yr" "1" _'.' "V ', I ", , Arrd it . _ C ' I M'CREA UNDER FIRE On 6946 Division "-------..- a . . . n Bit-by-Bit Policy Is Not ---------- new? -170:________. Liked by Progressive . . . l regar is amendments to Hipel Precipitates Vote om trite Corporiggons Tax Act, Provincial Leader . . reasurer ward A. Dunlop issued -----.--.. Third Reading, Charg-: the following statement: . . . "Every Province in Canada except , mg Government With) Oratoriothas hag a general corpo- GREY M.P.P. S OPPOSED . . . . :ra ons ax in e ect for years. The --------- Playing Politics With', tax proposed under the present legis- . ' . . . ilation is similar to that imposed by Strong intimation was .ha.d from Bill and Rushing It; the Province ot Quebec: manufactur- Hon. Gharles McCrea, Minister of .ing conditions in the two Provinces Mines m the. Legislature, last night Through {are also similar. that the partial abolition of the use 3 "As to discrimination between in- 9f dogs. in the h1y1liryr of deer, which ---------- 'rcorporat,ed companies and partner- IS provided for in the annual game- RMATION lships or individuals, there is to be law amendments, will be tyten.ded next HALTS FO (corisidered the limitation of liability yesr, to Wife? the whole Province. . NEW COMPANIES l in the case of incorporated companies, " We have been too late with this OF land the fact that incorporated com- law, Mr McCrea frankly told thc , panics are created by legislation. House. I am quite convinced that ----------. ' "There is not a Province in Canada dogs are destroying the deer, and that Third reading of Provincial Treas- which so generally and generously as- the. longer we allow them to run "'2 urer Dunlop's bill to amend the Cor- sists in social and welfare activity and sooner the deer will be exterminated. d tl in the education of the growing gen- "Why Not Do n Now?" porations Tax Act only passe " eration as does the Province of On- The Minister's attitude drew sharp Legislature late last night after Nor- tario, assistance which substantially remonstratlons from Hon. Harry C. man o. Hipel (Liberal, South Water- $8,323; a; b,hrfenasoutoe sognilifgl futon); ggsrieeivght,yitirn; D. J. Tay- . . , ' ' or, es ' ", loo? had precipitated a division, on philanthropic and charitably inclined Oliver,ogsgle {IBRQ 'liggeirsPaopuiy which the Government won by a among tyteitiz.ens." . 5 House, Mr. Nixon claiming that if the recorded vote of 69 to 16. 1eg1i1clitli,titgdttgociegnfriragy1r,t , 1t1f,ioglatr, Pi', good for that territory . . . .. ' _ - nor o e , Earlier m the night, when the bill ward e ducation, the Government had Rivers (where if??? bznidn Jelhtwit was in committee stage. Mr. Hipel been. and_woul_d continue to be, gen- is also good for the country south, of charged that the Government was erous in its_aid to agriculture, and the rivers. "If you're going to put la in politics with it and plainly road - building, "muting more total abolition into effect next year, p Y g ' . than three - quarters of all why not do it now? I don't like the indicated that the Houye hadnt heard the tourists entering Canada in Minister's blt-by-bit policy in regard the last from him on it. The moment the year 1930, whose expenditure m to putting through game laws." it was called for third reading he the Province is estimated at $150,000,- Mr. Taylor stated that if the partial moved, seconded by William Newman 000. "It is felt that these expendi- abolition was in the nature ot an '(Liberal. North Victoria). that it be tures must have substantially stimu- experiment, then the Government had not read. The division which followed lated business and industry to the "the cart before the horse," in that brought a flush of excitement to a benefit of the incorporated companies dogs would be permitted to run in House that was laboring steadily but of the Province," says Mr. Dunlop. country where the deer had become unemotionally toward the wind-up of "We appreciate that. at.the mo- fairly scarce, and would be banished its sessional business. ment, business and industry m general north of the French, where the deer 'Ut is very unfair that the Gov- l passing (through a fjly'g,hrou",,r,i/i1 were quite plentiful. 1 b in this le isla- o serious epress on, , " " 't'l11,mfe,tvnst'ull, Tlg, hours if the confidence to a return to normal con- Switch the Situation. . . .. session," declared Mr. Hipel. "It gives ditions in the near future." Flt/I th%mlswitoh the Situation. those who seek to object to the tax . LL;4¥~~-------~>- 233,", 5; "if (Ewan Jie? Qe 512%,: less chance than dogs give the deer in t t h h ' . the Northern woods. The Henry Gov- Silent? 2utlutkd12gait :23 eggs; ernment is playing polities with tax- I ' evidence of EGUtGiii'erG%, all ation. It is a common rumor that the h te I bell 1 th ' Government is imposing as much tax hggdsrsfor tg'.2aftil12 "row up both as possible so that before the next BLE Mr. Oliver registered a protest from election it fan abolish it as a sop I his ndjng of South Grey against the to the Public. " abolition, saying that, while it was Consumer Will Pay. -""'"""-""-"'-"-"G- will; sectigieial nowédit would,ll in his "Why arc not partnerships and ind . - ,Op on, app 1 genera y next dividuals taxed in a like manner tc Ex-Premier Ferguson Is Re "ee/gt; Mndwriting is on the wall on u o I . 'id'e,'efg,'il'i ttilfilrire"2ti, "It; celved at Vilma" for all -tf_tttl'.'tt observed. alleged by the G?vernmeqtokhen why City i this additional tity?.". He asserted C ' Ithat the'ftax would act as lie,',',',) --------- ash-t6" he formation of ne com. panies. It would affect 1tiliitUtfl'y'il, C H h T S 0 N C A N h D h ment, he continued, because many! ---------_ . companies had been providing fo: employment out of contingrnpy, (Canadian Press Cable;Ioward i funds. But when this act passed, thd, Rome, April l. - Hon. 1? Gommis- funds used to provide employn'en Ferguson, Canadian Pt attending would be cut off. On top of this ax sioner in London, whof ce here he asserted, companies would 'b the World Wheat Cotnodereyn were re: faced with the probability of addi- and Mrs. Ferguson . agivate audi- tional increased taxation from Ot, ceived by the Pope In p tawa. Many companies were alread3| PW: n r. committed to contracts, which, after It was "stirt1ugr',uvrat'l.y tlin'; .lthe imposition of this tax, they woul Ferguson ii'," cts to mg Holiness e {lave to fulfil at a loss. Thereafte will pay]? Vtifle Dominion Mr Per- he additional tax would be iiiiiifriiro)'.f1'r'1'iio , on to the consumer. He read severa . " n were re- telegrams from business tzmeeee1.op' had agdthhgrsiagirglg? o. A.p D. posing the pro 959d tax. gglt1u(Ul,'e1', Charge d'Atfaires of 'l1fllUfllUAlela'tflet,'. Dunlop stated thge British Ministry to the Holy See. I th'hlthough the bill had appeared . d c ada in a His Holiness discusse an only within the last few days, inti- most cordial and interested man- nation of the new tax had been con- nor with Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, and tamed in his Budget address, and imparted the Apostolic benediction / that therefore it was unfair to sug- f re they left. . gest that the act was being forced be PSU.e'v2'e..e.u..-.-..--.---- through in the dying hours ot thel