The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1931, p. 1

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. . a . _ _ . A r: I l ' ' _ . ( . . . ment realizes the seriousness ot its new gas legislation; misgivings over . C rea n ervene its effect on the comptsny's Canaan customers and shareholders; the ob- . servation that natural gas companies ' I were affected more than artificial gas companies: these were the Dominion n as- rllce a r0 Gas Company's reactions to the new I bill, as stated last night at a To- ronto hotel by T. H. Simpson. K.C., ' l of Hamilton, solicitor for the com- pany. ' Dis Ute Not Halted a l Mr. Simpson stated that there would I be no chlange in hthe Dominion Com- . I pany's p ans wit regard to applica- --- ' tions for franchises at London and - 'servation Act is amended by adding Windsor and the . - . . . _ . promise of a 2,5- Will Introduce Legisla- i323? tttil/oe,','.'),",,.'."',',?,':,',',',',": a: gent 2t'd ingest jIlllgtmilton consumers. . . . . . ' e a na before the bill tion Giving Official l Pare/ul/ei/teen?,',,";),')',',',',',',',':,',',: was adnnotuncesd. franchises had been , - ofl'erc o arnia, Blenheim an Referee Power to Ad- iazgg' ff 2,ufly't"r' construct any 1 ridzctown at rates below the present? . "ia N - twel. . just Rates and to Stop to 'itVftthi,e2,a',',ei1oannU,'gtni/ii"tah1il, cd',1eigg/'t""iiaatetntitit't'ttot1g'et, Ile; V i r ' " cc an I Purchases at Too Low (lt' aetigefal or i'iUfratl1satc2ium'1" ( awkward situation," said Mr. Simpson: R t . "(bl Artit1eia1 gas or natural gas in i "but we doubt that the Government a es any municipality in which such per- ; realizes what will be the ultimate - -.-_- son is not at the date of the passing i effect. Meanwhile we are still in lot this act supplying gas, and in , hopes that the Administration will sci- NATURAL GAS ACT which natural gas or artificial gas is l, 1lc'.:stT"t.sui.intTs of the situation and being supplied. idemde' that the Hamilton bill should TO BE AMENDED Rein on Competition. "fi/tFi/grill,,'.',','",,.),? tlfie citizens for "Section 4 of the Natural Gas Con- " y, .. A l 5. re creme '15:" starvation Act is amended by adding i, 1tl"tiger.1i'rt0,v1il1mntTi' before l Legir,- D . . C thereto the following clause: I it "r y c . e United Gas and o m l n l o n ompany "ttyt The prevention and prohibi- l PI"! Company' would be given an e:.:. . . . icusivc ranchise in Hamilton at d Claims C o m p a n l e S 21 (gr ygoL'jrt',rit,ig,vue2edi'aeg,,- i If": ot 1715 Eights per thousand cubic , q in the . , ',l 9e. WI l e privilege, subject to Using Natural Gas Are be 11,"irrsi2luouhu'lertiram'g. _ Railway Board consent. of raising this Affected More Than inconsistent with the due conservation E rate to (l? cents should the Tmil?nf of the supply of natural gas in On- '; tut.rab'" to pay an 8 per cent. divi- , . . . . tario. _ . Those Using Artificial "Subsection 1 of Section 't of the l 40 int, Affected Gas Natural Gas Conservation Act is! , ' . amended by adding thereto the iol-i Discussing the new bill. Mr. Simp- lowing clause: son said: "Forty thousand people in . "(cl The disallowancc of any rate Hamilton, as well as thousands morn _ With both feet. the Henry Govern- charged for natural gas which he f in Windsor. London and other parts ment has stepped into the Southwest- 2,?es.iti.ruoeot'oug1,esttootf, ugreason- of Western Ontario, are affected by . . . ' ve e ue con- this legislation. The bill will affect ern Ontario tras war now thretstening servatlonpf the supply of natural gas; these centres alrcady served by our between the Dominion Natural Gas m Ontario. ' "rs " . . . I company and other centres where us Company and the United Fuel Invest- -.....1tiy1ts_tt1t..ltt1..dtl.:C.eiti, $593113}! 't IGI A' ments, Ltd. ' I ref alied, and the for--lowinwg' one to branch out. This compel]; Legislation. which vests in Hon. . l 'Jl',f.'e1el".. R substituted nvcstments in Ontario may be sac'.' Charles McCrea. Minister of Mines. . "No new rates and no alteration in ficed; "We Wider thc prcposrd Haw and in the Drainage Referee ot the'. existin rates for natural as shall be ilton .1eyi,slatiy.1 the rival camper. Province, sufficient authority to con-' put" misc effect unless ands until they gets rights which are denied to ll from the present war or any other' I pp y . pany, owned by Cities Service. in competitive gas rate battle that may' No Allowance. more than 12.000 shareholders . arise, is now in course of preparation "The said ection '7 is further Canada, holding over M0,000.000 ': at Queen's Park and will be enacted amended by adding thereto the fol- securities, and this le7,islatirm tioesrt this session as amendments to the lowing subsections: affect its rival "initially to any CS-i Natural Gas Conservation Act. They l "In fixing or approving rates tor'; tent. Th? bill appears to be aimed at} will make their bow to the House to- I natural gas the Referee shall make no our company. as our rivals are allowpd day " sections ot the Statute Laws l 1 allowance for expenditures or losses ito lower their rates to any figure. butt . Amendment Act. . caused by or resulting from the adop- I we are not. i Mr. McCrea declined, last night. to' tion of competitive methods which in ', Views at Hamilton imminent at any length on the im- the opinion of the Referee were un- ' . , f . a . _ _e pending legislation, other than tostate reasonable or improvident or were 1iayy'1.1on., Marcia 3l.