The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1931, p. 2

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F Are-z / / _ I Government M a kes l MR fillllil,lrn GIBBS l I I _ a l 8 0 U tRlLE MR SINCLAIR In Main Estimates; l . I I T--"------- l, ' -"-------------.. 'rtarynaiid the Minister of Health ne- Cartoonist Member Thank'! i 1- _ cess a ed considerable increase in ex- , l, They First Showed Re: I 1'lfieltugiddt1gritgir the present Year. ' ful He Is Not a l a w c l to be provided in the su - 1' ; trenchment of $15,000,-1 'dte),i'",t2', ge,?"" passed by the Lawyer _ f . . f ouse yester ay. . ._._..__.._..-- l l 000, Then, With Miiiiff':',L,s,",'," Takes Cut Taking marked exception, in the: i . " . Legislature yesterday, to a, clause in! _ takes 1n Items Reduc.ll Appropriations tor the Department Provincial Treasurer Dunlop's ncw' . . . . , , ",tii-,di't1rt"r1, I',"' cut by more thani Succession Duties Bill, which would 1 lion m P rovmce 3 Pro. fiduction 1"seilullifiouiFttet,roa1,'yc,)': prevent a lawyer or executor going to ' vocational educ til This is " the safety deposit box of a deceased gram Be com e s $23 " A:.-' " T a on. . expel?- client and opening it without some ' ' (inure on clay and evening classes in Tr ". . " irac n . usury representative being present, , 000 000 cities and towns, grants to schools, Liberal Lead Willi E N . l . , :pecial services, and contingencies. ot in er am " . . "Sinclair "-----------. . Payment to the University of Otta- "it, to a "01°"ng tangle w n t , N 'wa for the use of a building, equip- intuit" Shields, the ',1?,rnteilli,?toS- . PRICE EXPLAINS ment and accommodation for the use . -nemepaper-car1,oontst- Conserva- l cf the University of Ottawa Normal ttt member ot the House. . . LATEST FIGURES School is increased. Travelling expenses 1y,ytte take exception to Ihis .nnd board tor students attending the _ clause, w" Mr. sinelair's starting I -'-'------.- ,Sturgeofn Falls3 Model School are cur- "eiu, law is the sam . N Y , r , . _. tale mm ' 0,000 to $20,000. The, - e 1n ew Cu"ii, ma"irJrsslaltigirxtgti1,tgrg,e. "/ifllli'/erlftoj of Toronto receives an in-l Chicago. Los Aussies find ..ot.her covered in the main estimates crease of some t30,000 in itsgrant for, Pltutetr, ttaid Mr. Dunlop, and it has _ after their tabiing in the Lexis: .p..t9.f.1Si1nt_tfty81ets,' training mu" horde"t ttten found tothave Korma a law; yesterday, and which were ities at the Ontario College of Educa-' Glad in Lf,',',',',"] 'll',',',,,',?" ' ca to the attention of the tion. the total ra ' " ce. House early this tWednesday) !No change is mgdeminbghleg $324392 Ne»? York, Chicago and Pl An- morning by Attorney-General :grant ot' $350,000 to the University of 'ttlet': gibed the Liberal Leader. ' Well. William H. Price. mean, in effect, Western Ontario. This is to be paid 1'r.n ttlad to learn the source of this that. where the estimates as origi- as may be directed by the Lieutenant- iniquitous legislation. One caginot al- natty shown registered a reduction Governor-in-Council. Queen's Uni- ""8 make political speeches to of some 815.000.000 from the esti- versity is not mentioned in the main client; in his office. However, when mates of 1931, they now record a estimates. my clients come to me and complain rrtrrnchment of practically $23,- The Department of Lands and of "Ch legislation as this I will have 000.000. Forests receives $2,762,015. compared' to tell tiaem, When they object to - One vote of 53.200000 tor a..- with $3,638,090 last year. Included in was delay and trouble caused by lowances in accordance with the . the curtailment is a cut of $10,000 mi it, that it , "other of the Henry old-age pensions" should have I the appropriation for Algonquin Park, Governments acts." read 3500.000. Colonel Price ex- ; i which is now $M.000. Mr. Sinclair pointed out that there plained that the Ontario Govern- '_ Some light on this was thrown in was plenty of succession duties that ment antieipated that in 1932 the l ' the House today by Hon. William Pin- were never paid: moneys that were Dominion authorities would be ', Jayson, Minister of Lands and Forests, hidden where they eouldn't be lo- ,houidering the main expend" i when he said in a few years he hoped cated. In his opinion, there would tures on pensions. l to see the park tgi.1e'y,'i'it,ireteJi, It he warranty: the new 'glee/tt Another " of ' ' " I revenue rpm tim er was included in Lawyers d advise clients low o allowances if: 12bieg? It', l