Arr, l i i . _ --_---- (House Leadership. . -'"""-""""'"---------, ( Mr. Hepburn stated that he had FORMAL tinformed Mr. Sinclair, the House ON grader, that, as he was not an elect- ed member of the Ontario Legisla- ture. he did not wish to take any o H O U S E part in a canons of the Liberal mem- . bitc.' H. felt that the leadership of {the House rested entirely with Mr. FOR I OMOR g Sinclair and that the individual mem- . ilrers would reciprocate that feeling. l a l "I have kept entirely away froml S"--"--------------------.--. a". .,.K_.; . 3,... , o" " - o . . .._ "i',i'i1,i'i',',t'i"/jy" VI', h "f 's'n1S, Mr. Hep (o,',',',",'",'?:, O p t o metry i'"", _ iiririi,"irr"-"'; The Globe learned that the as- . . N If ity Ed. . t sembled members were in accord with 1, Bill Passes Committee i, cw at" itor 7- s. t tprtviously expressed views of the ff larder-item. and expressions of co- a n d G a m e L a w 8 I Is "eulogy Student l. :'triwrur'rct on his stand were made' . . yesterday. The question of finding g Amendment Aqus the i.-.-..-.."::.-..-.? seat lot Mr. Hepburn was not dis- l Use of Ferrets trt Hunt- At, a meeting ot the Publica- . cussed, it was said. i . . l tions Committee ot the Students' . It was decided among the mem- i mg Rabbits 1 Administrative Council ot the bers at the meeting P/gg? would ',, _, __s l gniverslty of Toronto yesterday, hold a picnic in his ri ng during i ' . W. Payton, a student in the... the coming summer, and the new {SINCLAIR A LON E ology at Wycliffe College, was Leader was asked to address the as- ; appointed Editor-in-Chief of the semblsge at each one. I ON OPPOSITION SIDE Varsity for the coming year. The "I agreed to go into each riding -_-___ new appointee, who has been As.. _ this summer. when the member will _ . . . i sociate Editor of .the paper for the hold a gala picnic. for Ills constituents I The Ontario Legislature will sit to- l past two years, is also this year q --a have been invited. and will tip- day for the last time this session. Busi- l editor of Torontonensis. The ap- liver an address at each one on the (netis will be wound up some time u/rl pointment ot a yonLen.'f. editor principles of Liberalism as laid down :night or tomorrow morning, but in will be made by the Publications by the December convention." Mr. tany event formal prorogation ot the Ccmmittee after consultation with Hepburn stated. House by Lieutenant-Governor Wil- -..1.1'iu1ace.c._.._._.., "What better illustration could hp liam D. Ross is set for tomorrow after- my?-- given that harmony and unanimous noon at 3 o'clock. l feeling exists among us and that a Premier George S. Henry pushed de- l dawn of united Liberalism is s'veep- liberations last night, past midnight, _ l I 1 Ing the Province which will ultimately on through the early hours of the i . l carry us to victory?" Ontario's new morning in order to get the decks for i t 3 Liberal Chieftain asked. final sweeping today. Several depart- if I i Mr. Hepburn left, for Ottawa lust ments of the main estimates were it, L t l, night. voted; much legislation of a conten- il, l . _ _---------"-"--" tious nature was moved up several l, . m--- _----.------- . , a , ', notches toward enactment, and gener- i: i ' ally speaking. the tagged legislators I . I SEPARATE bCHOOLS showed every sign of counting the iDuncan j. Mailileson or: hours until it was "all over." J Petrolea Appointed by i , Permit Mall-Order Sale. ', . . A. E. Honeywell's optometry bill, a I Ontario _ . " " bill which almost caused a riot in, __ ___ ' -------_-ee _ committee.hadtobe dealt with bya _ 'N" r,' T.err"'. -. rtrr-r,, ..,' i., 1 t l subcommittee and engendered a lot of l ter,",')':.",',',))", .,. Lillian J. Mign- I corridor lobbying, passed committee son it Prom-:1 Cry i.1inc mean ri- Berth. Seek 'tJe/yt From) stage of the House last night, without l tario Croii'ynnypi, Immigration Dc- , - - a murmur of issent wh nits s onsor _ \P" ir- , i. fl i. l Publit; and State own 'stated that anther regisions 73f its l,'r'1r/,,',t,1,c,ri,t,,/j, 57713173" (',tl,yi1f,'1,.ly/i bee-1:: . I , .ccmmzudco t) tIto Mi.tti: '.cd of Agri ' ed Corporations , original form would permit mail-order l, culture. lion. Thom _ l. Kennedy. Of.. I * ', sale of spectacles as usual. but would 1 ficial announcanrn: to this effect was I ---_-_--r-.i'__-__- __ prevent salesmen from going from 'mado vestcrias: afternoon by the Min- i At the request oi the Separate house-to-house with eye charts. 