The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1931, p. 1

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f Marc.k 0 s ' Votes f 1 en _ '\V otes for Cat OICWOmfl And Police Board Ch C _:. A f Pass Council; Arena Is Ki | r d 18 RIIHE | l ies rnire e ie ue se ts c es caaans e ies s i s s 4 * § s TIr legislation was not granted, the !Provmcxal Legislation Will Be Sought, Including Right li i Were enpnted h be criticized, and, if | * _ _« | 're granted, the vincial Govern-- _ of Appeal to Supreme Court From Commission's) ment should receive the credit. __ _ _ , Decisions--Montreal Hockey Interests Fail to, * S onoeine on en e $ c ve pposing the Legislation Co it» Win Plea for Spadina Crescent Building || tor's report to establish & Police com. ' $;s;jotn tceont.;ilsti&g of a Judge or a | h td Magistrate, the Mayor and a third per-- SEPARATE SCHOOL REQUEST REFUSED (a un se uaer's that e le ' FOR ELECTIONS ON CIVIC VOTING DAY | in the position of saing who the third person should be and that it savored 5 ;, '-- of politics. He stated th CSk tl:xy g vote qf 14 to 13, the City Council last night decided to had confidence that the M:;orc%?fig 5 e Provincial Government for legislation permitting Roman TCDresent the city's interests, Alder-- atholic women to vote for Separate School Trustees, and that W2"__ Wadsworth, sponsor of | the they should be so designated on the voters' list ggg'x)a?mnriao? f aimtwerf % 1that Wpti en . V * ston's point of view w Clov 3% r?xevottef of 18 to 10, Councxl. de.cxded to ask the Provincial and insisted that the Mayor ;suu;rg;xv% nment for legislation establishing a Police Commission in P'3S 4nd prejudice and would not pay the City of Toronto, to be composed of a Magistrate or Judge, |[20 , " , ols destrous of appoint-- the Mayor, and a third person to be chosen by the two appointeci milghe en Bake, members, and also to zsk for the right of Wadeworktys proposttion was aig,-- hission' & rIg of appeal from a Com-- man Wadsworth's proposition was simi-- ion's decision to a Supreme Court Judge. lar to a motion placed on the order With only eight members voting against it, the Council fD' SWeC VSAtS $to by Sam Wright, accepted the Board of Control's report of NOn--COncurrence in man. It was then advoc. Ned in Cerihin ; f as then advoca ::31;: t;request: of Montreal interests that they be permitted to Sircles by William Croft, adlilr'orc:ir;?g; ct a sports arena on the site of old Knox College. Conservative, How 'They Youed. $ Any man who says politics would TThe votes and their sponsors were: supporters app_e_ared*_ in the City Hail not enr,'er into the Police Commission is Request for legisiation from ine pro. | Ritndors_as. Connolt was . @stherine. | F0 tur Mavol: . AThis is rounms vincial Government permitiing Roman The presence of Mr. Henderson and his PCP elect our Mayor. 'This is recog-- Catholic women to vote for Separate deputation resulted in the appearance, Dized. The Government is political. School Trustees, on a resolution sup.| OL Leslie Saunders, District Master for | The Government would appoint one mitted by Aldermen Quinn and Glass: | OUtATiO West of the Orange Order, _ | MAN . Who, flong with the Mayor, would Yeas--Ramsden, Chisholm, Beamish.,._ ""'St O" the original request of the| appoint a third man who would work Wadsworth, Hunt, Quinn, Eigie, Glass, fCDArate school supporters and then on | witt the . Chyet Magistrate. Chamberlain, Rogers, Baker, Whett,er'"he second resolution giving Romar | Johnston, Hamilton. "Catholic women the right to vote for 1 Nays -- Robbins, Simpson, Hacker, CCP¥rate School Trustees, Aldermar | Winnett, Siberry, Leslie, Hoxdswonh,f Harry Hunt and Alderman William | Duckworth, Ryckman, Bray, MacGregor,| WAdsworth, prominent members of the | Ca(r)neron. Stewart. order and Conservatives, supported the | n the Legislatioq Committee report|Pléea of Mr. Henderson. Alderman | asking fqr the establishment of a Police| HMHamilton and others joined them. Commission composed cof a Judge or| The attitude of Alderman Hunt in-- | Magistrate, the Mayor, and one cother censed Mr. Saunders, who is said to i & to be chosen by appointed members. 