C " e f ut % x ; Ma.v'c.h ¥T 5 j 4 | & ' A | GOST OF LIVNG c Vest in Portrait | | FEY. V¥ j : f M 's Vict ; ' e menldugg ie unuchndun l id tiveey 4sm toooi , Nig .".'_'o"!\c.\ofi\.n\lb\"\lv\at\cvq DR ROBB THINKQHn Newest Addition to Pre-'( l C 2 * _9 I * ~\ _ miers Gallery, "Fergic" Is / New Gavel Comes 2 mmunensemmmemes | Portrayed in Pale-- Huedl 7 From Kingston ' ' Government Then Would B¢| _ Waistcoat Which He Never | / oe is e Pn nmeagnra n fae | y i is Wife's| "~"~"~~'~ Fame More to | w ore.. Despite His Hon. T. A. Kidd, Spsaker of the Hospitals \ _ Pleadings Legislative Assembly, was presented : gopemmemmmmmes with a new gavel of historic a.ss?sx-' e Perseverance has prevailed,, and | ations by Premier i{enigatit;eyemyr | r--ps J l # s n rorilh 4 ac-- day's sitting of the Leg + | NEW ACT IS EXPLA!NET | mrs. G. Howard Forguson, has, "Through the courtesy of Hon. W.l en on rrmmemn mroemgerce ho cording to reports, won a notableé | m Nickle, former Attorney--General,| g g A l is index oHiivf victory . I wish to pre?ent, Yé'uf', Mr.i f'p};i';;; sxpectation that the index of livin; A#F ies int; -- | with this gavel," sai remicr Henry.| costs would come down was expresse: Kenneth Forbes's painting of On~ .\."}'tll;le gave% is made from a bsam of | by Hon. br. J. M. Robb, Minister c 1&"0" former Ivime Minisicr Was the first Parliament BuildingS, in | Health, in explaining the new Hospita | hung, yesterday, in the Premiers' gal-- Canada,. located at Kingston. Since ! Act in the Legislature yesterday. B:; |lery at Quson's Park. It is a notable|you, Mr. Speaker, come from that| maintaining grants at the prossn ||. «s f~ Kemptville's favorite |city, 1 think it especially fitting that | level, the Government would actuall | likeness o A . ul ittle | I should present it to you, as a symbol | be paving a greater proportion of th: | son, down from the likeable litte |O¢"_agoq autnority, if any additionall cost of hospitalization if, as Dr. Rob | smirk that was singularly his, to 'the authority were needed in this I--Ious_e."| noped, the index of the cost of livin: |legs--apart stance he adopted when "When it is wielded with aut}lorltyl came down. 'engaging in serious conversation, O" | j; pannot help but inspiye awe in the | The act was given a second readim !scoring the Opposition in the Legis-- honorable members," said William E. yestcraay and will probably coms i; |lature. All day long, yesterday, th* | x ginclair, "since the gavel iisolf for thorough discussion of its fort: !main corridor at thse Parllamez}t comes from Kingston." two sections in committee. Referrin~ | Buildings was thronggd Wi_tht.Dea'p'e ' Te en teareneiornnrnaecenmanmetaninennnrmeeemenmeentan cce ce to the provisions which enable th assing comment on the painting. o ty > "R Government to regulate hospitals, D: ° "R,ngarkable likeness," ran the | only coml?l"kt'.ed Mr. 'Ferguson's face Robb disclaimed any intention on th | usual remark, "but--" The "buts" all | for his painting. . oo Anst n id part of the Administration to disrup had to do with the waistcoat which In view of the fafb_» 1{ t :2"001; f hospital organization by interferenc: Mr. Forbes had painted upon Mr. |not have the Premier umg{ is Te Horetofore there had bseen no pro Ferguson . further slliings, he look,. so iL is gfé vision for the Government setting u "Ncbody ever saw 'Fergic' wear a |ported, the next begt step, and as° 2l regqulations. He fe't that as the large grey vest," the commentators would | the Ferguson household for ADSC-- individual contributor to the hospita say, and in that grey waistcoat--the | mens of the clothes Mr. Fergu\;cln was the Govornmnt shoulid enjoy th kind that "Fergie" never wore--lies the | most accu_stomed to wear.. The %1:- powor story (so rumor has it) of Mrs. Fer-- | ments ?rr}ved at the studxo.ac_lxreutp Agreemonts Musti De Fair. guson's triumph. s the?e.*lt Ina J byFMlgf' F;écgiutqggr: Threo main considerations in hO P"epeatedly the wife Of Mhie formel patlffnu uie Mr' f?}: J u{l' it; a}xd pitalization, he said. were the patien head of Ontario's Government would | for the C(')mpletlf)ll(? o ep?)f'h.ah, ow the Government -- and municipalitis _ urge her husband to don a grey waist-- | that is \\r}y the p}mgt'i 1\;_1c atnth° which helpsd pay, and the hospitar _ coat, but the latter would turn aside | hangs in the Pre:mers ga e}'»q i ent Agreement botweon municipalitie the requosts with a smiling "Somngul}dlngs---lxm th n}os't\i.pfiar!x'l u;an and hospitals would nave to get th other _ time, maybs. but not now!" | position of 'allfdfmc's fu;' lijgd"he approval of the Government,. the Min Mrs. Ferguson is said to have patient-- | with a grey waistcoat--"the kin ister explained.> There had bseen sey ly bided her chance, and the chance | never wore." planation forth-- ° cral instances of agreements whici lcame last Jam}:ar.v \yhen]dtfie'oyn;;; Siié cogint:eriet ]S\l'i?lnyh:{}(.') 8{0« Come. onel were un{air to one side or t her for their new home in o 4 f : on some municipalities bcémgx l.glc;fii;.):(;e} that time Mr. Forbes, the artist, had | would imagins, from Mrs. Ferguson. pay as high as $4 a Gay for indigcn f patients. The Govortnment, he continued, ha nsl segn its way clear to adopt th recommendation of the Ross Commis sion that the entire cost of hospitali zation should be paid for on the basi ci one--third by the Province and two thirds by the municipalities. -- Som ' nespitals have the cost of indigon * palien'ls running up as high as §$8 : day. 'Ths Oniario Hospital Associa tlon wes now oppossd to this propase Dr. R:iSH added. * AsterrCins Slat--vment Trge. "There wa&s gn @asicunaging statem= in the Ross repori which investigatio proved to be trus. namely. that onc third of the payins" patients pai three--quarters of the entire cost o running hcspitals," said Dr. Robrt "Thus, the man of moderate means i | being asked to pay more than hi: * | share." The Minister referred to the \large number of indigent patients and > ' babies of indigent parents getting treatment at the Toronto General 7 Hospital. "These were looked after gratuitou:-- 4 ly by the medical profession." he ex-- plained, amid desk--thumping. H° added a speculation that at som: in & * future date an arrangement which would remove the unfairness of ex-- pecting physicians to contribute thei: services gratuitously might be reached. Five hundred and seventy--six cancer casos had received free treatmont las: / & vyear at this hospital. Dr. Robb appreached his explanation } of the act with an cutline of the growith of hospitalization from early + times to the present. Explaining th # Government and municipal grants, hs said that the establishment of most > hospitals was due to local effort and ,\ individual generosity. Since the war, however. heavy taxes had tended to dry up the streams of individual phil-- anthropy in this respect. * #