The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1932, p. 3

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. p .. -- . .. "yr-err-' _ l atsamttrttjtmtetunegt- Din-Shawn mu Harl- f i -- - .ei- galleryitea. until he got tttN m or. L. J. 5mm (Liberal, ftWf,glLttteUeg,t1rgyp',t,t; "Udto,ttndtheemetstauitji'iiuhK Gettttet6iteoeJtheGoVernttienttutd of 'iirG"ii'riisi 1'ir?'a'1."'11 , them . . . ackay Inning mtnitietttitma of the We . its supporters received a right-hand (South Bruce) said if the Premier was . 3 question. ' ' it" that rattled their mm" mo- a mind-reader "as you think you are " There was no mention of the ma.- mentu'ily. and drew from the Prime he would know Mr Mackay's attitude ', 000 Aird-Beauharnois payment. There Minister his possibly most heated re-' without asking W 'J Bragg Durham ' was no mention of other power con- ply of the (my, Declaring that it ill told the Premier io' Lg" or; with his ' "sub judice." so far as discussion is Liberals and Progressives in "double- ment drew from Mr Henry the laugh- "concerned, by the present Royal, harness." he expressed the wonder if in oboe ti th 5.. f l, ' G, g rva on a men mm Bruce Commission inquiry. There was, itti the Prime Minister and Attorney are usually courageous." Dr. Simpson, ; fact, no reference whatever to the General Price did not represent a two- after thrusting at the Premier about, publicly owned power enterprise of horse leadership within t,he Con- the supposed Henry-Price leadership, 1Ontario, except in regard to the servative Party. and hinted at a, was emphatic that Ito was a Liberal alleged association of Mr. Hepburn _ possible fuss between the two when who thought. his own thoughts, and With the Chicago-directed NOD" the Premier had returned to Queens did not, agree with every man. but, . lands. That reference, coupled with Park after his Western ganglia. trlp. who regarded Mr. Hotfburn as an hon- the determined attempt made by the "rm out in frcnt, hore, replied Mr. orable gentleman, with whom he "as lPirenaier earlier in the afternoon to Henry, while his smppcrters applauded. proud to associate. pm own the Liberal and Pro essive " lead." ,, " . ' . " ismups. man by man. to an "greased To Charles A. fbcbprtsot1 iillorml. Mr. Murray Not Chained. . lendersation of Mr. Hepbum's Milton North Huron' went the day's palm T. P. Murray (sown WNW?" said i iand- Preston speeches and his general tar tho retort. par cxvrllcnce. that when the people. of his riding had i ll ith - "I don't know anylhing about sent him to the Legislature they had, no cy wit regard to Hydro, was sum 3 ' . " - . 1 ' ' . , cient, however literally to tear things Hydro cmtracts and I admit it. h sl he believed. entrusted him with doing i ,ioose. , ' said. "But in spite of that tact V, what he believed to be ill the best In- think I could speak a lot closer} to; terests of the constituency. "They _ Members Enjoy Slapstick. the point than did tho Prime didn't send me to be chained down to . l In the "vaudeville show" which Minister." what any one man thinks or may do." lfollowcd. tempers frayed to fever , said Mr. Murray. Pleat: voices shrilled off key; gal- Hydro History Traccd. , , . l Norman o. Hipel (South Waterloo) (rtryitey with utter disregard far In tlrsvNop'hw, his {in}? "11 Hr, declared he would answer the question iattendants and House rules hand- Hepburn. Mr. Henry bricuiy trac:d we of where he stood "hm the irspr clapped their approval and dis- development oi the privvl' t"ntr'rirs'1fir"l time came. ('l'g,','itv,1li, desks banged; and .th.e from its incr-ptimi in Iyatrrloy Omit-V" "Where do You and your cohorts principals in the performance-Just down to the present day, n1yntillyy', come in?" the Prime Minister ttskpd 'how many of the 112 elected members that "from the v1 r}: b;:'_mli}13 fl, 1* _ Mr. Nixon. "Are you following your participated will never be known-em. Liberal Govenmrt.ts and Looms at, b . f If,' ' . , ;Joyed themselves to the full. large had bun "dtwidrdly .antizoms- ",e'1,.v,ir',?ut1d awn" man, Mr. Hep" "Finish your speech and sit down." lie" to distribution of puoii: ly ownpd "Ill),.': , . . l., 'shouted William J. Bragg (Liberal, power in Ontario. 