The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1931, p. 3

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' . ,. f ' T T J; . - I -. _."', L' . .' . " 1crdttr' "s " _ 's. ut.' . .- _ L____. - a-su-i.,,-----, gentire costs of a a PS m. m1. adi- _ ted the Health m. 'M' the time i I firmed when the if?" =aNE. ii i t '; es would '13" "of" " . of i . q . . such 'l'l's'tfAirll'l2'r'r, Government! . g y tt . , : no doubt would seriously consider the l 2 t wa s vlsory omml e-e s, Tqugstion ttt.eontrittuting likewise. ; . I r. Robb did not decry. but. on the f t T St d . l other hand, paid tribute to, the gem ' t o tt y 0a dxation I l. work done by the part-time medical? t "ii omCers whose administratiw Itll- : 's--..-..-..-..-.-.-..-.-.-.-, 'l thorny the county units would WIW' . i tout. sun. m (id mum". tluut m... Premier George S. Henry announced to the Legislature 11,faaciyigll11j/',:"' J:j,g,1,. Il,'),"",','?:."))?:,',. in the closing hours of its sessional wind-up early this (Thurs- ,symm ot health "mum! Um," Jar, _ day) morning that the Highways Advisory Committee of the be cut down. _ Province, ot which Thomas J. Mahony, M.P.P., South Went- . , O r . FK , i . . . rgdi1stlrtee, le til,,':!,. "lilo:- It {311:2 . worth, is Chairman, would be asked by the Government this - "Trr=tT-"""r""TtrT""""'"h"ry'f' ---- ci--- -__ . _.__._I year to make a study of the whole question of road taxation, sponsoring establishment M W. trom the standpoint of .the cities, as well as the standpoint county units will be reintrodueed next ', ot the rural municipalities. - . . T ' " session am" the general public has , This advisory board has done good work in the past, and "re""-"""""'""""-""""""""'"- . - ' . I m sure it will be able to do good work in this connection," had. during the i:1-,"ri't., adcryrorr the Premier stated opportunity in ixillii'mrig- it I'll w. y. At . its aims. the present time James F. Hill, M.P.P., East Hastings, -""""""""""-"'-'""'---------- Iand Mr. Masogy comprise the committee. There is onei . ; vacancy on , ue to the elevation to Cabinet rank last t . al All Lawmaking Processes) ot Colonel T. L. Kennedy, M.P.P., Peel. 1'1, Are Completed. Except .! th tlzhiis likely, t,1,',e,t,,o/ih,tl"ifitiynittee commences its inquiry, , . j a s vacanc e ed. F o r m a l Ceremonies,: ________._y_________._______~- . mouse as well as in it. was Hon. this natural gas war. when we as i When Lieutenant-Gov-icmies McCrea's game law amend- "Hummers hate A chalice to get Some . l ment providing for partial abolition in o'v.oap prorluct/' he added "tho Go; - é ernor Gives Assent tO' this Province of the use of dogs in the I ('l'lllllf'lll doesn't hesitate a single see- . . , hunting of deer, To A.rorne -uen "I I end to rush in and set a price." ? Bills Enacted Into Law ,William H. Price fell the yhoriore d! i There wr".' no rcastJn that l' cor/d i --_----_ bringing down the most far-rearhingl tty.?, htt said. why m" 1li12itttr, of . , . legislation. having to do with the i1i'ni'e"sc,ctgfgii/',fi",', co.ly1'y"t1 Crass GUAS'PRILE DISPUTE Judicature Act and the Security l ille companies. lad y.?"?). and the ' - ;I)rICC dropped vcr?, low some tint". Frauds Prevention Act. I Br d r, H, lip . tr . wet _ ENLIVENS DEBATES An outstanding event of the session l "'93 ""3219 3" :1 1"'il wars. 2,1." was the debate on the allegations of , 1121)."