' hr, T'i l 3121., , ' . -. o T , . - o . f, (lt.-9hr "iraitember the color - . a." 'paper? C""""""'"""") "l _ r ere s er y it... '.' . . litv--Who med you to sign it? -. . " A.--Mr. James Gamble. . ' ' . . tit.-Airho were present? r a e l ttth A.--Just' me and him. ' Q.-What did ou sl n a , for? y g _ blank paper ' A.--0amble stated to me he was just . checking up on the work. He asked o m ml e e S o me if I had worked on Riehardson's' farm, and I said yes. ,' r'---- - -----iie _---------- --r------------- Mr. Sinclair handed the paper on l Liberal Leader Sinclair/te, and understood-it before attaching which was written the statement in " (their signatures. ' d ti Lib 1 question (yellow in color) to the witness, ', Mr. Finlayson answere " era for inspection. Comments Bluntly on Leader's SUSSBStthZt oa'd'T"t'e,,?oogf,' Mr. Sinclair-ls that your signature . . with the claim , a er ty oroug at the bottom? Contradictory Testimony invisisation--tor the honor ot his de- Witness-Yes. . . partment was at stake, he said-he was Q.--1s that the paper you signed? at P robe and Tells Fin-J'tTr'ilec)l) that the whole case was based A.----') the best of my knowledge, it ' I S P on "petty spite." In fact, he said, B', isn't. l ayson to (art rosecu- letter Which Gamble had written to Who Signed m . Kydd, imploring him to sign an am- Will ' h . lions dent to back up the first-signed state- ... Q"; "1 yo." we" t at you never -----.--.- ment, had indicated that "the "iiriiii1tl'tifrr1v2'ilt t1'l7 I want." answer, motive of the affair" had been one of r. 3 . on admit it.is your sig- STORMY SCENES 1.3% Richardson." nature. How did your signature get , . there if you never signed that paper? OF CROSS FIRING Costly. He Charges. ( A.--I ..n.ever signed the paper with - - ': He charged that, Mr. Sinclair had' that writing. on it. . ----.----_ lbe"n responsible tor delaying the House Mr. Sinclair-What you say is that . . . land costing the Province thousands of you did not sign this. . Affidavit Duly Signed and [dollars over "a petty matter." Mr. Finlayson objected that l Lib- . . ! "I don't give a continental for the cral Leader was repeating the Witness's Sworn To, Signed In (,resJorisitouitf," Mr. Sinclair replied, reply infyrecyr.. k N S T :warmly. The .eirteliltg,i.eu",iaf, the state; I "All I want to know is whether my merit over ty WI ness. t nsaylng: "Wil Blan , of war" o al department is clean or not," said Mr. you swear today that you never signed All and Not Read Over Finlayson. i trertaterntnt as it now appears?" E , "Why isn't Gamble here?" asked some, I'ri)nl'iit,-d,. never signed----- . . committee member. ' r. nc air interrupted. ls Confusing valence! "He wasn't summoned," replied Mr. i, "Don't spg1,t him off," said Mr. Fin. . - iSinclair. "There are a hundred Tories t)pon. " ou were asking him a ques. Relating io One Docu here who didn't know enough to sum- l tion. Iett him answer it." t mon him." Mr. Sinclair waxed indignant. "rn men "Why didn't, you summon him?" 1eii going to stand for this," said he ----r-. asked Mr. Finlayson. "He's your Presi- 12't preparedd tol leave this committee - dent-your correspondent." rg now an pace before the publio as . d t:r,n,2rrtat','"d"tethl' evidetnce ad Expressed opinion of the latter that all Ihf,,documents I have In my pos u yes r y B e Legisla ure on the committee had been guilty perhaps session. . l Public Accounts Committee investiga- of "the most childish exhibition" in! Mr. Finlayson retorted that the Lib tion of the Porquis Junction wages years, and that a whole day had been) at: tgaggilgoug go 3; hedged. bu , v sted, drew from Mr. Sinclair the ad- n e a owe repea charges incident that Liberal Leader mihitlon: "Why be jubilant?" the witness's replies falsely. William E. N. Sinclair bluntly told Hon. "I'm not jubilant," said Mr. Finlay- " didn't," said the Liberal Leadei William Finlayson. Government comi- son. "I'm just sick of it." I " "You did." Mr. Pinlayson re???" eel. that unless prosecutions were launch- "Gone on His Account." I and everybody here knows you did. ed, he, Mr. Finlayson. would be remiss On examination by Mr. Sinclair, the Asked About McMahon. . in his duties. I first witness, Kydd, testified that he had 1 Further .,W, in the examination Mr "Either witnesses were perNring:worked on Richardson's farm for two Sinclair asked witness if he knew Mc. - rda s during 1927 at $3 50 per day and Mahon and had seen him since. themselves today," charged the Liberalimg't the $7 iGiiG to.him had JiGii "Yes," said witness. Leader. Pr there has been a iaked-upl on his account at Richardson's store." 9--lfave.a talk about the affair? _ aiBdavit. ' " owed him for groceries," stated A.