RINLAYSON DERID ES CHARGES OF LIBERALS ABOUT NORTH ONT ARIO Produces Documents anc Says One Northerner Sign-- ed Statement in Blank SOME COUNTER--CHARGES Alleged Letter of Libera Official Is Read in Legislature Hon. William Finlayson, Ministe of Lands and Forests, declared ir the Legislature yesterday afternoon that the charges that two Porquis Junction men had done farm work for F. C. Richardson, Northern Development In-- spector, and had been paid out of North-- ern Development funds, were nothing but political malice and an attempt to "get" Richardson. | He produced an affidavit and letter: to show, he claimed, that James Gamble. a Liberal Association President, had engineered the charges. | But yesterday Mr. Finlayson produce _ 'YO°uU don't need to be afraid; there an affidavit from Kydd denying th **° f(;l:ll' or five going 1n.'Jxm Mc-- statement, and also a letter which statee M@Non's has gone in today. If you that Mr. Gamble had asked Kydd t don't take it, then thpy have akqon&;- sign a sheet of paper which was blank back on you. But if you fake No affidavit, then you are through with so far as any statement was concerned : YJear of trouble. Mr. Sinciair and which gerried only MeManoni!'t ant cifor of Aroubl®, Mb Sb i viccs . signature. one of thp best 'la_\\}ms in Ca.na' a, will fight it to a finish then. Ferguson Afifidavits, He Claims. called for the affidavits and Sinclair m:':r'h F'm'lflwntfl"t' p?l:( ms'mno'"'? wired through for them. D e could not acce r. Clalr's "gso please make no mistake, and be explanation that what he had read in qown a'.: soon as possible. Ali you have it.he House a week ago was a signed to do is to go in to Mr. Montford in statement, and not affidavits, He de-- Ansonville and tell him just what you 013;ettlhthaptrehe :}mlll the otl:ler memb;::. worked, and he will take it down. It an e ss Gallery, understood y zn msemanaemen n emzaertute n nemanemmms Sinclair to say that he was reading affi-- R | davits. 'SU ¢ |\ _ _Mr. Sinclair again declared that heiONT AR!O FlN ANCE had not used the word affidavit. Mr. | I Finlayson rejected this explanation. U o o mmYEEsY ar ArIMY ¥arrckh '"Well, I must thank the honorable member for not taking the statement of an honorable member," Mr. Sinclair retorted. Mr. Finlayson declared that the Gov-- ernment had investigated the charges.| McMahon said he refused to be inter-- viewed by the Government investigator. Kydd declared that he had neveri signed the alleged statement. f | L Ithi in " K;:;; t'ger}ofifx'is:an affidavit from Mr. Wlthln Income, He "Porquis Jcet., Ont., March 26, 1930. | "I, the undersigned, do hereby swear AdVISeS i that 1 never at any time signed a statt:- T t t t e . ment to the effect that I worked on the farm of Mr. Frank Richardson, Inspec-- PUBL'C UTIL'TIES SOUND t,o; of the Department of Northern De-- masmcmnssmessmsume velopment, haying, pl nd harrow mg'p,md receyllve% pcg:'qlggsa" money "During the past fiscal year the Prov-- belonging to the Department of North: ince of Ontario had a revenue of $64,-- etn Development in payment for same. 000,000 and expended $62,000,000," said (Signed) "Albert Addison Kydd.| Hon. Dr. J. D. Monteith,« Provincial "Sworn before me at the Township Treasurer, in an address before 'the of Clergue in the District of Cochrane Canadian Credit Institute, Torontd this twenty--sixth day of March, 1930. tinued, also denied the allegations (Signed) "N. Grummeét." Frank Richardson, Mr. Finlayson con (Continued on 4.) Mr. Finlayson next read a letter from th> Government investigator as follows: "The Hon. William Finlayson, "Minister of Lands and Forests. "Dear Sir: Upon the instructions of the Deputy Minister, Mr. C. H. Fuller-- ( ton the Department of Northern Development, I went to Porquis Junc-- ' tion to investigate fully and impartially the statement made by Mr. Albort A. °_ Kydd and I wrote Mr. Kydd askting to come to see me at Porquis Junction. | Mr. Kydd acted upon my request and Si came to sse m on the morning of | March 26. "Mr. Kydd made the statement that a. Mr. James Gamble asked him if he had ' ever worked on the farm of Mr. Frank declared that while McMahon did some work for him he