Feb i t 15 PROMISED SEQURL OF PEACEFUL STTING | [' iThree Important Bills Intro--| _ duced in 25 Minutes j | Yesterday | s t se | \ a SINCLAIR WILL LEAD OFF| Yoesterday's brief and peaceful sitting of the Legislature promises to be fol-- lowed today by a session of spirited de-- bate in which the Governm>»nt will be verbally attacked from Opposition benches, and dofonded from the Ad-- ministration's side of the Housso by Prc-- micr Henry himself. Twenty--five minutes was long enough to dispose of the business of the House | yesterday. It marked, however, the in-- | troduction of three important bills. | Two of thess bills were introduced by * |Fred G..-- McBrien, M.P.P. 1Torom;o-' | Brockton), and are sponsored by the City of Toronto. One bill provides for lan amendment to the Assessmeont Ac. | which would empower Toronto to ex act a business tax~from the Royal Yor \ Hote!, which is at present exempt fron | this tax by reason of the fact that it & a railway hotel. The other bill intro--| duced by Mr. McBrien is one to ameni " 'the Municipal Act; this amendmert| would allow Toronto to spend sso.oml yearly on receptions, entortainment;:,| | travelling expenses, etc., in place of'l the formsor limil of $20,000 allowed for | cities of over 200,000 population. Simi--} i lar expenses for other cities would be | | graded as follows: Over 100,000 pop--| | ulation, $20,000; over 50,000 population, | | $10,000; over 20,000 population, $2,500;E ' over 10,000 population, $1,000; coun--| | ties, $1,500, and other municipalities,| '$500. | A bill to unify the law respecting the assignment of book deobts was given second reading. Attorney--General Price explained that the bill followed a| recommendation of a committee of the Canadian Bar Association, and its pur-- pose was to make the various Provin-- cial laws respecting assignment of book | debts as nearly uniform as possible: !the better to protect those who made |\ loans on the security of book debts. | --In the absence of W. E. N. Sinclair, | House Leader of the Liberal Opposi-- | tion, Premier Henry explained that | certain other bills would not be in-- | troduced yesterday. Dr. Gsorge A. Mc-- | Quibban led the Liberal Opposition yesterday. Mr. Sinclair was suffering | from a cold, but it is expected he will | be in his place in the House today. | _ Today is Leaders' day in the debate® on the Address in reply to the Spesch | from the Throne. Mtr. Sinclair will | lead off, followed by Hon. Harry C. | Nixon, Progressive Leader, and Premier \Henry. Whether there will be a night | sitting will depend on the length of the | speeches, which, however, are expect-- 'ed to be comparatively brisf. nggeecicar e reeeaeratearniania en ces iccvone e vcmmecrnrentarainee