The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1931, p. 1

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Eab 2g promicss, s % » .'M_--_------\_--_----_-- y Uniformi icy| _ niformity of Policy} In H ital Affairs Sought in New Bill g | soreemmemmmemmemmcms l m umm m mm emmmgmmmtem +m mmmmemes mm mmmacemcm . | % i | Without the stop law, and with HO"OI' ary Advnsory Board"R AlLW AY STOP BlLL 'many more motors than Quebec, On-- ' tario, he said, had reduced the rate of Ef Trustees at Toronto" | level--crossing accidents fronglz s'fifty(-itwt'o 3 1 | | in 1928 to forty--seven in 1 and to '.e"er al Hospital would;; OPPOSED IN HOUSE | thirty--four in 1930. The campaign for Give New Trustces Bene-- safety was making considerable progress i ® N in reducing this type of accident, he fit of Experience and, said, and suggested that the bill ne A d v i { rtne [ P \ | withdrawn. At the next session, with ¥1¢e 0o Retll' ng | more extensive information available, Members § wwz es --~~' § i't;v Xa}:gr::"l,): :lesti}c'i::cd again, he added. _--_--_--___--_-- i Premier Says Efficacy Of "mir. Ellis also withdrew another bill, a on the suggestion of Provincial Secre-- IS IN TRODUCED l QUCbeC La\J NOt tary Macaulay. This bill provided that BY TORY MEMBERI Proved citizens be prevented from voting in | more than one ward in municipal elec-- w zmm _ | Sr s t | tions on property qualifications. Constitution of an Honorary Advisory} F U RTH ER DATA NEEDED Ac': l;x'lal'stomaix;lo?utctgebI;xg;"x;:ysG'?raMfiZc.: Board of Trustess for the Toronto Gen-- | eaemaslnscu Brien (Conservative, Toronto--Brock-- eral Hospital is provided for in a billé With a hint from Premicr Henry toD) which seeks to empower Toronto introduced in the Legislature yester-- that with further data ths proposal to reduce still lowgr the f1fteen-mfle§- day by E. J. Murphy (Conservative, i m: "' fusy s per--hour speed limit for r'not,or cars in * J Filo w or 0 might be considered next ysear, Arthur city parks. Two other bills sponsored Torouto--St. Patricks). | Ellis (Conservative, South Ottawa) yes-- by Mr. McBrien, one to enable munici-- fo'Ir':letyblcx)lr i;o gcs'gine'tlto Pt; ;lmfie rufli' | terday in the Legislature withdrew his | paltitiestt,o ;;gy nt*:enSilTi}? (tio itxhetgepend- i¥ cy in the affairs of the | m is 'ants of policemen ed in the per--| hospital and to give new Trustees me: bill to requng all moforists to stop at': formance of duty, and the other to| benefit of ths experience of other hands | "41lWay crossings. . |create a Ward 9, received second\ at the helm who have retired from the| The bill was opposed not only by irea,dings. active board. [ Premier Henry and several of his sup» [ CCC cuuntz=scre=e fl\'(e)njlria?;eng?;e h}';(';spf&r{::de;r;mg; | porters, but also from the Libsral ranks, ; k Trustees will be eligible for election to | W. E. N. Sinclair declaring that the ij / SChOOI Slte Tl'alleelTed the Honorary Advisory Board. Thcl time nad not yet arrived for such legis-- ¢ eomemreemm ns onnontenemnence functions pf this board will be purely | lation. Discussion on the question prO-- ) (special Despatch to The Globe.) advisory; it will take no part in the| duced only two supporters for the pro-- / GALT, Feb. 25.--The site 1 active direction of the hospital's af--| posal, namely, Mr. Ellis himself, and ) ino Oontsio Girly Sch silfo g: fairs. | F. W. Wilson (Consorvative, Windsor). | | , _/ e 8 20100 mu+ cto R ( built here, consisting of forty At pressnt the Board of Trustses of | Hazard Cut in Quebec. @ acres, north of the Preston Road the hospital consist of 25 members. In support of his bill, Mr. Ellis de-- } was 'tndey transferred to the Eight members are appointed by the| clared that the number of fatalities &At | ontga--ip é-O"°fnment' The $8.000 Government, five are appointed by the | level crossings had been materially re-- ; ralsed | be WGalt and -- Preston University of Toronto, five are apP--| duced in Quebec after that Province sonle to buy it was turned ove pointed by the city, and seven are| had adopted a law requiring motorists | 'L'(;'thn O,'_W,g NCS. A 019" C elected by subscribers to the hospital. | to stop at all railway crossings. He said || _4 ns qaeq ]Si bg"fes "c'lcfj- The idea behind the bill to permit| that even if the law were not obsorved | |; 3},, Ni. C W;VI t? O;F'a;' te ( the establishment of the Honorary Ad--| in every instance, it would be obeyed / of Pi?k;!"