? ple; 120 a , 'P (9.3": .3 -------r-e-r-.r-_-. "Practical Atheism" in the University , 1?: '..if"i1':.'vi.~ aginn tl1,es.tei,1iii'i,,te,ri, 111:1? Business of the second session of of. Toronto. and a suggestion that the i pans-2'" T a.' 'e a . , J k . . . situation be cleared up before grants .. ' _ Ontario's Eighteenth Legislature wound be voted for university purposes, i' It all delimit}: on the Ci'.'c'd'm- up at 1.52 o'clock this iThursdayi The contentious barbers bi.11r-, /it'uffi'; gnggunfl,', "iifh'e'rt,,psvn, morning. Formal piorogation by his , 'aTgi1reot12irehthritr1s1,d t?"fy,'t'itgitl'i chard." continued Mr. Nixon. Vii-n; Honor William D. Ross, Lieutenant- .. . . ' shouldn't, it, be done in the other . Provincial registration and licensing. f W... Governor of the Province. is set for 3 ---tra.s withdrawn in the closing hours case . o'clock this afternoon amid all the of the session. il, Different, Says Premier. time-honored pomp and ceremony. Much Business to Cover. 1" Premier Henry at this jiiiiituii- in- Announcement by Premier Henry of, At 12.30 this morning it looked as lterjccted the argument that the the personnel of the special committee I though at least two or three more '(iuos'bi'in or .cixi'ntntl1inio, that. way de- of the House which will sit during the 'houns of deliberation would be re- lirered from a wagon. like milk. for, interim to study the Municipal Act. iquired to write finish to the 1931 'incmni-r. this not comparable mini with a. View to recommending any {Legislature program. Many of the ,l delivery of a product. from a pzpe/ consolidations .and amendments which. lmain estimates had still to be voted: line. _ m their opinion. may be necessary. lil very contentious resolution span: i Criiicrim. if of a milder nature. was featured the. closing minutes of the [sored by T K Slack 'iirGi'rriGii/e also dryru::rd at Mr. McCrea's l:p,i.~l.i-. 1931 deliberations. This committee (fiGGii?', calling for cuts in Cabinet 3 lion by William E. N. Siiielair. Liberal! will comprise. in addition to then irii1iiiiis" and other ottieial salaries li. Home Leader. who raw-d siting ob-l Premier, Hon. William Finlayson, 1fiiii l reduction in members' indemni-' jottirov, to a clause wind-1 would 11.3.". Minister of Lands and Forests: Hon. t ties wa still on the order a er 'GI given the Gm Referee. the rtgin. a:, Dr. Paul Poisson. Minister Withoutz' s & .. - /_E,t1tr,I,typ.,t,T_t..el he defined 1: "to iii-.ilze an olden" portfolio: G. H. Challies. Conservative. , .b? t.alh'd: "a ol'u' or two ot the Min- without consultinz anybody." , m we Dundas; P. w. Elliott, Liberal. North istcrs of the Government had yet. it had tho satistaction ot hiring the? Bruce; Arthur Ellis. Conservative. Is reported, to speak. it briefly, with',d handily the Clans» ;.. Tis South Ottawa; Thomas Jutten. Con- regard to the policies of their I'C-. way of liking. servative, Centre Hamilton; Fred G. spti'.tiT.dertments. L'oityrh:g, to UV: Lun't?tninrcnt', vign- McBrien, Conservative. Toronto- Claiming that the Henry G(';\'('l'll- ment that one of the main point: of Brockton; and T. K. Slack. Progres- them had Just as much right, and was I the lit-Cred bill was in avoid duplica- sive, Dufferin. The committee willt Just as much duty-bound to step into- tion of gas service in a community, at report back as soon after the recess 2'Asoll'.lC .N"s. and bread Wars as it ilk" CYpsll.siP. uliimatol.v. of the con- as can