- w "W". ' _ . "tTrleeRPr'er'""'l"'"""" .- "" ' "'"'T - , "r'""""-,,!' /, . "' I, n.' . 're l I _ . ~V L . F _ _ H. eh _ ' e , . .. . . o _ " - --, that use 00- 'oJd 's. a»; . L'" "dhCra _ . _.' . . - a. Las: c-.f' tttgil2i2,iiei12f,?d,iliie5 -trt,emttttts which. it... re: ',2,og',"g'eeu',il'g,tt2, titre-W... he contended, no 1terseet,yet1f, think time that this thtetttnaion--aa the 'd"lhflflltlg vigilant to b'1t't milk of in any other light than a": tf"l'i,' Attorney-General Claims-seats con- producers against victimization, and to Swinging but to if! a: Gavem- templated by the Government." guard zealously against undermining 2e, T,',"",',; he Tf lot of legislation Away pm Criticism. and to make sure that milk which en- 'gil,',',, a." I t ingthe ublic interests The Attorney-General was very anx- ters the dairy as 3.3 does not become "Last 6:332... he 'Ill',',',',',',,',',,:"; "the , ious last year, he stated, to retain forlstangard grade immediately after in- ' ' - himself all he kd . spec on. . Government passed an Executive (302:0 ', Frauds Iegisltation "(11):: (ifhetu',e"t1,1,'iltl " 'Thereis every reason to believe that}: . r", eil Act-a can see that Bop? 0 ed cism became "severe and justifiabiy'the new act, was framed in an eameatr ' members recall it. This act igcreasow l so," he was quite ready to point out that attempt to better conditions for all can-i 1tle"t'ut1grt1'/',u?.'00tume1nte'g that ', most of the administration of the law cerned. But the pgssilgle disadvantages ' . l n dan ers to t e armer are se " this act became effective on April 3, 32:1: Infer, 2id2,2"e1 Sgcretary. tect gThe dairy farmers are already 1930. they made it retroactive, if you . sion u. Ni pp mend 'l', 'lft'T,'o',' li working under'conditions which border _ please, to Nov. l, 1929. t l, . b fog wirlne 31 s g: on the unbeargt2e. Their interests de- l "It was pointed out in the by-elec- got e an oar WI slseycra mem rs, serve even more energetic championing tions how some 1!lnl.s,tte,llttd to use u"I l f/ll',';,':.',,',',',",,?':,",] 'itt 1d b than would ordinarily be the cage." [such terms " 'ultra vires, sub iudtilcje.t [ too i"l1,7lf""i',' as; nth; 'this "Galinmisf Right Under Regulations. [and 'so on, but I venture to may a Fiona:- be not a partisan; but it the "Then I notice in the discussion of I no word was quite so sweet to t , ears " ' recent producers' conventions that the of my honorable friends opposite as right person is appointed, he would be . . th ht d long 000 retroaetlve.' as much above suspicion of party fa- companies are taking .e rig un er , voritism as any Judge upon the Bench the Regulations to say what proportion Suggests Salary Catt. phi h l rtain' cannot be said of the of milk they receive shall be surplus "Now I respectfully suggest that We'dnci is?" 'yf iii; an G A m milk. Section 5 ot the regulations have this changed back to $10,000, andla 1 n 1:; on o b e t 3:an ene says: 'Surplus milk or milk received make it retroactive. Surely this new oruany (h er CT em ego t e rown.th at a distributing plant, but not sold or bunch, these neophytes on the Anot TI "553d 3:1 y 'it) walls 'i distributed for human consumption. Treasury benches, are not worth what Milk .Aet. J1er" S , ongy a shall be paid for on a straight fat basis. the old got. They should not want the time, an. {in}; 11:01? "ee, ',,'g,'t',t1, So we have these companies. days or to start oft on the same rung, attained than Ever. 11913;!" 2, "1:51": "D it has weeks after the milk has been delivered, after years of climbing, as their pre- 099"; antic to "£11m should do the notifying the farmers that a propOr- decessors, and I think most people in , inislautrim' 'ldl rhot we the Cabinet tion ot their milk will be paid for only Ontario today would admit that the t 5g L clinglanket we? to legislate bytm this manner, at, I suppose, about 35 Cabinet was well paid at $10,000 apiece. l Ogggr-ln-Council and Regulation and i tyents per pound butterfat, making for Goodness only knows where some ct ', I ho c. that under this new Adminis- (3.3 milk $1.15 per hundredweieht for them will get one-third of it when ': tratirn' there will be a change ot policy iwhat the farmer expected to get $2.16, i thfy 1001': for 131:; when the electorate _ ii, this regard ' and on which he probably paid 50 cents go s a c. ance a em. ..' . 'oi it (per hundredweight to have delivered. _ l "It ttt written on the wall, Mr. t Mugs: {15:30:23 0th: 1'sjleu2"i'i','t /, And there is also the suspicion: that' 13mm A ..protinent Toronto paper features ot the Milk Act and how itisme or this milk for which the dairy isuggested editorially that the old chief discriminated against the farmers ini paid less than 3 cents per quart might; was the one that made a lot ot ciphers favor of the great wealthy, milk-dis- find its way into the retail bottle at 13) look like a million dollars. I would. tributing ttrms he seemed impressed, cents per quart. This whole law, and' not care teye quite as far as that. I and assured the the farmer would be the regulations under it, is wrong, play-l When this action has been takenl taken care of in the Regulations. Well, ins