'lhtel'. The mallet" has yea to be ap-; School Boards of Ontario. L. Cote A minor but interesting feature of iprovcd by Cabinet. Council. (Cons. Ottawa East) presented nutrition. Charles McCrea's annual bill to ' The recuynim'vri.attn came. from a. argument tor a proportion of [hel amend the game laws of the Province immune o!' C c.1111 We tern Ontario! school taxes of public and iii,'its-riiv'i,isivkli"iii,i, allow the use of ferrets in the,imemly'rs 05 in? It?r',ici':icuiT yesterday{ corporations before a virtually empty, hunting of rabbits, but will ban the' 1 "milling. lily-Klimt". Howard Raleigh. House at 12.30 o'clock this iWednes- use of bags and traps at the same 'East Lanioicn. J. P "Moore, K.C., tiayt morning. time the ferrets are in action. Nomi {11.171033 Aul'fliij', 'cieyjii. South Mr. Cote approached the "ubjetrt by Another feature of last night's de- 1'iiiri's'il.i. i.}:°.fl Ljluti'jfii,'; 31.0"" je,if,t outlining the reactions between com- liberations was the absence of the f {773% , $21915" 'i/ji".':).,),,,": 1i,lfeiil1sf.:i, men and separate or Catholic schools ,leeral Opposition from the Chamber, Ir;? 1"lnh"rl(.ir"' ,.";"'1','f_';.:(.35 l 1153' as existing at the time of Confedera- when Premier Henry took his seat than "fig J.'," th? 'lie) ...-iwt' I Con. . about 8.30 and made signs for the' i'rr.i'ifirh,.irr/r,i'iL/"ir1 .. '.onp, may "May I point out that when a Gov- entrance of Mr. Speaker. All the !vafi1'A"i'r(c)irst",i1, "end is l, . {Failed- ernmsnt ollsWs ltr', iwcrr'r0' to be Liberals were down at the Prince and 'caiii'io)rcifr'iciiiit'ird,t, being 21' WW1 thrsn taxc's at'P voluntary an." George, at a dinner conference with 'graduate of in? Ontario Agrieurtural,l in the nature of a'grant out of public their Provincial Chieftain, Mitchell Collrge. He is 38 years old, and this funds? But ryr.'usri'hcta.ndin'g tiv-'t1HP,n,r Hepburn, with the exception of Wil- I is significant, in rim: of the fact, that stit.utrona1 right to shnrp m public liam E. N. Sinclair. House Leader, lit is the poll-"y of the department in", grants. the .rcparatc' .crchool supporters who had a previous engagement. and (these instances lo keep til" ages of; . under the t,tsjyyerrnr,.l,a,,i.v, as it exists. Dr. L. J. Simpson. Centre Simcoe. 'applicants to br ronsidered under 45, cannot collect f,"jie,, tiollat' of those {who was unexpectedly called to Bar- Eyes-TS: , . i tallies. sfiti, Mt; Cot... -0 'rt C , rie. When the House did resume it is planned Ill olden the scopc, I y1vtsleey, that uparaio .»cl:ool 'business, Mr. Sinclair was the only 'ot the office to 11/iici1.,/ly' appellant supporters should b2 eXempc trom Liberal in his seat -ment has been made. Under the nc11 taxation for public schools. but it is " h . " plan. the representative will look after; also a fact that for their ownership Complete Harmony. the boys who com'? out under the vari- . and interest in the Camdian National A statement issued to the press by Oils English immigration schemes, Railways and in other srate-owned en- the group, following the Prince George such as those who have gone to the, terpris2s, they rsceixe no eichosl tax at affair, was to the effect that "com- Vimy fling-e Farm at Guelph. This all." plete harmony prevailed." will eliminate the necessity for send-1 By way of a rcp'y to the statements When Mr. Henry started to vote mg out inspectors from IPpyitee.r;r of Mr. Cote. Prcmier Crr2rg', S. Henry the main estimates about 11.30 o'eloek, will mean {oblige faii'llfg ionic 1160de g tttld in part: Hon. Harry C. Nixon, Progressive Otxtllc PtTrti'ac'p. thc Ministixt pointed', "This matter is on? of the problems Leader, registered protest, stating that 10"" . __ ___. which develops without changing con- no intelligent discrlsion couldhbe of Frauds Commissioner L ('lions. I don't know that there is pected from the Opposition w en t e . . OOO' any simple soloiicn to it-- in fact, I estimates had only been tabled in the' Will Be Paid I", think there isn't. and I have some late afternoon. Salaries of the Commissioner or . appreciation of the various difficulties For a while last, night there was an _fPuysfeetrs. who will administer. surrounding the whet: suggestion. indication that a morning sitting of "he Security Frauds Prevention Aet-l :Eothing can bt don? by tle 1i17i'itrieoal1t the Hons? 2t waging. dWOuld be Ewill likely be about $10,000, Hon. iii) no artment minorities without a grea necessary 0 c ean up e or er paper, ' . " 0321 of care and a'tcnticn. I am but after consultation with the Lib- ll. 2f,""tne)Tttiftntrrhtttettfif, sure the dcparimmr will give it every eral and Progressive Leaders the i, h.. C' . .. (when the bill providing for the Corn study, but it will have to be left in Prime Minister announced. through ., mission passed the Committee of the 'wal, way tor the present. at least. his Whip.u William ' Ireland, that Whole. W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal _ such an early-riser session would Leader, strongly urged that the Com- be dispensed with. mission be composed ot more than one -. . . " - - - - man. There was always a tendency ot a one-man Commission to become ar- ibitrary. After the trouble Colonel ,Price had already had in administer- _ ting the. act, he thought he would be well advised to make it a three-man ' commission.