The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1931, p. 4

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.M.arch 20 [ sult that no firouble HAM ENBUEU:~* / .......__oummmtnm m _ f is proper I £4 * I + O = I nie The' Attorney--General might use% }' ind Tr;nr mfimmfh?s? n¥ t t his influence here to try out thes fles, and _A ntstpa o. siiex of 4 methods, with a view to c.earing awa;, -) | ance of the 0 nding stock Pt the || the work of soem» of our courts causec. Wahnapitee Power Company; the | by* the lack of the use of common balance :{,ixproximatinz £15,000,000 | sense. This would lead to a reduciion was expended on new construction in the cost of our courts," he con-- and additions to the existing power | cluded. plants, transmission lines and stations : Bombshell As at the end of the Commission's | A decl;arat'o th fut fugs fiscal year Oct. 31%, 1930, the total _ 10n at _ information || capital expenditures in all properties | Atorney--Gensral #ould" have nsoves L1 1 * "The" reveous of Ts commudon | At = 1 rovecl he revenue 0 e Co sE [ & "bombshell" to certain Conservaiive Wlb Nee ies ernaratene fmmemuniclpal electric utilities and ;'}n;em.bcrs. it hf;'glag p;zoduced ict) m"'h'gj , , || other power customers (not including thiberal. Waterios" Sputhi. during a Net Surpius of $1,163,600|| the Dorsinion Power and, Tratenin: hea.te;i éxchange with E. J Mumh",' Distributed to Various | ?xfi%x;zastm&uggegfizitgl:%' over the rev-- i(Conscrvativo. Toronto St. Patrick's). !enue collected in the previous year. | Mr. Murphy, in his address, casii-- Systems ' A net surplus of $1,163,660.92 has gg(t)%(;} t?heul';lbc;;al tn}m]img(; i 3:\)1 ('11112\"_:};'_. 'beg1u r(}istril})'uted téofthe munlcipralitiefis. it secamaismmmmmmacss | n e past few years very sub-- ;agamsn the Acme Securities and Vi.a-- | stantial gprogrgss has 3t;.feen ma%e in A mine Milling Company withogp fi,""" BlG RESERVES lNCREASE:'Ontario in the field of rural elec-- 5ha'.'ing laid his information with the l o mnces || trification. Practically all rural elec-- | Attorney--General. ad |\ trical service is now given through "I did not make any charge aga_mst} The annual report oi the Hydro-- | rural power districts which are oper-- the Attorney--CGencral," said Mr. Hipcl. |\riectric Power Commission of Ontario,| ated dircetly by the Commission. |"I drew attention to conditions in £0°} wpnion wa. tap; 4 in the Lesislature! There is now something over $12,665,-- \ Province. I had in my possession in-- W s lab'ed in tne Legisiatur®} gop invested in the rural power dis-- | formation which I had only that uay yesterday by Hon. John R. Cooke.| trict systems established by the Com-- | received. and I volunteered to place Acting Cnaxrgnqn of the Commission.| mission. Towards this rural work the | this information with the Attorney-- reveals that during the year closed the | Ontario Government, pursuant to its \CGensral. I want to tell the honorable Commission's capital investment was | policy of promoting the basic industry | members that had I produced in the increased by $37,000,000. There w.zsl of agricuiture, has, in the form of House that night information which I & n--t surplus of $1,163,660 in the | grants--in--aid, contributed 50 per cent. \ have since laid before the Attorney--, O{Jeration _of the vavious mumcxpgl} of the costs of transmission lines and \ General, it might have proved a' electric utilities systems. The Ontario |' equipment, or about $6,300,000. About b:--mbshelil to certain members oppo-- Government contributed about $5.--| 6,726 miles of transmission lines have | site." j 300,000 toward new rural extension| been constructed to date, of which | _ Mr. Murphy declared that Liberal lines and equipment, and the re-- | 1891 miles were constructed during 'members often threatened to throw serves of the Commission mcreasedi the past year. a mileage which exceeds ' bombshells, whcih turned cut to be from $44,882,000 to $54,811,000. | that constructed in any former year. only eggshells. Operating Conditions. | There are now more than 46,000 cus-- | +. C & i _A general review of the Commic--| tomers supplied in the rural power | | ston's activitiecs shows that the yeai's || districts. wiiies ies i inkrgg ' speration has been highly satisfactory, | : 4 despite the prevailing industrial de-- :l | pression, which has seriousiy afifected | i | almost every line of trade and in-- ' f dustry, and, while the growth of load in some of the systems has not been } l l as great as it has been in former e e years.lneverttl;fifiss t.hed revgnue from || * * # * + municipal u es and other power C levecar ebuliemioee uts iranine ie Bill Provides Slmpler and gtomfershis considerably in excess of } + t of the previous year. Less Expensive Attention is called to the fact that || T OFONtO M.P.P. Suggests € during the year the Commission ac-- H Method ; quired the properties of the Dominion Appeal From iIts t Th us inncwienncerea n ce unc Power and Transmission Company, Ru"ngs Simpler and less expensive means 'SCuggzriir;xges lzon\h('ierBrin tfflzmiltocrln. Lstl' amemenemmmnmimsmrmme + > j s antiord, and oths of arbitrating claims