be reasonably expected of it. :1 'dd,,' Interfere tr'ltlltalld fix rates :sumer. Mr. Sinclair argued that if ll ,1» prawn, irea chine natural.' _l ' ' . . ' olv Mr. Slack Absent. ans war in Western Ontario. Hon. ', (hell, 1gisceJyt,irrti,ihrl,i'.' ".111o"fll.'v' The last item on the order paper to Harrv C. Nixon. Progressive Leader ' {mud ., he added "this le'giclu'joy is b? called by Mr. Henry was the mo- took Mimi: cxcentiou" in the Lewis-H iiiiiiirin the interests of i'if,"'cCtii'/,,3v'j1 tion standing in the name of Mr. la'iur" last right l0 Hon. Charles New" than it is in ille'ill£"l his ef the 'i'/'i'/. Slack, appealing for a reduction. not Ci'eu's new "gaveoiitrollinv lerrisla- \-*(3- Li." II trust "//'t"'iii'/'d'/. will only in the salaries of Cabinet Min- lion and inf lied t! t a" n " . "it . 'Me , 5 . l l. ' . ' . f? H na pnaetmcnt and handle the question in a l'lllllalit iii..n- isters and highly paid Civil servants, np~ratimi of the same would lose tet. inr k' t , of the wan he ls esk- but in the sessional indemnities of all CnnsulT1Cr.s considerable beturfit, that p21. 'Y £01!" -).1 _ DO' V "so c'd.rliir, members. as well. Inasmuch as N.r.l otherwise they would enjoy ' , m: ),',(',sf/'t/f,i'j,,1tsillT, any), t. . like ., Slack was not in his aeat at the call-) The bill récelvcd se'aond. reading V ah {"(iat ':,r,'ty1te. Van ti It? afollf I". is iing of the motion, it was declared out and later was iaiiisir11; committee ' By wa' of ',',x,1'ji.y,,1,a/,.,1,o,,n o JI):' t??, - ,0! order. and the House promptly and elven third Nam" :lation and amplif.iteationA he hens,- [moved to adjournment. _ _ tttr ,papm- interpretations or. chiicsoai. 1 Features of this session which be- Says Government Rushes In. i Mr. yffrt1 stated that l would give gan on Feb. 12, were the absence of Mr. Nixon's objection came as Mr. the Government "We power to con} [the sparkle ot the former Premier, ye.cyra. moved second reading of his tath, any situation m the Province .o IHyn, G. Howard Ferguson; the col- legislation. '.'rt is rather amusing." he , oiit'uio which may have,1lef, ilaboration of the Liberal Party with 'ge,;,,.,','),',', '39" the Power" of this on???" f)". J,".'!,?,...".?,,.?,.)',',',,')'."' ly))') line Government in taking action to stancelsmglil'v gills" 3313? by circum- 'v)oi',c,,1,")'i,i1,1,1 1.2,..lzié";,( Ca' 9'31 ir, improve the conditions ot farming! have a chance t'l,'"i,h"e"/'t ifo'isufmgj and of attempts by rival trottttaanirs to land the farmer: the non-calling "prices" Recently h tatedy ower invade t,rrNioyy "mm, gas. mum. ithe Public Accounts Committee; the',', . .ne 5 he had', ' .,sr. .. o'....: ie.',..' . a oi n approached the Minister of A i l I ttaltll'Hi Oi artificial, wat Ir?ing lunusual amount of legislation. both turc, and had asked him wh Li" P, 'f ', S"Tod .. . of Government and of a private noti " . "Y, .. If, ef?rl *' , . . ' , ld .v t ' . It new of the great spread m. I The bill. he added. wou pre en nature, that was introduced. mill: prices betwee th . . t, l d li ation in any municipality of gas ' . n e producer and up ca . Probahghe most contentious piece the consumer he could not step in t,l'mes or meters without the consent of of legisl " n discussed outside the, and set a. fair price, but the Minister . V had merely thrown up his hands "in horror" at the suggestion. "But in _

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