- We'far art 14 mI?; ?f | visory Board is to retain the benefit sufficiently to at least reduce the present , us fictod'u cog' ta;.xe,f\ once.k "li ; | of the experience and knowledge of the hazard. i Pe haimannias "u;!ul(.n Wole VHk | retiring members of the present board,| 'p,. J. Mahony (Conssrvative, Went« | "C9!" iN °ns e2t'y summer. $ Mr. Murphy told The Globe. worth South) opposing the bill, said i}~~~~~~~~y~nllacadeaadane |\ _ The bill is made at the instance 0f that, in a recent tour in Quebasc he had, n ue se i m e We t h¥ enc ante | the present Bcard of Trustees, The on'y seen the stop law obeyed on twol ""'"\"" * k« \ Globe learnsd last night from Mark occasions. If it wore made necessary' ( I C f g \Irish, one of the veteran members O0f for thousands of automobiles to come to| / n ConTerenc? j ; the board "'ho has served thereo,l for &A Stop at eaCll rail"-ay trac}( in Ontario': ia\u\n\u\u\u\n\n\nt\u\u\ud | more than 20 years. "The bill will pet-- the resuiting congestion would be far| 6 \ mit members of the present board to more dangerous than the condition it| "Let me say that the real reason for \resign, if they so desire," said Mr. soumht to remedy. he said. i * nt." saild \Irish, "without at the same tims mak-- "The time has not yet come for such fieien No all s :.Lbse:;e.b:mg} 'Public ing it necessary for the hospital to lose: a law," said Mr. Sinclair. "The present HOI}- W. G. Martin, Minis ex.' 0 j | the benefit of their experience. If ai signs at level--crossing approaches are Weifare, speaking at last night's ban-\ member, who has served long, wishes warnings. and one can hardly believe quet of the Ontario Road Builders' As-- to resign and be relieved of the daily! that a prudent motorist would driv?e ;) ;jp;on a; ho King Edward Hotel,| grind of duties as a trustee, he may | over a railway crossing without lo0kK-- fijg that, on leaving the Buildings this do so under the terms of the proposed' ing for approaching 'trams. afternoon, I heard he was in 'close bill, but at the same time he may act| Premier Henry, in'hls remarks on the conference' with the Minister of High-- on the honorary and advisory board." | bill, said that similar measures had ways, with reference to the possibilities \ _ Another bill introduced by Cliffordf beon proposed IO}' a good many years. of giving extra grants for roads. -- I \ Case (Conservative, North York) would| Railway crossings WeTre at present understood, further, that while the | enable the Township of North Gwillim-- | protected by signs by the Highways Do-- Highways 'Minister was not 'putting bury to buy the right of way of the old | partment in addition to th?' warnings l anything over' the Prime Minister, the Metropolitan Railway through the| provided by the railways. ';:he most |latter was listening very sympatheti-- township. The purchase of the right |important part of the question," he said, | cally to everything he had to say." of way will provide a road which will| "is whether the bill would get the re-- "~/{ ',, | laughter subsided following probably be improved, running in close| sults we all desire--a reduction of | ,, _ foregoing statement, the speaker proximity to many residents who sum-- b level--crossing accidents." So far, h? added: "1 have said that to You toad-- 'mer on Lake Simcoe. | continued, such measures had noi ...,, ders, but the Lord only knows proved their efficacy. _ . _ what will appear in tomorrow mom-. ing's papers."

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