The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1930, p. 1

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Mavc\q '2.8fi\ , WAS THOUCHTLESS, WITH GOVERNMENTiiN OPINION OF BRYCE | | SNIUN U 'Federated Associations Are in Baran »ifispul ; Asstfed of Move by i Evening Pager "Interviews" | Minister ul Are Denied by Tory f 9 | | e | M.P.P.'s | | I »-- ------ | 3 (EL PREMIER READS LETTER | i SiicaiiteAia en acivaantvaha i cce | _A special committee, composed of:i Th i3 ce aAkke esc ; ; irepresentatives of federated Anglers'|| recallee dG(fill 1t¥1cp0£;;i§;§.§ ml'relcxggzierg:i Associations in Ontario is to be formed | afternoon, but coupled with it v.'a:s ' later in the year to discuss with officials | strgqg praise for Hon. Dr. Godfrey's | Iof the Provincial Department of Game| i{rg.clltel?ta :éinlinbi.;';ratmn as Minister of and Fisheries the .problems of fish PYeS~ | _ premicr Ferguson read to the House ervation and stricter enforcement ot; a letter he had received from Rev.; | game laws in the Province, it was an--; Petg Bryce. It was as follows: | s § . Charles| '"Dear Mr. Ferguson: |nounced. lgst. night by Hox.1 a | "I note in the public press this| McCrea, Minister of Mines, in "'" agd~ | morning your statement concerning the dress before the Toronto Anglers' Asso--| postscript added by Dr. Godfrey in a ciation in Foresters' Hall. | letter dealing with a mother's allow-- Mr. McCrea stressed that a co--opera--| a\.'nce cz;se. tive spirit on the parts of sportsmen, * o":gol f:,'i;"kfig\?niag'f's Chai £ rather than the exactment of penalties| ,, ue mopnce. AP RITman Ol| for violations, should be the main pur--| alepr'(';(l;"r'; ATlowances Come)mssxon tf,('r fiks f | er of seven years. uring the pose of game--enforcement laws. Hel greater part of that time Dr. Gedfrey stressed further the conservation side otl was the Cabinskt Murister under whom | his department's work, and t(:ld men"/'the Mothers Allowances Act was ad-- bers of the association that "if a rod ministered. i ind c tare Ahat C ed anglers should be glad inistered. am writing to stace tha tax is .i:ntp:b;leel In bringing about fur.|| I never once recall an instance on the to pay 1 P in Ontario." !| part of Dr. Godfrey to use the oper-- 'ther repletions of fish in Ontario. ation of the Mothers' Allowances Act |\'alua.ble Report. t€d ie game : for any political advantage to himseif | _ Mr. McCrea commented on the game-- || or to the Government. fish report tabled in the Legislature ; "I go not think that Dr. Codifrey yesterday, which, he declared, was Of; numbers me among his friends Sinc? vast value to the department and t0o| ceasing to be Chairman of the Mothers all organizatiogis o; spo:tsmt;n. He :'fi;. Allowances Commission I have not met marked that his department was | him. He does not know thai I am fllrst o:l anjirdPr;)vint(;g lm 'Ctanlg?al\tfi?: Ig:;'- | \g'riting 3115 letter, but I feel it is my ploy the aid of a biologist. * » uty to do so, as I am satisfied from the Department Biologist, was one Of | intimate association with him for four | three officials who submitted the repfort. | years in the administration of the | Mr. McCrea said further, with refer-- °) Mothers' Allowances Act that the post-- ence to the report, that it was ""a";'e'd' ' script does not truly represent him. It able that the report should haze °n |! must have been written, as you kindly dela.t:y;:rdt:hbu:,i }«hat A;ts ;f)irr;(\iriggs: m"é::e .| suggested, inFa ;};oulghtless moment. wor e delay. A ~ § "Faithfully yours, ing the association had gone on record :; "Peter Bryce. expressln%e its re%ret txt;fit the ereport' "2 Highview Crescent, March 26." had not been made public sooner. | & The postponement of the opening of | ® l"C'h ;)es'( l;:}"'_'dmg; i nvatia: the bass season from June 15 to July 1 | beA,_" el fin 1i€d uCVnsCr\ame m'fm.' | was discussed by Mr. McCrea, who also| P°'S enthusiastically -- pounded . their ns desks and Dr. Godfrey glanc>d about reviewed the work of the department 4 & in fish and game conservation him. Several of his colleagues smiled Fenting Opposed > * | at him and banged their desks more : * | u. riously t ver. | Opposition to the fencing of the chan-- ' p';gzsaé Obefgre hi/?r.eFerguson read the| nel into Emily Lake by the Emily Lake, lett>r, there was another episode re--' S;'r') F\::snsbrg\ix?ri)ttedfipmbyggggsel}'o;\vdz-i callin;_;l the é)r:stscrip*t.i incident, tE S':. » re ~| Murphy, -- (Conservative, Toronto--St. ;r;bfish drépresetxaéngciat{?gn 3%?2%3:%'" Patrick's), rose and drow attention tt)O sh an ame Asso + W | a story in the Star, purporting to be the support of the local association. A) an interview in which he made com-- resolution proposed giving the fish and ments on the Godfrey cass. Mr. Mur-- game club the support of the Toront0 phy emphatically denied that interview sportsmen was amended, and is to be haq ever taken place, and declared he presented to the Executive Committé®@ haq not made the statements attributad of the a.ssociati;lm. j i the D t to him. He read a letter to corroborate Mr. McIntosh charged the Depart= his stand. ment of Game and Fisheries with blun-- PBusso!l Nesbitt (Conservative, Toron-- dering in consenting to the fencing of | to--Bracondaie) also denied that he had the channel. He charged further that mads the statrments attributed to him the fur comp:ny \;'asm givent;he 1::oruser}t; in thg Sittal; stolx'y. Tfhe digie}lsf;;'lir; of the departmen use the former's| greeted w applause from their prospectus for the sale of stock in Great; Conservatives. ince Britain. Mr. Ferguson then stated that Since Captain Porter of Lindsay represent-- | the incident was referred to, it was only ed the fur company, and gave his side| fair that he should pass on to the of the controversy, purporting to show | House the letter from Rev. Mr. Bryce. that the fencing of the channel would not be destructive to the passage of fish, as other provisions had been made. |

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