was paid "by currency out of my own pocket" and not by any Developm:nt Fund cheque. He had done two days' work in 1927 and was paid $7. C. Richardson, and after Mr. Kydd re-- plied that h> had Mr. Gamble asked Mr. Kydd to sign a blank sheet of paper which had already been signed by Mr. James McMahon. (Cortinued from Page 1, Column 8.) ONTARIO FINANGE BRIEFLY OUTLINED -- BY DR. MONTEITH "Pay Your Way and Live Within Income," He Advises Chapter, last night. f 1 The subject of the address was "Pro-- ; , vincial Finance, and the Rules Whlcl)]' Govern Finance as a Whole," and the| speaker emphasized "one of the laws ~ which you have to consider first is to Arc.h ?_%fl\ won't cost you a cent, and if you should be short for going in, come this far and either come to me or Mr. Rowland-- son and we will fix you up. "As soon as these go in, that fin-- ishes Mr. Richardson. "'Come down at once so it can be finished up. "Yours very truly (signed), James Gamble.' Says Gamble Is a Liberal. Mr. Gamble, Mr. Finlayson said as he concluded reading this epistle, was a prominent Liberal and President of the district association. "There is nothing in these charges but political malice and an attempt to get Richardson," the Minister declared. Replying to the Minister, Mr. Sin-- clair again declared that he had not said he was using an affidavit, when it was just a statement. Then he recalled proceedings in the House shortly before this Northern De-- velopment matter came up, applause from the Conservative benches when a letter from Rev. Peter Bryce was read by the Prime Minister. Mr. Bryce ro-- ferred to the Godfrey postscript inci-- dent, and then referred to the public service of Dr. Godfrey in the adminis-- traticn of his department. '"Now that the Minister of Health has' been clearly vindicated, and his action | in writing a postscript has been de-- clared 100 per cent. all right by this | Legislature and sealed with the seal of . thundercus applause by the Consery--| ative members, we may expect most anything to happen. So the Mlnister' of Lands and Forests ridicules what I have done." 1 Says Some Cheques Not Examined. "It seems to be an offense to wire North Ontario and to get information as a Liberal," Mr. Sinclair declared. He stated that a telegram was usually cou-- sidered private property, but that when it was sent over the T. & N.O. it be-- came public property. Mr. Finlayson protested that information as to Mr. Sinclair's telegram had not come from the T. & N.O., but was given in the let-- ter he read to the House. The Liberal Leader declared that the investigation into the charges was not complete because all the development fund cheques had not been examined. Mr. Sinclair declared that he did not believe that Kydd and McMahon had signed a blank stateriaent. .'"The Minis-- ter is, as usual, trying to cover it all up with ridicule," said he. Mr. Finlayson Gdeclared that the Governmeat would be glad to receive any further information from Mr. Sin-- clair on the subject and investigate it. lfiay your way and live within He promised that any one guilty would be dismissed. income." Dr. Monteith pointed cut that the capital indebtedness of Ontario now stood at $425,000,000--and made specific 'reference to the two great "public serv-- ice utilities," the Hydro and the T. & N.O. Railway. In the former he said "the dobt is $163,000,000, and at the present time the value of the plants in existence in Ontario would more than wipe out the total debt." Speaking of the T.--& N.O. Railway, he said: "We have an investment there amounting to some $20,000,000, where thera are assets in existence covering the total loan." f Dealing with the various sources 0f public revenuss, Dr. Monteith said that "a large secticn of the revenue come: from the liquor control, and in this connection. for services rendered. Only the people who make use of the liquor permits contribute to this fund." At the close of Dr. Monteith's address, B. Y. Haddy, M.C.I., Past President of the TdJronto Chapter, C.C.I., proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker, which was seconded by J. B. Radeliffe, F.CI, The meeting was presided over by J. J. Millar M.CL