The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1931, p. 2

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# Mamc.k 3 | Dunlop's debut. Confession that he ghould be the criterion applied, ne con-- | 'alone of the Assembly representation timnued, and noted that Calvin Coolidge . of 1904--the year he was first elected resently wrote: "Legislators do not want 'to the Legislature--now -- walked the te be extravagant; minorities drive them tLeggslat.ive corridors and listened to io i>." Legislative debates brought deafening Times like the present demanded § | applause from Government and Op-- avery retrenchment and economy pOSSi-- position benchers alike, and the un--, pis. Capital expenditure was in a dif-- | bridleq prediction from North Renfrew #erent class. "It is the part of wise | i ) acquaintances, gathered along the side. ecoanomy to borrow from the future to| ! lines, so to speak, that "Eddie'll be Pre-- wiwovide employment for the present," | ; Nhlinccan carmialelaraacate weeat mier some day, if he don't watch out." j urged. | s.. > * Mr. Dunlop's deficit estimate was One of the most serious problems of ; Deflclency in Revenuge Of! based on calcuiations of ordinary rev-- today was that of municipal taxation.| $2 670 000 Forecast I enue receipts of $59,985,000, and ordi-- "his class of levy had increased enorm-- | i » # % | nary expenditures of $62,655,000 for the wssly in recent years. "This Govern--| i current year. Corresponding figures wmen} is doing its fair share to control | Desplte lmDOStS 'Of a year ago were $57,343,291, and that taxation and relieve the taxpoyer,"i pmerprgons | 35'89891:52. rels])pecpwely L the TCreasurer believed. | as tax collections this year it is u.. ; p PP I EXPENDITURES -- GROWING estimated, not the Treasury $11,000,000 "'u'_"'"d"g':f':)"l""mt ysar. $11588,000 | t T o" ;fig?{i%}:? a,;e:g' S;iaz(:.OOOMm%e t]hiag ";P had been spent. Hospitals, charities last year. otor licenses ; j | j n and the care of the sick in body and Corporation Levy EXLANCET| tss oere atuice in tine comnsctioe 25e es a wiirett n aho s anne ; i « | * ' rovince's sha er's allowances . --Finances of Ontario | by some $630,000. Liquor, as previous-- ;;f{'gifig sélla:igsoafsgfm Old--age pen-- Analyzed ly indicated, will, if the higher PMICCS | sicns had claimed $2,120,638. Activi-- y now prevailing "work," bring in $10:~ | ties in the range of healith and welfare w c _z zl z_z e 000,000, exclusive of permits and fincs gp Pre hich --the' highest -- revenue since the work accounted for $880,332, of w An estimated deficit of $2,670,000 for | L C'(A g f into operation in dJuns $194,000 was for the manufacture of 'the fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1931.was'l 1926 . _ ks C * insulin, anti--toxin and other serums, announced to the Ontario Legislature These three, along with succession distributed Vf'ree of charge to the peo-- 81 (5 ds The cGevernment's qasin| De btlintatio. Had these same people yests'rday by Hon. Edward A. Dunlop, Guties, af;: ¢ gu 6 sa;g;:'sogndsue s been compelled to purchase these sup-- | in his first Budget speech since he took ;r;c;r;ey a;\;a s:ts'up for $9,225.000 ae-- plies at retail prices, they would have | over the Provincial Treasurership Of the | crease from last year's collections Of had to pay about $500,000.~ , k Province. $2,000,000 . Plight of Farmers. | 'The deficit is some $2,024,000 greater | . An interest payment on the public| _ Whlle the. ordinary lhxpeNev, wes 'than was reported for the last fiscal debt of $13,750,000, and a debt--retire--| seriously handicapped by municipal 5 % yosh §°2! | mont payment of $2,700,000, making a texation, the Treasurer believed agri-- | year, and is "on the cards" in spite Of |iotal of $16,450,000--an increase of Culturists weore doubly handicapped the Government's efforts to bolster | $4,500,000 over a similar payment in This was because the goods which the revenue by having increased the prices the last fiscal year--represent the Gov-- agriculturist depended on for his liveu-. of hard liquors, and extending its one. | ernment's biggest item under ordinary hood had depreciated, probably to the | tenth of 1 per cent. tax on certain COr-- expcnailurc for this year, and the great-- ?xtent of 50 per cent, Where one car--| rations' j j GeXxpod on UA o S i e n k . 'he Br°a'~ load of oats paid a farmer's taxes two| po capital to include A&ll "e:s c tributing factor in the $2,670,00C o | corporations in Ontario. s (onr m?'f' tys 9 y#1sts! years ago, it now took two loads. | From the first source the GOvernmeRt 4n prics of vors 4 The Government, however, was easing | > anticipates an additional 'Treasury "" "*** Yore Q ____ the farmer's burden to & substantial| revenue of $2,500,000 this year; from "Of the members who sat in this @xtent. | * the second source, a revenue of $2,000,-- MOuse when I first made my bow to the Capital and ordinary expenditure 000. Both arrangements were also &P¢@ker in 1904." said Mr. Dunlop, in last year on good roads had been $28,---- announced to the House yesterday by »PeNing liis specch, "I alone remain.": 905,000. When Mr. Dunlop was first Mr. Dunlop. The higher "booze" prices HMe remarked also that only he of the elected to the Legislature the totai are effective from this morning. The present mombers of the House was in contribution by the Province to the mu-- extended corporation tax will become th@ Logislature when the Liberals were' micipalities for roads had been $22,000 fpeirativ.e with proclamation of the legis-- & power. or $23,000. Today the Government was t?lte osr:swihxcl: will l?g introd_uced later in At present, h (n)mumed._'me }vorld' giving $1,000,000 for road building for sion to provide for it. was passing through a period of de-- every $1,000 given at that time. In In Optimistic Mood. pression which could be attributed to aids to agriculture last year the Gov-- Mr. Dunlop's maiden financial speech isany causes. The situation in Russia ernment spent $2,723,778. '1_'ra unique address, by the way, for a lhad a scrious bearing on the interna-- _ Coming to the announcement of the easu:er. in that he spoke from no lional economic and agriculturai con-- 1929--1930 fiscal year's deficit of E;C;:;'-vdtmanuscmpt. and occupied only shitions. The demoralization of the sil-- $646,061, Mr. Dunlop resumed: "This (nals nutes of the House's attention vor standard had geprived the world ijs, I am sure ail members will agree, u":u a-fig &fn::edf?m two to three hours of much of the purchasing power of mot a very serious situation, consider-- Cc o nded by his predecessors in the Fast The condition of several ing the depression which existed almost office--proved to be one of the "brigh ptor nations being unable to pay, and aif spots" of the session to date { igr 6 «ict ;..": Na .!u.'f 4)\..'.;{, df.a ¢ to 1&.?',_1&' t all through the last ym." breathing optintism for the Provin Y egeditor nations unable Lo | Col CCW _ The Provincial debt was $471,621,000. & future, in spite of the general retregz%s Lpiac( .".'.' all Iil,u.!.( fl.\.' m 'fl. bad (A.)n(ltl'l/ (.)n'.i Of this 3408,794,000, or 85 per cent., ment in ordinary revenue and ordinar? ) miuzlin: was the Inal nIntl"5, was invested in | revenue--producing e expenditure that the Trsasurer deemg; situation -- was the Mainienalito 12. assets, such as good roads, the Timis-- immediately imperative. prices at a "__'""--""'7""'}1 1(»'\101 _1',-V me(d tli- kaming & Northern Ontario Rallway, No intimation was given by Mr. Dun--. {_.2"¢C° ©C,}°° world, who égnog "g.| or in loans to the Agricultural Devel-- lop as to the amount of the reduction **"~, 0. "PPF 204 S°mARC-- -- USTSCP opment Board, township drainage or the Gov i 4 fhrad folt the effect of this in respect 1 & ernment will make in the per o . e mameint tile drainage, or other loans. The reve diem tax of Ontario's race--tracks, al-- ""pullRlC CYTDH,... ; gepres, hue from this 85 per cent. was $27,650,-- though the cut is assured, and has been .. \u." ..} Las c "L_.,,, tDarj 000 gross, or 6% per cent. to the allowed for in this year's expenditures gion, ).1;-' I)umc_p' decl.a.rcd that Treasury. { Definite. intimation, however, came "Zastorn Canada felt this depressio HSdro I % 4 from him to the ef'fect that ih ame ts than any other part of the world ydro Investment. minion Government will i t e Do-- 1jgone of our banks or financial instituq4 This revenue was made up, he ex-- the giant share of old-ago assume | fjaps have shown signs of strain, which plained, by $8,800,000 from Hydro; for some time yet, and tlbet, Pensiops is speaking well for Canadian banking $850,000 from T. & N.O.; $1,600,000 proposes to carry her obll? t(?nta.rxo aws, and the integrity, foresight and from farm loans, and $16,400,000 from this regard throughout the fal'm"s M psinoss acumen of the leaders of ou highways. Regarding Hydro, he men-- the year. alance Of¢ jexking and financial institutions. tioned that the total investment was :the Treasurer fhat., hady fgg ag%izr:y "The Treasurer of this or any othe ating capacity of 1,088,000 horsepower. lment no pensions to assume, a balanced _ GOVernment at the moment is not in @ Last year it had generated and dis-- Budget would have been in order on Y¥ DAPDY position,. He is importuned fributed nearly 5,000,000,000 kilowatt Oct. 31 next. A similar "happ;nex;it?;} . the one hand to give more generous hours. If one cent per kilowatt hour ation would apply, he contended, had _: 2MG asked on the Othet hand to req were saved, the total saving to the | the Government declined to ro| Lrench--a situation which does no public would be $49,000,000. through this year with its debt--reti cA nake for a balanced Budget. For the industrial life of the coun-- 'ment-paymenc policy. Fresire~ He noted that Opposition critics de/try, he continued, cheap power was ]Crowded Galleries plored aggregate expenditures, but aljessential. The great distances between Crowded ga]leri.e and virtual most in the same breath advocat large power sites in Ontario and the | entire House memsi)v\rl}y viriuaily an | wmoasures which would entail furthed] comparative proximity of power sites # Cre iD etected" Mr. spending. The wisdom of expenditure; to industrial centres in Quebec were uit mentioned by the speaker. One large

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