park receipts. he said, it would be get around the act. the Mothers' Allowances Act" I self-supporting now. ' Mr. SW 18 In. should read $2,250,000. in this l h' Expenditure on the development ot Atthis pant, Mr. Bhields---wlio had connection. the Attorney-General l ignite and other deposits in Northern "htb-hahed" Mt. Bine1air's remarks said that a check-up by the mu- Ontario by the Mines Department, earlier inthe discussion and had been nicipalities of administration of for which $100,000 was voted last promptly dubbed "the pet cartoonist the act would. in the Govern- year. is limited to $50,000. This RC- of the Telegram" by way of retort--- ment', opinion. save the $319,000 counted m large measure for the de- rowin his seat and quite seriously of a ditterenee between the two l crease in the Mines Department esti- nice! it the Libtiral Leader intended . mates trom $523,725 last year to ' figures. l, $443 725 this year the House to believe that lawyers - 1 Estimates for the Game and Fish.. "um tuivige people "to break the ""3" From the look of the main estimates l cries Department are reduced by more like that." "Does he mean to .teil for the fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1932, than $250,000, including a cut from us," he added, "that this misehieving which were tabled in the Ontario $142,000 to $90,000 in the vote for 1sdone ontheadviee of "was". Legislature yesterday, it would seem erecting ponds and buildings for 'W11 say to my honorable friend; that Premier George S. Henry's re- propagating ttsh and game and a cut that he is not a lawyer," Mr. Sinclair cently avowed policy ot economy and from $302,000 to $270,000 for services) began. but was cut short with Mr.: retrenchment tor this Province is well and expenses in connection with game;' Shields's "Thank the Lord, I'm not." under way. law enfcrcement. l, Tilie House roall'led.k h t These estimates as tabled, and Sha curtail e . . -_ i " We never tea y nown w a you before the errors were discovered, Department tt,'lt'f,li.'lts'l', 513333. '21th?? were," thrust Mr. Sinclair. "And from totalled $68,002,212--a falling off of is a drop from $3,384,902 to $1,05T 335 l, Mttte ot your work, I wouldn't say it, t,15,188,853 from the expenditures esti- Expenditure on public buildings bearsI was art." mated tat the 1930 session) for the the brunt of this cut, as it declines' "Don't get sore," some Conservative twelve. months' business period ending from $2.364,8IT to i2itjioti, ToLpro-i member hurled into the argument. Oct. 31 this year. ride additional accommodation in t,hel "So maul." -, No Cut in Staff. l Government buildings at Toronto,) "Ws so restful," smiryed Mr. T , . t $50.000 is to be appropriated. l Shields, with a regular Eva Tanguay No curtailment of existing Govern-I Labor Department estimates are' " dont care" expression on his ment services or of the present staff cut by nearly $100,000, includintr a curl countenance _ is indicated in the estimates. The of 350.000. or 50 r cent is " I . irr.. pe .. n hie, Mr. Sinclair waved his hand bellig l cuts are usually made in bulk items, allowance for contingencies. extra help' erently "I would suggest." he said , Egghjnagse Qt, Toll/lt approprtiactied for and gutter maggers in connection with5 Giriii'iriy "that my honorable friendl e eren e a - e nario e , is , , menlts andi branches. The lag-zest oNees. vernm nt employment; fh,1'tiLf.',, his profession, and leave single cut s in the appropriation for The vote tor l " . " . ' . l the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, bounties is cut in dl/e/lf isog5oglgtlif' "I lee, "mfg; ii','l"ii'ri, the 13:: l which is $10,605,000, compared withPublic accounts of last year however pe ur came? nu ffl" . it? $28,801,0001ast year. 'show that only a little more than Woodbine, " my otprat?1e tttein' The cut in this one vote alone more! $50,000 was paid out for this purpose go back to the farm he Is always than exceeds the cut on the total, but) although $100,000 was voted. Another wilting about. . . ".. J dots not indicate an increase in the; miscellaneous item which comes off I will, snapped Mr. Sinclair. Jus? j estimates for any one department. The: badly is the allowance for gratuities " soon as I Ir,tt away from the sound creation of the new Department of l which is cut from $10,000 to $1,000 ' of your voice. 'Public Welfare and the reshuffling ' . of the duties of the Provincial Secre- T I

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