The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

, p. 3

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' FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 193; i . L ' I t CI -l I I d ' t I , . i n I re itiona Pom i S ' I R V ' 1 ----.-r----r.---. d will bring about more satisféictory l " No conditions in the treatment an cure Legislation and Lieu/l Brighter Business Outlook. ' 2. "One of the subjects to which early tenant-Governor Refers) and sympathetic attention was given " ; is the unemployment situation. In to Many Excellent providing funds to finance relief un- " dertakings, and in giving the author- l Measures Passed by ity required by municipalities. you l have helped to create many useful I House opportunities for labor. I ' "While the farmer is encouraged try l, - ------_...t--- . the present prospect of an early grow- ' N a f , ing season, he is conscious that the ! EASTER li ASHIONS " whole situation ofi agriculture requires _. j careful investigat on and study. For , ARE DISPLAYED 'ithis reason, provision has been made I --------.---- lfor the appointment of the Ontario . . " Marketing Board to consider and de- Boom of cannon. martial display (vise methods of improvement. Besides and Vicercgal dignity marked the / t,iealt.ryr,w,itt? the problem of market- close yesterday of the second session 3 ing. it is intended to institute a gen- I i .1 ' t, . , eral survey of the Province, so thatl of the Eighteenth Ontario Lcgislature 1 production may be encouraged in the I at Parliament Buildings. l. various localities along the special; The Lieutenant-Governor. Hon. W. I 11205 '2'hiCh are "iiiSt likely to lead toi, . . 2 a van ageous resu s. I D. Ross, prorogued the Legislature / "The school law has been amended; (around 3 o'clock in the afternoon,i to provide more equitable arrange-) 'following an address which outlined': ments tor the financial support oil, the main legislation of the session. ', secondary education, and to extend| Although not quite the brilliant! the facilities for vocational training: event which marks the opening of the i by means of joint boards. ' session, prorogation was not without! "Public opinion will support your1 ' verve and color. The Chamber of the i efforts to encourage the use of British House was nearly filled with members ', films in this Province. I trust, there- and their wives and friends. repre- l fore, that your legislation in this sub- .senting. at the time. not so much ject will meet with the cordial co-» 'their constituencies as the latest] operation of all concerned. f l wrinkle 1n fashion. i, Iturc Act, the Supreme Court of On- 3 13-0935 Act as Escort. . .tario will be reconstituted on lines; 3 The formal prorogation was giamor- .. I better adapted to the needs of the l, ous also by reason of its military; 'Province. For many years the tie-i trimmings. At Bloor Street and) Tsirability of releasing certain Judges Avenue Road the Lieutcnant-Gtwer-) (from appeal work and making them nor was met by an escort of the Royal ', , available tor circuit duties has been l 'Canadian Dragoons. A fifteen-gun; ' This plan has now been 'salute marked his Honor's progress to I l, adopted with the hope that it will! ', the Parliament Buildings, fired by a . i facilitate the administration of justice l battery of the Canadian Field Artil-i {throughout the Province. I _ lery. At the Parliament Buildings the . l "Additional safeguards have been l _ Lieutenant-Governor was met by at ;applied to the public highways withi i guard of honor ot the Royal Canadian _ a view to curbing reckless drivrng and i Regiment. which he inspected. I preventing congestion ot traffic. i ' Premier Henry met the Lieutenant-' I "Provision has been made for thei _ Governor at the entrance to the Par- i appointment of a Commission to ad- i liament Buildings and accompanied _ iminister and enforce the SecurityI _hitt1 into the Legislative Chamber: 'Frauds' Prevention Act. By setting Shortly following his Honor's entrance 3 i up an independent and impartial tri- 'into the Legislative Chamber were his! Lbunal for this purpose, it is expected' daughters. the Misses Ross. The Lieu- a that the operation of the Jaw will bel tenant-Governor was accompanied byl finally removed from the arena of. t his aides. Colonel Alex. Fraser, Major ) lpublic controversy. i Eric Haldenby and Colonel W.' , "The duty of parents to maintain Rhoades. ; and educate their children until they Then followed the formal ceremony; [reach 16 years of age has been em- cf proragation. The Speaker. stand- ( 'bodied in the statute law of the Prov- ing at the foot ct the dais. formally; Huge, l asked the Royal assent to legislation; l "With the progress of industrial; , passed during the sc%s10n. Followedj training of the blind, these handicap- l the reading and the formal assent toe ped persons are now able to tind suit- i , a long list ct bills. Then one ot his; lable employment in a number of oc-; 'aides, Colonel Fraser. presented the 3cupations. It was, therefore. found; ', Lieutenant-Governor with the formal ' desirable to apply the principle of the i _ prorogation address. which mentioned _ l Workmen's Compensation Act to blind I iin commendatcry terms most of the! {workers which has been accomplish- (legislation passed during the sessions ;ed by an atmending get. 1 ed inc ' ' F "Near en rears ave e aps Sl c. I Rcyal Ass?" to Bills. ( i the lawyrespgctmg municipal insti- g T .lt, reads m part: . I 'tutions was revised and codified. It! Consequent upon the Ntpointyte.'nti, is proposed. therefore. during the' ot a Minister ct Public Welfare, Iegis- i I coming recess to resume this work, l lation has been enacted to set up the . . _ - i and to give all interested an oppor I department over which he will pro-l tunity to present their views on the: side. In addition to the duties already subject. A Commission will be ap- i assumed, the seep? and functions of; pointed to study the Assessment Actl this dep.artment will be developed as' and report its findings to this Legis- i the were: progresses in a field that 'lature for consideration at a futurc' affords exceptional opportunities torl session I public service. . "Legislation has also been enacted ii "Statutory provision has been made to confer the municipal franchise on i for establishing training schools tor farmers' daughters; to make the! boys 'andi for girls, 'on lines similar operation of the Bees Act more} to those of the boys training school- effective to facilitate the work of a's1,t1r.m,tyy/.i,1lt; . the agricultural representatives; tol . "Your legislation respecting public authorize the appointment of addi- hospitals will, I trust, open a new tlonal County Judges, and to amend! prospect tor the progress and devel- the Coroners Act " t opment of these essential institutions. . " .The establishment of a uniform . .----"s""""s""""',.' I; [system of hospital government f 'ithroughout the Province will, facili- ' tate the more general adoption of : modern methods ot organization. and - '

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