The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1931, p. 1

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INSURANCE POLIGY P AY ABLE TO ONTARIO EXEMPT FROM TA X So Amendment Sponsored by Provincial Treas-- urer Provides NEW HEALTH MEASURE New amendments to the Ssuccession Duties Act--amendments of which Hcn. Edward A. . DUUIIUOP, PiGQVRIUCZiXE Treasurer, gave notice to the Legis-- lsture yesterdav--it is understood will exempt gifts up to the vaiue of $500 and annuitie up to $100, and will ~ermit life insurance to be taken out to pay succession duties where the policy is made over to the Treasurer ~f Ontario, such insurance to be also exempted from the tax, and to be add-- ea to the value of the estate. The amendments also provide that titles in prcperty, stocks and bonds cannot pass without the consent of the Provincial Treasurer. + o esw _ ENTCAEERTCAE C CR ts ae k The Provinc» will, it is understood, VCANECE AMVAE EBE EVA T SAE S C 22ME c m megnraze ---- lose considerable revenue through been approved by the Ontario Govern-- opsration of tae amendments, but this ment by Order--in--Council, and was loss wiil be offset by a general im-- made public yesterday by Premier provemrment in the collection of duties. George S. Hen'y. ) Ancther _ important _ Government , The new schecule of regulations is, measure was given notice of yester-- '".fMO as follows: s day by Eon. Dr. J. M. Robb, Ministet ,, 'The' erection or operation of gaso-- of Health. It is a bill that would, it line pumps upon the highway or \is _ understood, amend the Public Within 25 feet thereof is hereby \ Health Act to make it permissive for prohibited, unless and until permis-- | the | cstablishment throughout the sion in writing shall have been ob-- \ Province of district or county healch tained from the road authority there-- units by way of replacement of the 49¢; s present township Boards of Health ar-- |, _ NO gasoline pumps shall be re-- rangement. _ The bill will be merely placed or their location altered within introduced, however. and withdrawn, the_limits of the highway. it being the intention of the Govern-- ; The erection of a gasoline pump ment during the interim, it is report-- w lthll;l eight feet of the limits of the 'ed. to educate the general public tc highway is prohibited. a the value of the legislation, so that The erection or operation of a \ it may be reintroduced for enactment Easoline pump at any point where, in ]at the 1932 session of the Legislature. the opinion of the road authority, it Premier Henry also gave notice of a would create a menace to the travel-- \ bill which would clear up a little pave-- ling public is prohibited. \ ment tangle between the Queen Vic-- "Every gasoline pump situated with-- | toria--Niagara Falls Park Commission in the limits of the highway or with-- |and the municipality of 25 feet thereof shall be registered Both varties desire to proceed withannually with the road authority be-- 'he pavement. and it is only a ques--fore the same is operated. tion of technical detail that is now "The road authority shall issue for holding up construction. each gasoline pump so registered a | uismalemeas moavrmit carating that ainh K 1 | pil | men | tori | and w d 0 o 4 P e 49 m 6 6 \.P'I.\C"'.'Jl\ll\tl\" : McBrien's New Ballot ® & I 26 6 6# \l'\.'\"\"'O'\"\"'l.\l.\'.' The sample of the "foolproof" Mayoralty ballot submitted to the Municipal Law Committee which is to bs incorporated in F. G. McBrien's bill to amend the Mu-- nicipal Act contained the name of John P. Carter. Mr. _Carter was a condidate for Alderman from Ward 2, and plans after his first unsuccessful attempt to con-- tinue his effort to sesk election to the City Council. & & That his name should be placed on a sample of a "foolproof" bal-- lot by such a prominent Conser-- vative as Mr. McBrien has in-- spired Mr. Carter, who is Liberal in his tendencies, to serve notice on Mayor Stewart that he might even, within a short time, enter a';;ht;s.t' for the "h_iighest office in the gift of the citizens. Edward A. Dunlop, Provincia May Not Be Placed Within Bears Liberal's Name VWNaraWn: _ ««rpne erection of a gasoline pump eisGoverR: within cight feet of the limits of the %efi)co {c highway is prohibited. : qpu;o that "The erection or opergt;onhof ': en 1 t an int where, enactment Basoline pump at any