---Oificia1s "1 "We have taken this gas situation right" inconsistent with the due conserva- the United Gas and Fuel. Company by the neck." tion of the supply of natural gas in stated tonight that. they did not be-, Avoiding "Bullion; War." Ontario. I lieve the gas bill introduced in tly Official explanation of the new "The Referee may make any order' teSt,1at,toTi,utf1l';1a)vetah'11eeurt, 5:21.: amendments, as furnished to The under this section upon his own ini-l Natural 'Gas Cornea r 1.03111; Globe. says, in part, that "it is very '1 tiative or on a reference for such pur-l declared its int t l "125', ll Jil It": _ idcsirable that there besufficlent power pose by the Minister, without it be" war bv slashin .,)?n/,"J1dtoe/,a1'1rc aatu"d] I vested in the Minister and the Referee , ing necessary that an application gas to.unhea r a?" REF: ef or n' ra _ :to avoid any disaster resulting from ltherefor be made by any person, or The purpose of trehbill officials of a ruinous gas war which of necessity} that any person be heard. the United Com 3;". said 'Was If _ iwould react very strongly against the "The Natural Gas Conservation conserve Ontario"? sio 1. "t natura? lmmervation ot natural gas, andl Act, is amended by adding thereto gas The United 'Clpbm'f it "35 would ultimately entail great loss. noti the following sections: stared had Cl 2tu.t do?" i' . l? , . only tothe gas producer and distribu- "fa) Nothing in Sections 9 or 10 slashin cam If y", Ju?,flyAgi'iir, ' tor, but also to the general public as shall in any way prevent, affect or 'lt','.':'"'],",, t tl f,"', a} 0d Clad':", 'eral,') 1 tras consumers." limit the Minister making any order 65 t.. a "reigns" 33 il ra {390.1 While the legislation is applicable or regulation or giving any direction tt or? b . pg; 'tly" ye ell, to any situation or controversy. it under Clause (aa) of Section 4 or 3 ere Y. ligated "Elm." "if aims directly, it is understood, " the; the Referee from making any aG consumers in C, - outlying Istric.ts.o resent ructlo bet Hamilton now sen ed by the Dominion i, grid the Unite?! 'ttltr',',,',",":"',',"')',",',' under Clause (c) of Subsection 1 of Natural Gas Company. It is in these far-reaching in its effect, making new "ttl, 7.Any order or re ulation' districts that la'ntDe.e,inif,n, Company l provision tor construction of works to made "in. direction iven b "$8 Min-l has announced I: ll ill cut the rate; supply gas; empowering the Minister, ister and an orger magic b tgil .10m 75 to 'P "11:5 Pff, thousand until ' by regulation, to prohibit or prevent Refere und ryth' t hey de further notice.w liodays gas bill, offi- l competitive methods of n charactcr a "lid e f"', '2" filthy S ma v Cials of the United Company stated,) detrimental to gas conservation; auth- C J t'gmcfn orbor g oh . e upreme was aimed, they believed, at prevent- i, arising the Gas Referee to disallow our en orcea le n t e same man- mg such memos: ' f ' rates that in his opinion my be "un- ner as a judgment or Tier of suelr, . No fear was felt that the agreement Just or unreasonable" and forbidding court to the like Effect . Just entered into 'oth/nt United Gas, ration of new rates or alteration of Authority to tix rates, as vested 1n and Fuel Company and the city would '-, ope T old without the Regen" content. I fe,'.' Referee, applies only to natural be affected by today's' gas bill, as this The Amendments. . measure had the unanimous support doThe 'nee'fgt,','et',' as 2tr wiglncgme (ttlt " Claim. ot the City Council, officials f the wnto eHousew m as o ws: company said. This agreemcn pro- "Section 3 of the Natural Gas Con- Doubt that the Ontario Govern- vides for the United Company reduc- . _ ing the present rate of $1 net to 75 cents net, and officials expressed their confidence that the gas referee would not interfere with this agreement. T Members of the City Council when spoken to tonight also ventured the opinion that this agreement would inot be affected by action taken today in the Legislature. _.--.-.------ 0 O

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