arising 01:;. of imunicipalitbs in that district. Thi Asserting the right of private Con-- damages done to crops, 8*{" 19';5' Isyst,em supplies an average of ove| servative members to act "as a con-- shrubs, apd property in i}r' '61%)'2 léoggfmgx. M . , |structive opposition," E. F. Singer, constmcthnigalll,zS_ Ofcux]rfmigi% :' is |privately owned onr: S'r)t.lzgq'j"redB t?IK.C. (Toronto--St. Andrews), in his Hydro--Eloctr f ower 8ment, to the | County district ,"p lp?ll t n_DruUC) Budget Speech in the Legislature last ,prox'rlded fo F Ew ar:e{x which Hon ipalities cf Wali( 1x?tp a % ul}n mun'1c1 night, advocated changes in the con-- Power Commission is down is ins |Port en and wio outhampton stitution of the Police Commission, J. R. Caoke 'bm(lilG_ own | bee of gothgn a;r.ton,. and a NnUM|the establishment of a Department of Legislature yesterday. ® < 1 er municipalities. | Thes| Insyrance to cut the cost of premiums Our old system of arbitration has | municipalities have carried Hydro by to the public in the case of collision been cumbersome," Mr. Cooke ex-- |laws and have made arrangement risks, and ed the Government to .0 ""This bill represents an | to purchase from the Commissi 4 in s in any 14 plained t o SIL Dpurchase 3 Ot | assert Provincial rights in any future hoinest effort to deal with the situ-- 'th%:lr dlétl'lbutw;l sylstems. immigration policy. ation." | e Commission has just recentl Mr. Singer led up to v I The amendment reads, in part, as | completed the arrangements for sal ]of a changge in the l")oucehclgn?xgigs'i:g | follows: Where a 185ci.s.imf isd madg | of the municipal distribution system / with the declaration that the greatest against the Ccmrp on bor ( amax' | to thesg municipalities, and they ar' safeguard against communism was 'to erops, fnardetxfi. shlg; S, rebe; gr now being supplied under cost con British democratic institutions. He other El'?Ww 8th gxfétrucusedtion main--| tracts as co--partners in the Georgia: said he would prevent political inter-- |incxdenta f ree it 'of ~ Lransmiesion | Bay system. ference with the police . force, by | fenance O }'85 ch claim shall pe}|, P1 the Niagara system the Com , having matters of purely police admin-- lines, notice (1)1 u isned by thcl mission has, during the year, com ,istration conducted at private meet-- given in Wr'ng'l 58"d te a'; 0s | pieted the installation of the ten{i |ings, without right of appeal and by claimant, at ash:%r tyhea aaiure cgar- |unit in the Queenston development |& Police Commission constituted as sible, and so t ul idr:' o °o in The Commision also started work or |At present by a Mayor, a Judge, and se CXtCns Gufll be apparent. and is | the construction of the Chats Fall;| 4 Magistrate. 'damage may st i ?rfapx? thirty day; Gevelopment, the second 220,000--vor|_ The powers of Police Commissions any case, not lafer laint arose | transmission line from Ottawa Rive»| Went far beyond matters of police after the cause for ggn;.rf'ter the tim:| t0o Leaside was completed, and work | 2QMinistration, however. They affect-- It a claim ish m%ion 1. and th:i| Started on the construction of the| °4 Public rights And, so far as the uesd 9Y | Sutied to give the notic| third circuit, which it is expected wil | @XCrtise of these n wed the conglt f}:ei:gfnmrc%atfire% "cither the Commis | be completed by October, 1931. _ The uon c6f ghgtnfir calmn "compenite" s in o 6 omp" #» sion or the owner may, notwithstand | SrOwth in power demand of the NiPi~ | Commissions consisting f | gon sy J of _ Mayor, ing sueh fadlure, request tho, Alusto) fon digieg the year of un' arccount; | & Judge, a Magistrate, and two repre: tomablained of. The valuator, if satis| development on the Nipigon Riye;. | SCDtAbYeS _Of the public, either Alder-- complained of. T peaspnable excusl ANC the steaty Erowth of lgo afcli . vtl'r, men or Controllers The sittings of fied that there :as Ave or ns insull Geotgian Bay systrm Tss naso 1{} the | this Commission, he suggested, should §?§1e§,'2§ i;mtl}r)% gotgice and that th] the installation oyfba tie-li;enggfifeé%itgg s ooeal from itt ruiinks io tns Ontano Commission was not hereby prej between this and the Niagara sys-- flm;"%'},',,,'%' rulings to the 'ontario udiced, may award such compensatio1 tem, A De y t y r to him to be just, AD¢ Capitat 1 partment of Provincial In-- as may aDD?: the finding of the val nvestment . surance he felt was especially called in that event ol and binding upgi The Commission's capital invest-- | [Of,in view of the financial responsi-- ator shall be ntah Commission ma MCDt was increased during the y;\ar bdity faw. Such a department could the owner, but le as in other case PV $37,000,000. Approximately $22,-- write risks at a greatly reduced cost nevertheless appea}, is 000,000 of this f ;, | to the public and a substantial revenue for in Section 21. sum was taken up in provided fo the purchase of th to the Government. Mr. Singer also on n n * aing o0 _ of the Dominion Power | suggested that the ProvVincial Savings | Banks should be empowered to accept * life insurance risks fw s paying premiums out of / e

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