---No, slr. Five-Hour Hearing. Ky d d. Q.---You never mentioned to Me- Mr. Sinelair's serious-toned declara- During that year he had also worked Mahon that ',?,u signed a paper with tion came at the conclusion ot the on the roads, and had been paid by his name on it'.: hours of testimony in which Albert A. Northern Development Branch chequel A.-No. i d y. h h Kydd and James McMahon swore that at the end of the month---the custom- Q-Nevcr 1isehee. lei hc/et, on at no time had they been paid with ary procedure. He had, he said, done Elbe fact_that its": 3.360" far t I,',.'!) tc Northern Development Branch funds no road work since that year. About "i-ed,'.",',.,,". an pi.ce o paper) for work done on the farm of P. C. March 26 this year he had received a. 'aT,. o, smi d b Mr Fl 1 Richardson, Branch Inspector; and in letter trom Mr. Dicker (the Govern-i "t ',t,"s'1',',1'lul1' . y 31 A. r n ayson which they swore that the signed state- ment auditor). asking him if he would 1vl'd'"i','hsfl, It til P's yea s Q agie .ment secured from them by James meet, him. This letter resulted in a if?" a en 5 . or overseas ser ce r ,Gamble. President of the Porquis Jung- meeting between Dicker. Richardson " . , ,, . . 'tion Liberal Association, and which had and witness, at Richardson's store, ','f/gtissttiasit1ie",f,iasM,raPtnt,1ia, them admitting the payments trom when Dicker had told him, in effect, " ositivel " that he had been paid by lRichardson they now deny. was noth- that he had come north to investigate 1',',71l'lv,,VLnfdll by cheque for every ing more than a blank sheet of - something that he (Kydd) was sup- day he had worked on the 'roads and lwhen they had put their signatures posed to have signed. [ , . Ito it Mr Sinclair-What did Dicker ask that Richardson had paid him either in McMahon also swore that the am- you'll leash, or through his store account, tor 'davit ot his which was read in the A.--He asked me if I had worked work done on the farm. , , . . . Mr. Finlayson-Do you want to swear lLegislature last week by Mr. Sinclair, for Richardson on his farm, and it I positively that there was no mix-up be- land which was also made in Gamble's had been paid for my work by North- , i tween the Governments accounts and {presence had been taken by E. Mont- ern Development cheque. Richardson's accounts? l :fort. notary public, without his oo- a.--Mnd what did you say? Witness-l do . ! Mahon's) "kissing the Bible" or seeing; A.--1 said no. - . .. " the "printing" which appeared above' (it.--Did you sign any paper at Rich- Righargggn 23231232720 dealings with} his name until a copy of the document ardson's store. . A.-Na. had been placed in his hands " hel A.--Yes. I signed an affidavit that I t2.---Not under anv obligation to' was about to take the train to Toronto) had received no Northern Development anybody? - last Monday to testify. li, money for working on Richardson's A.--No. Sign: Blank, Me "rs. l iarm. Witness swore that when Gamble McMahon further told the committee " Questioned " to statement. came to him. saying he was checking that Gamble and Montfort had taken 1 Mr. Sinclair questioned witness at up on "the works," he had not said down on one Shea ot pBper what he Ilength as to the signed statement which what he was checking up for. [had had to say about worms for Rich- I he tMr. Sinclair) produced in the Legis- Witness Is Applauded. tee,',',' and that when he told them he Ilature during the Budget debate, and, As M K dd 1 ted hi 'd we couldn't wait tor the thi to be "-type ,. . both MeMahon's and' r. Y "We Mi evt enc ' us which carried and rose from the witness chair a score (written" because his horse was "hungry Kydd's names beneath an admission ot committee members vir orousl " " - land cold" and he had to get home. they that Richardson had given them Gov- h i B? y .pd had 3 ted th t he his i t r work plauded him. C arman ack restore {to 'die' tt sign name crnment money for their a m . order and declared that it there was denim er empty sheet. This he had, 2,'eri/',lm,,1fJa2t1.' say, now, you never a further demonstration he would have . I Sign a . In direclt contradiction of the wit- Witness---, signed a common sheet of 33120:" offending members to leave inesaes' "g lined statement" story. Mr. writin a er with McMahon's name on " ' ' - Sinclair f11ed with the eommittee B new it, butg :opother writing. {cringe Quht'eeoLli',li' thaliIcClgngtgy aindavit in the ttont-r-one from ta.--Nmere was McMahon's name? a signature on the slip ot paper which Gamble. in which he claimed that the A.-T0 the best of my knowledge, it bore the statement alleging that Rich- Neee ot paper was not a blank: that was at the top ot the sheet. I