The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1931, p. 2

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* ied f.'.é.l < : 4 ies ' § 'o; ns y it it iess eltonecreongge + ns P * es ]Fal'quhar Oliver, U.F.O., _ (continu--a From Proceding Page.) _ , head charges, ;.end ex(litered tié)b(} the! ing the last few years, and compliment-- | question of "burdening down" the farm--| * i South Grey, hioves an gc]ig tthe Hydro C}:)mmls,slon on the in--| companics fwilrl1 hardig take farm ir!skas." reas had made in bonuses to|In view of the existing economic de-- Amendment to Address, ga?usfniis?icn lines in rural sections.| pression and the higllzurateslcha,rggd by i ini i "It won't be five years until we have |companiss, farm buildings, he said, are ' | Scormg Admlmstratl.on one flat rate for all hydro users," he| made "very inflammable." -- for Failing to Establish preaictsd, amid applause from the Op--| _ Crossing swords with the policy pro-- * * position bench»s. "This is an age m'henlnqux}cements of Hon. T. L. Kennedy, and Maintain MarketS we want equal rights, and no special| Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Oliver privilegas." stated that it was not a case of the * for Farm Produce Packing companies had merged to home market being too long overlook-- .such an extent that that industry was|¢d, as the Minister had claimed, but a : mcgar eapmepcrngy t one big morger under two names in |Case of the home mfirk@ta being "too s POETRY IS Q'JOTED !Canada, he said, and the resu'lt had ifi"-tg OV;'gmggt"s'g'zd-cage :'v'?;lif; :x?lfi:; been a reduction of exports to the mar. | piéte agresment, nc said, * BY TORY MEMBER kot of Great Britarin from $96,000,000| debate statements of D. J. 'Taylor 4 to $21,000,000 in six years. The only | (Progressive, North Grey) that before ? o eer on. . g remedy for live--stock breeders rest--|long Western Canada hogs would be ' Agmmtum had the floor agam miCd in the rail"'ays and packjng com-- Cl)rfling 'nto this hov'.nce "to further s the Ontario Legislature yesterday, but 'panies getting back the British market. | Slut up & market already overcrowded." ~ «the Agriculture Department got & MIdC mns wneat pool, he declared, was or--| There was no doubt, in the face of slam to one side when Farquhar Oli-- |pon;z,q anq opcrated for the bonefit SUth a threat, he said, that Ontario ver, young U.F.O. member for South 'o'f Ihns b'x'n-':s had to look outside her own confines Grey, declining to follow the "moonlight o is for markets. f and roses" atiitude of the Liseral and Scores Western Farmer, o. | All in OlG Report. Progressive Loeaders in regard to the He indulged in a vigorous CriticsMm| ty moving his amendment, Mr. ,Henry Administration's handling o{|of Western farmers, who, he said, took Oliver referred to the report of the farm problems, moved an amendmentilit.tlc care of their fertile land, used 1924 Agriculfural Inquiry Committee, a to the Address motion that would com-- labor only a fow months, and that im-- report awhicn he presumed had been gmlt the House to a disapproval of "the ported, and left Eastern farrqers to lying in some dusty pigeonhole of the failure of the Government to establish look after their employees following the | Aprjeuitural Department for the past and maintain markets for farm prod-- harvest. five years--a report which, he added, ucts, so that by increased selling volume There should be a reorganization Of| couqd ably tell the Government "what the farmer could meet his high over-- conditions from start to finis', he "f"is wrong with agricuiture" if they took head cost." firmed. Especially he suggested that| nc trouble to look into it. In his firm The amondment was seconded by T. asricultural d'strict 1-sp1-o.~;cntsti'.v(.siOpimon the Government had not pur-- K. Slack, Progressive, Dufferin. should have real live assistants. T"e:sucd the vigilance with respect to the Coupled with Mr. Oliver in his debate Government, he thought, should @ssist| wnien, nowadays, he argued, were ab-- criticism of Government policy--if far small fairs and exhibitions to a greater | solutely n:'c:sia.r:} to farming--the vir-- less direct and less caustic in his tonc extent. To cure the present unem--| u;n fertility having practically disap-- than the first--named--was A. H. Acres, ployment situation, he suggested that| porred from the soll of Ontario--Mr. Conservative, Carleton, who usually can the railways should engagze in the| ojiyer claimed there was plenty of room be dependad to urge a flat rate for transportation of coal from one part Of| for an investigation into the prices 'Hydro, in defiance of Government Canada to another. Trades unions| whi--n they demanded. One type of 'policy: to appeal for an extended system might help in the return of prospetrity.| moliand fertilizor. which he had had of Agricultural Representatives: and to the increased purchasing m""'?rlundor consideration for his own farm, '"'barrage" the excessive taxation now, of the dollar, the mambers of the build--| cour4, he contended. be laid down in burdening the rural areas, and who did ing trades cculd accept lower rates ofi Toronto from Holland at $11, while the not disappoint the crowded galleries of wagos to encourage building operations.