KW >c piicngtinouies § Srelieneeiabeieinantnesimmmnton s use mm arrenmenerss sinmmmmmmmmenrinnnstcne sns auiuhs KJns Magistrate's Ord [ o Kill Vici D Authority to pronounce the death ward situation. as. according to one »enalty on dogs which bite human be-- g:blic official, tll\'dagistratw mit'hetalia" lves . t e ve on more than one occasion en ings is, for the first time, to be vested upon themselves the right to order the A Magistrates of this Province, through destruction of vicious dogs. an emendmeont to the Doz Tax and "A Magistrate in the past has not Sheep Protection Act, which Hon. 'T.| been vested with the power to order the L, Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, destruction of a doz," stated County brought down to tias Legislature yes-- | Crown Attorney Frank G. Moore, when terday. questioned by The Globe last night. He Under the present act, Magistrates-- | expiainsd that, when it was found that nor any one else, for that matter--have | a person had been bitten by a vicious no power to deal with, vicious dogs.| canine, the animal had to be kept under Trequently cases have been brought to| observation for a period of ten days, so the attention of the Qusen's Park au-- | that any signs of rabies or discase where persons, bitten by L\vould show up. J. McNabb Wilson of canines, have appealed to the law to the Humane Society admitted that cases have the animals destroyed, and have| had been known in the past where been unable to got any satisfaction. In | Mazistrates had assumed the right to fact, a number of Magistrates are said | order a dog destroyed. to have requzssted the Attorncy-Genaral! From another oficial The Glose had to step in and take soms action. Thei the question: "If it is so that Magis-- requestsd action is now -- embod.ed in| trates have been despatching dogs Colonel Kennedy's amending le2islation. | without any autnority, what comesack Ths proposed legislation brings to' have the owners of the animals that light, it is claimed, a somewhat awk--| wore put out of business?" s w4 d