& EPWE TTT buch ctcdutcd "4 2R ORIXE O OpCvidTi ofo "During the past few years many tem of refrigeration and cooling municipalities have passed resolutions which is not available at the present asking for a share of the profits from time, and which would raise the the sale of liquor in the Province of standard of the product so that it Ontario, and also the right to levy 2 would be able to compete on the ; business tax on the Government llquor' open market. | stores. I must say that I sympathize| OI; is said that 105 cars can be |w1th these municipalities in their guaranteed at the moment while 1t | demands, but, in my opinion, they is pointed out that 300 cars were | have no chance whatever of receiving shipped from the district last year. | any share of the profits from the sale It also is obzserved that, while Win-- of liquor; in view of the state of the nipeg used 74 cars of celery last year, Provincial finances. not one of them came from Ontario, ' "Arrests are made daily for infrac-- and that is one of the markets that | tion of the Liquor Control Act. Men the department has its eye on. Also, and women are convicted and sent tc the Toronto market last year used |Jail for various terms. In many of 364 cars of celery, of which Ontario | these cases the municipality has to supplied only 85, the rest coming from Ishoulder the burden of keeping the the United States. ' priscner's family. This is a real prob-- _ The position of the department is | lem in many districts. During periods that the growers should co--operate | of depression, men out of work wiil with the Dominion and Provincial |commit crimes who, in normal times Government in helping to finance are law--abiding citizens. E}t)t:o't)cil cooling and storastizl plants, stg More Relief Next Wintor. | n piey may more easily compe "During the past two winters my. With the American product. SEES NO "SPLIT" OF RUM PROFITS Imposition by the Ontario Govern-- ment of a 5 per cent. charity tax on all meals costing $1 or over, and of a 10 per cont. similar tax on the rc-- tail sale of all spirituous liquors, ex-- cepting beer and native wines, was urged in the Legislature yesterday by 8. C. Tweed, M.P.P. for North Wator-- 100, and financial critic for the Liberal group. "These two taxes," argued Mr. Tweed during the course of his con-- tinuation of the Budget debate, "would bring in a revenue of between $3,000,-- 000 and $4,000,.000, and could be distributed to all the urban and rural municipalities in proportion to popu-- lation, upon the agreement that the funds would be used only for relief or charitable work. "Quite Painless." Meals and Liquor Would Be Taxed Under Tweed Plan Liberal Financial Critic Says Added Revenue Could Be Given Mu-- nicipalities for Relief or Charitable Work _ Leading up to 'his presentation of this proposition, the North Waterloo member, in part, said: municipalities in proportion to popu--| . Communications have been ad-- lation, upon the agreement that thel?fiesswb'o Ne . E. paisley, PresiGent of funds would be used only for relief or 'CIaet.ioTx egflo_q*d hcefild\'w atlr_ao 2; t;!:_sm&sesli- sharitable work." Secretary of the Ontario Vegetable Quite Painless. & Growers' Association, and the sugges-- _ "In my opinion, these two taxes, if tion has been made that a cold--stor-- imposed, would be quite painless, And age> plan{ for celery should be estab-- I am sure that the Government will jished at Thedford, where there are sex;lg:x'sili}"mco'tls'id.ef "t'*}fsi i\:gggfii'?\x:s." twenty--six to thirty growers ready to "During the past two winters mus nicipalities have had a heavy burder for relief work and, in my op'mionl next winter will find Ontario munici+ palities obliged to spend mors money on relief than in the past. I propose that the Government take steps now to assist the municipalities to provide for the people who may be out of em-- ployment and require relief noxt winter." QNTARIO CROWERS :) PLAN T0 CAPTURE CELERY MARKET ' _ Capture for Ontario cof the celery 'market in this Province, which for years the United States has been supplying,. is the aim behind@ negotia-- tions which the Department of Agri-- ;culture, through Howard Fraleigh, M.P.P., West Lambton, is now con-- iducting with growers of the Thediord distric«. * Report has been made to the Gov-- ernment, and further investigation is proceeding. It is said that 105 cars can be guarantsed at the moment, while it is pointed out that 300 cars were shipped from the district last year. It also is observed that, while Win-- nipeg used 74 cars of celery last YeAr, not one of them came from Ontario, co--operate with the Department of Agriculture if it will undertake this work. Celery requires a special sys-- tem of refrigeration and csoling which is not available at the present time, and which would raise the standard of the product so that it would be able to compcete on the open market. Department of Agricuiture Aims to Compete With U.S. R EP ORT I|S MA DE avrth 1Y% PROPOSED PROJECT | 7O BE OPTIONAL Legislation Is Forecast Which Will Have Medi-- cal Officers of Health Superseded by District Officials Paid by Queen's Park Two brand--new systems of public health administration, by way of sub-- stitution for the present township and municipality arrangement of Boards of Health, are provided for in Hon. Dr. John M. Robb's bill to amend the Health Act, notice of which he gave to the Ontario Legislature last night. This legislation, which was fore-- cast this session, as far back as the speech from the Throne, is entirely perinissive. 5o Under ons system, the department is authorized to divide the Province into districts, and to appoint to the direction of each an officer fully re-- sponsible to and paid by the central health authoritiee at Queen's Park. This system, if generally adopted, will be effected likely by extending the present health district scheme and making the districts small enough for the personal supervision of the dis-- trict officer of health, assisted by such staff as dopartmental regulations al-- low him. On County Basis. The other permissive type of ad-- ministration would place health on a county basis. Under this arrangement a single county, adjoining counties or a group of municipalities may go to-- gether and form a health unit to be directed by a full--time Officer of Health. At the present time there are re-- ported to be between 800 and 900 medical officers of health in Ontario. Adoption of the district arrangement of the two substitutes provided for in the legislaticn would, it is understood, cut this number of administrative offi-- cials down to thirty--five or forty. In such event, the present medical offi-- cers of health would be re--engaged in various capacities as aides to the dis-- trict officers of health in those areas in which they are located, and would be paid by the municipalitiss, but would be freed entirely, in future, of administrative responsibilitics. Given Approval. Dr. Robb's legislation has. it is un-- derstood, been considered by Cabinet Council on several occasions since it was forecast at the start of the ses-- sion, and is now understood to have had final approval. It is possible that before introduction to th» House, it may, because of the sweeping change in health administration it involves, be submitted to a caucus of the Conserva-- tive membership of the House. In either case the present township or municipality health administration will pass out of the picture. | Experses in connection with the district arrangement would, it is un-- derstood. be borns by the central Gov-- ernment, but in the County arrange-- ment would be met jointly by the Province and the local Counties or municipalities with such assistance as might be had from time to time from the Dominion Government at Ottawa.