'have taken him to task. Alderman \ Yeas--MacGregor, Hunt, Chisholm, HMHunt heatedly replied he proposed to eusrane dirscnrnamntetngnie | ; gle;?jsgu Y{Vad;v}v;orth, Hamilton, Day, Yote for what he believed was right and j55 4 , Duckworth, Leslie, Holdsworth, A1so that he proposed to stand by his AdGit| | | * Siberry, Phillips, Ramsden, Hacker, fraternal principles. Eleven Aldermen Addltlonal O,nes WI" A'SO Be Robbins, Simpson, Stewart. voted for Mr. Henderson's request that Named in Essex and N 9 Ngaape ays--Bray, Quinn, Ryckman, Glass, the city should conduct separate school « Johnston, .Whetter, Baker, Rogers, Clections. They were: Johnston, Whet-- Mlddlesex Chamberlain, Winnett. ter, Rogers, Chamberlain, Glass, Quinn, | wmammmmememmnmmmzzee mm Eight for Knox Arena. Hamilton, «Wadsworth, Beamish, Chis--| _« Refusal to refer back to the Board of holm and HMHunt. Alderman Wadswo:';h: a'ARM B 0 A R D F'GU RES Cnntrol its report opposing the erection t CDaitinan of the Central Conserva-- | _-------------- of a sports arena on the site of old UY8 ASsotiation. | Knox College by Montreal interssts Opening his argument in support of/ An increase in the number of County | who were prepared to spend $1,500,000 the separate school supporters, Mr. Hen-- CGourt Judges in the County of York | on the project: derson declared facts did not support frym six to cight is provided in a bill | Yeas--Siberry, Baker, Eigie, Bray the claim of Protestants that the re-- *~,.__~~ 1°'. A P i ntamel i nspmition, -- muni, "Cl., oi L' quests 'of separate school supporters{| Thich Altornerttienera! Dvice ul 1ho Nays--Ramsden, Robbins, Simpson, wc.)}xld be contrary to law. troduce in the Legislature. Colonel| Hacker, Winnett, Phillips, Leslie, Cham. . [ "C, EtDarate School Board dupli~ . Frice yesterday afternoon filed nolict | berlain, Holdsworth, Duckworth, Beam-- Eattfils ttl? e work of the City Clerk until mf his intenticn to introduce the bill, | ish, Ryckman, Day, Quinn, Wadsworth, N;]x $1 cdvote is Eakep each year," said which is an amendment to the County} Chisholm, Beamish, Whetter, Stewart.|to uns Seonrale school uie L0 "kL Vourl duulges Acs. | The Council's decision to ask . the| the qameerz;au'at»e School B:')ard, Aand at Besiges providing for an additionali Provincial Government to pass legis-- ers contrib ue stepatrate school support-- -- gwo Judges in York, it provides for on | lation enabling Roman Catholic women| fy, ute to the general election @aditional in Essex, and one additional| fund. Our suggestion means only the : j x to vote for Separate School Trustees| addition of a fe h im Middlesex. l 'came after it had refused to endorse| A; the same Time. many toi;tekballot. Explaining the purpose of the new | 'the request of separate school SUP-'ma de. 1 beheve n 'g?tnycfnka es ar° pill to the press, Coloncl Price stated | porters that their -- annual elections| no fault with me if { Y herh willtfind that the additional Judges were neoes-' should be conducted by the city at the| that many of these sr:i'stai as 8 atgce! sitated in York County by the fact that Same time and the same place as clec--leliminated If we can Pet theels gfaint' »rbitrations were a yeer and a hailf be-- | is Deputation Appears. Th reply to expressions of good--will additional Judges had been requested by * 'fed by E. F. Hendcrson, Business| 2s the deputation was leaving? iayor the Bar Association and the Judges _ Agent of the Separate School Board, a' Stewart Saviged Mr, Henderson imarliug | ihemseives. Appointments will be made _ monster deputation of separate school lCouncil could only express an opinion. by OMa®s:

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