} price asked for "the same 'thing" by the day. A third speaker, who pushed Mr. Acros said he had recently sg)cxltlcgnidi.'m companies was $24 and 335 s ; the debate on another notch toward & five days in Russia, where "'118,0')0.000}Sl 18 Cut Hyd 'R i § wind--up, was W. W. Staples, Conserv-- workers are working to producs. I-Iowl l'f\'"t'h y P'; ai !:: :'%S;" hn n Aqiipat ative, South Victoria, who poked a lot are you going to stop them marketing ) ,, ; .?'l"'ld ins "d'?n@t T CY Cl 4n i} NC tof fun at the allegedly strained rela-- that produce? We in Canada will have | '_5' \r;) 3 "'f hf"."js"-{fi" t.}e TM~ tions between the Liberals and the Pro-- to got down to some basis to oirsct' n mae notle ar <Ton coand peon | hibitionists on the liquor question, and that compctition." ermment should get WVie prices down, who recited Edgar Guest and a couple xo Lonrer Able to Pay i'"" ter the fashion advocated by Mr of other rhymers by the name of Poe, ~ L _ °L' _"*~' | Acres. Another matter to which the| --and was it Longfellow?--in suppor Reverting to the tax for roads, he| Government might well devote some ati--| of his general argument against Op declared that Carleton County had come| tention was that of insurance. ! i ne po.nt where i ildn't ps * '"'Today," he claimed, "insurance position criticism of the Government t'o 't ie po.nt where it couldn't pay ad [# Today, o f > ' and its varied obijectives. ultlgml :?.1? tz::l:»;xtlon._ P d "H tl ing 'tmzd ',,lo ? pomthg'nterc he soon|! Regre "I want to tell you," he said, "that| won e able to pay s taxes." ' C tts l;u"k of Interest, the tims has come when you can't con-{ Speaking of commercial fertilizers,| ontinuing his speech in the debate, tinue this increase in taxation. There|agricuitural industr it should have [ Mr. Acres declared that it was a mat--! av+s ninces in Carict ty th. c l Taim of rlure aig t fure. a0t1) .'l ter of regret that agriculture w t are places in Carieton County that can--| Talk of future aid and future action | such a Jow sbb Farmger hu C l;as At not rent for the taxos, electric biill| would not down easily. he said, in '.hel discouraged OS readin s'r e sta ,rwere and insurance costs." 'The only hope|face of the little that bad been done | S Uceess of banks whfleg eporisl(t), ithe' of remedy that he saw was assistance in the past. One could not, he I'elt,' 5 » no agriculturists| fyp asricuiture. The assistance to agri-- ! expect much from deopartmental in--| ere enjoying successful yoare. culture in mesting world competition| vestigations now under way. I regret," he declared, "that busi-g was not sufficient at present. H2a criti--«| W. W. Staples (Conservative, Vic-- ness men and banks are not taking & cized Toronto for paying laborers 40| toria South), severely criticized the ke.enef, interest in the agricultural situ--| to 50 cents per hour, declaring that| Liberal candidates, and speakers for | ation. | twice the number should be employod' "wading through mud" in the last by-- Coming to the question of education, at 20 cents por hour. Ielectjons, and declared it to be to thel Mr. Acres stated that the chi}dren O ntiscd Farming Worst Of. | everlasting credit of Mr. Sinclair,Libzral | all classes of people were entitled to It was mixed farming that, in most| House Leadei, that he refrained from' a public school education. "But §€C-- sootins of Ontario, was the worst off,| Participating in such campaigns. The ondary and university education should arsued Mr. Oliver i No prosperity 'ms' results of the by--eloctions had vindi-- e ¥ * & a¥4 4 & 44 O 4 qAE + w € be paid for by the individual benefit-- |to be found in this class of agriculture| Cated the Attorney--General, he #¢-- | ing," he asserted. "Their education except in cases of men who "special--| firmed. should Pe their capital investment t0| izad." Any person who had a farm,! Mr. Staples twitted William L. P.| € hich they look forward for returns| "pousht and paid for," was either one| Newman (Liberal, Victoria North) as| r on, jusk as a farmer who buys @ who had had it left to him or a chap| a member of the Prohibition Union who m looks forward to a return on his who throusn "unusual circumstances"l had been reported to have said at ths capital investment. had found himself in better shaps than| Liberal convention, "We have to get rid All Provincial highways should be tho "pgreat majority of his brcthrcn."'of the temperance issue," The Conser-- paid for by taxes on gas, tonnage and | "Overhead charges," claimed the| vative Party, he declared, believed in | _ motor licenses, and should no longer young South Groy momber, was chiefly| moral suasion and Government control be made a charge against the rural Lback of the present agricultural de--| to promote temperance. He also praised taxpayer. '"'The cost of the highways pression. Government services were|the social welfare activities of the should be charged to the user," he d2-- splendid things, he added, and the. present Administration, as well} as its|' clared. farmer was glad to avail himself of| agricultural and its public heallh He professed to see a greater con-- them, but they also represented over-- policies. sideration of rural users of Hydro dur-- Ee rmmn io romemimihenemenetremeen zen 3 : j (Continued on Next Page.) ;\

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