directly into the hands of the great.' and we are back where we were last? he was-just like the cat takes care of wealthy distributing corporations. I session in the matter ot salaries, I am the mouse "The people you need to protect. Min. prepared to.reconyrlend, and cheerfully ' Al Minister, are the consumers in the cityl accept, in View of the serious situation "if? "ZE- arinerk guthe new Minister and the producers in the country. ! in which the country finds itself to-' f Am; lgng lasthiOS' If our depart-i "These great multi-millionaire Corpo-; day. an all'round reduetion.ot 10 per o gr cu ure 5 ' '. d th ~f , I3 rations are well able to look after their: cents .This might well apply to all of merit cannot (1.0 'es/lg, (at. e a??? [. own interests. Talk about the New. the manor-paid officials in the Civil er, tor heaven's "d f st}: 'Jie, '35: Zealand butter, and what it did to the: , '.s,T,t,"tey, to those receiving ovfr $51M. bNow,S: Icahn?!) fnw Z3331; King Government. This act has cost the g$3.500--bu.. certainly not to apply m t not 11; neTheso matgters had alwal'sl farmers affected $10 for every 10 cents "his way to our Liquor Commissioners.. Econ 1,'dl d d 'ia't1'r'd',iu.'i' so bi- ' the New Zealand butter ever cost them, {Their salaries should be cut straight in t Ill se g , an d distributor? It Vast and, unless It is put on a fairer basis 3:1; 35mm?" the 10 per cent. reduc- 3,1333% no]? J/ll branch of. lgl'icil'l-f should have, and will IT), the $3112. ' . . ' . effect against this Admin ra on .a ', , Pew. Zealand, you have noticed, has (vu/tIle/ttrits/thilt' cig'ernnge,nieh.e,.t,,e,; New Zealand butter had against thatl émeggngaer Jt2t T33 t2,t.'ti1,,f2v,fIttJi" and interference, and, strangely? of Mr. King." I tines. and I 1,tiee, "8's his}; timek for'enough, the only pranCh that S'hOWCd" "iT-""-""-"-"""""""--""'-"""-""""-"'-"-'"""'"'""""" iii" Government to take action along T inset: reiterates. ijlv;i,e-,./ e lines I have suggested. ' I' , - 'rl) V " Another law which we should repeal I that these numerous ggi,fi.1tgd'/f' ['l'lit . is that requiring a $200 deposit to [irii'r1trtiff'ti,'e',f,1 Jirne or ernmcn con i a $131813: Il 2fft'ft'gd,tgttit/ "Although those lawmaking regular seriously embarrass at the present time _tions were not drafted till September, the entrance oi "ii"ry" proper individuals , and not made law till January, the great} iii an 'iiiiii'ii,i contest V ldistributing firms knew what they were:' _ - ' . igoing to be as early as last May, and might of Fame": farmers were so advised. Evidently the . I know that it we were to con- dairies knew before the Government! tinue for another three years under what the Regulations were. Well, thel the scourge of the Federal Government l Regulations became law, and the follow-. policy and this Government taxation, it ing day The Toronto Globe, with re-l' would be a difficult matter to tInd an :,' markably shrewd insight into this situ-l .ndependent farmer who has tAeGirdii,' said editorially: Q amount of money to put up in midi-1 "'Highly important changes in the . tion to the costs ot an election. Itiprice of milk and the system of grading g may be different, of course, for thoseliveni into effect on Jan. 1. Not only! so fortunate as to be attached to the; was the price paid by the dairies to the l,, Conservative Assoeiation,with its alleged farmers reduced to $2.20 per hundred- campalgn funds, but the bona fide can- weight, but the new Provincial act, V didate in this Province has always been which went into force on the same date, _ amply protected by the requirement ot provides for grading and inspection of i ' 100 signatures to his nomination paper, milk quality in a manner which may i * and. I am certain that, in the minds seriously affect the income ot the: of the vast majority of the people, it farmer. I is ample security today." " 'The statement of one of the dairy: Speaking briefly of the Attorney- Presidents throws some light, on theI _ General's earlier announcement of a importance of the changes. Mr. J. A] Commission to administer the Security Caulder, President of the Dairy Cor- Frauds Act. Mr. Nixon said that, "after poration of Canada, Limited, says: l a year of stewing in his own juice, and " '"If a man sendsin3-3 milk he will l after the special parboiling handed to be docked tour cents and get $2.16. It him in the recent by-elections," the he sends in 3.5 milk he willnget an ad- 1ttg5g"tti',"rr,'r1,1, hfad thought it well /1it"iqa,1vitoo:1,i)'iit,'c,bJiifiii,'i", p o id a, e 'rans er. r V1 e l . tomef'kNixon 'J'l'ld', attention of thezby the Ontario Government will need if _ to his advocac " the 193mm be carefully scrutinized it justice I "2:!" of a o'2'J,','lilf,"g,',,,,,1tlfl,io,1, tolls to be guaranteed to the farmer. The I _ 'se din th act and added that when inapeetora who 'ue to grade the milk :han e e d th I t"t Atto under the new act are ostensibly civil (he had ma e e propose ver r- servants. But they are to be paid br, V ner-General and the then Prime Min- y _ . Fe ha h h the dairy corporations. There is an later, Mr. rtrus0n. d poo poo ed Jrld adage to the effect that 'the man