar;;ument of the assessors | from the City Hall conference hereto-- i pay his income tax." 5 ' _'103 he othor paid municipal officials | fore montioned, was emphatically op-- E. C. Graves, M.P.P., St. Catharines, . £ :;1;10 ;nd spoken before the committee. | PPSed to the bill, as was the cily he rep-- pespolte the oppostiion of the SC. Calha-- | '| Mention of the three newspapers gave | resented. 'The bill he viewed as "a great rines g'"flcgdw thehblll. idHis city's in-- nP p embors opportunity for | inlustice to the citizens in general." come tax produced, he said, about 547{ ' -- | some of the mein C | 1 'ford -- smokes. | 000. That monrney was paid, he said, by | ' j ;--p1 with William Morrison | Mr. Bonnell, the Brantford spokes o 1| a little by--play, Y ) | ferred t teleer 'hich haq | people who could afford to pay it. Abo-- ; '| (Conservative, East Hamilton) erying: |iman, telerred "o S Seltgstam wCl 220 [lition of the tax would mean an in-- | I 5 c we care about the news-- | been sent from his city to Chairman § P 1 :" | | »what do we C oo l| Piflayso f j ition to the| Crease on the assessment of two mills | | papers?" Thomas A. Murphyu_(Conselt- & in'x]may son, expressing Opposivion i0 4061 u.. tne dollar. If you take money from ! vative, Toronto Beaches) calling out: | bill, . M s .. | one place, he argued, it must be got . | "Take them away," and Edward J. Mur-- , ' "';;s DCL}FI C.L}/El?,ouri\&flu(;)p@gid toolt" somewhere else. York Township was ' jphy (Conservative, T(?ronto St. E""' l"f""d Aribur is, MP.F,, Eagtk OvA-- entitled, he believed, to some assistance | rick's) claiming, caustically, that "the ' wa. o in its present difficult situation, but the ; ! only thing right in the Mail was the Mr. B:nngll--The _Council has not yet bill before the committee was, in his | date line," and "the only thing right ; had a mesting. This action (the tple- belief, "certainly not the right way to f §'m The Globe was the weather.' lg:am) was taken on the rosponsibility go about it." * The Vote. j ;f the Mé_vor a;;g the Chairman of the Suggestions for Revision. The vote, as polled at the direction | Finance Commiltee, At this juncture Chairman Finlayson of the Committee Chairman, WS 85 | pag of Income Tax. threw out several suggestions regarding | follows: j the drafting of the bill. Power might | * For the pillt--Clifford Case (Conserva-- | . If the bill was passed, he sybmiHeG) | pe yiven a Council, he said, to deal with [%; rap lestone | it would mean the end of income tax. 1 ! tive, North York), G. W. Ece "No, it won't," came cries from mem. | the abolition of the tax, in whole or in | l (Conservative, Muskok@), W. H-- EOW | porg supporting the measure. "Yes, it | PArt--that is, to have the tax disappear | | (Conservative, Rainy River), Arthur will" the Toronto members thundered | OVeL & period of several years. It also | lEllis (Conservative, Ottawai .Sosutht:{ 111 ;'eply ;mglh(t.l be af?vl.(slable,i(l:; pfolnggcllt;)ut, toi arl K. Homuth (Conservative, Sout. stin. +4 $+ .m db nclude a fixed per of abolition, in | ilvff':rterloo). A. E. Honeywell (Conserva-- It BS* the ltlmn edge of the wedge," SAid | prge; to prevent an incoming Council | tive, Ottawa North), William H. Ire-- M"I ?tnt'g # J joke in many | Of Gifferent attitude from rejecting it land (Conservative, West Hastings), J. | , *n rfi ;'ccl'?rt'le c ol g)t . ek C P Gy before--"say, five years." Edgar Jamieson (Conservative, South-- of the municipalities now?" asked F. G. Mr. Nesbitt (Bracondale) suggested | west Simcoe), Leopold Macaulay (Con--,| McBrien. ay Bonuej1, | a Yote of the ratepayers might be taken ' lservauve. South York), Fred G. Mc--|, The law is there," said Mr. 'nl?nv | on the question. Brien (Conservative, Toronto Brock-- | "Simply because some people don't keep | 1p vigorous terms, Mr. Morrison (East | ton), Paul Poisson (Conservative, North | the Jlaw, it is no reason why Oothers | Hamilton) claimed that if the bill "went | Essex), John A. Sangster (Liberal, | Should not pay their tax. | through" it would be nothing less than' | Glengarry), J. Fred Skinner (Conserva-- | _ The bill, he further stated, was OP-- | "a bonus to other cities." Speaking as tive, Leed:s), Austin B. Smith (Con--| bosed to the whole principle of the As-- | a Labor man, he felt that the man with / servative, South Essex), Hon. Fred T. I Sess;?;gt e?sit' exlf::orry Si{l'&lfi;e;]'i'?;io"é}é tlfie shmzll home would have to "pay ' M iiton), { NOW! > us 1 e shot," | sggep:f:l?sev';'/vat&?fso?es{tCOl;:g-'vative, or later, would have to abolish the in-- | H. A. Clark (Conservative, Brock-- | Cast Windsor). come tax. ; _,_ [ville) expressed opposition to the bill Aeainst the bill--Willlam A. Baird |__ID reP!Y to questioning by Mr. Uo--| on the ground that, if passed, it would gainst es igh Park), R muth, Mr. Bonnell said that there were | mean six mills to the city. (Conservative, Toronto Hig ath)' T. $191,000,000 in assessable income. Ab>-- Mr. Murphy (Beaches) injected a A. Baxter (Liberal'_ Oxford Sou P' "_' lition of the tax would mean a loss an-- new notée irto the discussion that aboli-- H. Bell (Conservative, .Toronto tf nually of $6,000,000. tion of the tax would mean the loss to woods), David Bonis (Con§erv@tIV® ) y Murphy--Toronto collects $2,500,-- | Toronto of all the income collected from South Perth), H. A. Clark (ConseTvA-- | goo, s big, high--salaried men from the United tive, Brockville), H. S. Colliver (cor.\'l It was Mr. Bonnell's further argu-- States who have located in Toronto, servative, Prince Edward), J. A. CVAE | ment that the Legislature should han-- and are living in the big hotels and (Conservative, Lanark North), F. W. |\ dle the question, and that abolition of | costly apartment suites. | Elliott (Liberal, Bruce North), E. C--)the tax should not be "put up" to the | Chairman Finlayson was about to call |: ' Graves (Conservative, £t. Catharines), | municipalities. It was "vicious" legis-- | for a vote on the principle of the bill Wilfred Heighington (Conservative, TOo-- | jation, he said, and should not pass. when Mr. Wilso~ (East Windsor) rosel ronto St. David's), Phil Henry (Con-- "Carrying Out the Law." ' to speak. His "poppm' up" was greet= | meon thabor. Reuorp). T. W. guiten | , Mr. Bennert of London styled him-- (Conservative, Centre Hamilton), T. P. :fl"ro gglie::eld iArfsngrg,?ng out the law." Lancaster _ (Conservative, . PeterDOrO' | urp Bennett said that London collected

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