poin! WUWMIC 4. ag _ Gort( ral clarification ana tighiening ds Lup of regulations which apply to gaso-- of line pumbs under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act, is pro-- q, vided for in a new schedule which has gfi been approved by the Ontario Govern-- s ment by Order--in--Council, and was n-- made public yesterday by Premier a« Cireorge 6. Henty. _ e | NEW REGULATIONS ON GASOLINE PUMPS Hydro Amendment | Gets SecondReading _ Under Sinclair's Fire MUST BE REGISTERED avrch 26 "The erection or operation of gaso-- line pum»s upon the highway or within 25 feet thereof is hereby prohibited, unless and until permis-- sion in writing shall have been ob-- tained from the road authority there-- for. "No gasoline pumps shall be re-- placed or their location altered within the limits of the highway. | n -- "The road authority shall issue for each gasoline pump so registered a numbered permit stating that such gasoline pump is registered in ac-- cordance with these regulations and shall cause the name of the owner of such pump, his adéress and the num-- ber of his permit to be entered in a book to be kept for such purpose. "The following fees shall be paid for each calendar year or portion thereof for each pump: (a) Where a gasoline pump and equipment is en-- tirely on the owner's property and av least cight feet from the limits of the highway, $5; (b) whers the gasoline pump is within the limits of the high-- lway or within eight feet thereof, $25." Pumps which are 68 feet or more from the centre line of the King's Highway will be exempt from taxation. Eight Feet of High-- way Limits Three Government bills got a rough passage through second readings in the Ontario Legislature yesterday. One Government bill, to provide for Police Court action against persons retaining rented storage batteries, received its severest buffeting from the Conserva-- tive ranks. The two other bills most hotly debated at second reading were, one to amend the Power Commission Act and another to amend the Ceme-- ';ery ~ACt' w se 22 a x _ 1t LEGISLATION UNFAIR SAYS OPPOSITION _ Although Hon. J. R. Cooke, Acting | "nairman of the Ontario Hydro--Elec-- ric Power Commission, said the prin-- riple of the amendment was to sim-- jlify the method of acquiring ease-- ments for towers in transmission lines, ind also to treat more generously t,hel 'armers on whose land the towers were olaced, the bill drew the fire of Wil-- liam E. N. Sinclair, Liberal House Leader. 'Not Anxious to Inform." Mr. Sinclair denounced the manner lln which this and other Hydro amendments were drawn by the Com-- mission's Legal Department. He com-- plained that the bill was a series of amendmients, and, unlike other bills, did not contain an explanatory 'x'xot,e nor state how the amended sections would now read. "It bears out what I said yesterday," declared the Opposi-- tion Leader. "The Commission is not too anxious to give this Legislature information. These amendments would be unintelligible to most members." _ Considering the clauses which changed the method of arbitration between the Commission and the prop-- erty owners in the matter of easement for transmission lines, Mr. Sinclair noted that it provided for the appoint-- ment of a valuator, who should de-- termine compensation for land or damages where agreements have not been reached between property owners and the Commission, and an appeal 'to a Supreme Court Judge within \thirty days after the valuator has fix-- ed compensation. | Attacks Thirty--Day Clause. | vo Other Government Bills, on Cemetery Act and Rented Storage Batteries, Hotly De-- bated Before They Are Passed On He dencunced a clause which re--| quired that claims against the Com-', mission must be made within thirty | days, and pointed out that it was left' to the discretion of the valuator as to whether compensation should be given if the claim had not been made with-- in thirty days. Also, when a claim had not been made in that period, an appeal could be made from the valu-- ator by the Commission, but not by the owner. "Did you ever hear of any legis-- lation so unfair?" he asked. He con-- tinued to charge that in arranging compensation for damages Commis-- sion employees showed ro consider-- ~tion for the farmers,. "Some of them (Continued on Next Page.)

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