'rio.rougluvut the , Mr. N'rxon---1n this group, Mr. I .. 24 w. '.. . .-,1 p irs .bpeaker. we have men of brains 0 .Durham) on one occasion. span of sir Adam Bess . [ . i...' . . an I 'Wil sit down when I get good and charged. thirc had boon a 1ctc'i'm.n.oed .llldlildualiiy 'and they reserve the ready." retorted Premier Henry. effort on the part of h". ChDpositim1 light to use thm under any Circum- t For three-quarters of an hour the Tomes to thwart the formers vi an. NEDCPS'and at, any time they see tit. Prime Minister directed his fire into "If Sir Adam Hick WCl'P alive to- ,' NM deterred by this reply, the Pre- 1the Opposition ranks, striving by bold my." said Mr. Htynrr. "he Wild my in?" prodded D. J, Taylor (North [direct interrogation to force them into there will be atia'ks new 2.: than: [lbreyt 'tll go on in good time." aluwevre behind Hepburn" admission Weitt then History is (my rclx'atzng lsaid he. 'But in the end the Opposition were itself. You must expect attack; from l "l have answered many eateehisms," :striking back vigorously through what "mam time. . But the propk' of Mm shoppe D. M. Ross iNorth Oxford). 'is allegedly the weakest link in the Pro ice are Wise and they will back "out I won't, answer yours." iPremier's armor-sarcasm-until " Hydro." . : .. 1 _ " , ' I'd "And rronrT. K. "Slack (Dufferin) {one time he was stormily Bppetslintt to Poking lld.culi at tie muons Una - _ fame an indignant. Get on with you. ,the Speaker that "Order" be called on "3 m the New?" House 19"" {it scili' rhis IS not a fishing expedition." one 113W l'lllll'i'llg " CIC'?, . t'. . . :2: opponents for their frequent in- , Henry drew '.a"ti///n"f,r,n' p, thr, alleged Interehanre With Mr. Sinclair. _,'f,'g'lt'rd't,1,f, andi utter distegard .ot synchronization of effort on their An interchange of words at, this , assay ng. part in Hydro speeches. saying that, jllv.c!r,tt', between Mr. Sinclair and Copy of Paper Produced. Mr. Hepburn had spck:m in Mount} Mr. Henry. as to whether the latter Mr. Henry backed his charges Brydges; Dr f"tr"ri' A. Mt'Ruibioan. should use The Globe to quote state- against Mr. Hepburn by producing . U.boral.wltip, ln Paris: and Hon. Mr. mints of Mr. Hepburn from. was in- copy of the Chicago Journal oom- Nixon in Lit. George, aimost Ill tnev m~rupled by the Speaker. who stated plained of. and by reading from it "W. breath. l ., thornmembcrs should stick to the point certain excerpts which. he affirmed. . And I made a 'good Specc'l' put .0' Oiswmml Involved, but who point- tallied with public statements that, 1?.6,T. Nixon.' . ." l .. ..,.. ied Cm" that no member need answer have been made by the Provincial Oh. I dont. know. Pe.. Plenum. another's question if he did not wish.' Liberal Lc:tder. Instead of getting came back} id be more llllel:'.~i0€l . Mr. Henry commented on Mr. Hep- accurntc statements on Hydro for his m the matter than m the spec-ll. 'burn's platform staAtmet1t, on variousf spfghgs _iyld press comments. Mr. Mr. Sinclair OhJeetr. ' Rotations that the Liberal Party stood; Hepburn. alleged the Premier. had Mr. Henry endeavored to I..." the pimp" 9&3??? 1tf,. timer tor the) been sent a mm- of the Chicago) Opposition bellchcl's as to whether inxthis Provin "Int - iberglvParty; organ, and had adopted it as his doc- they belonged to th., Sinclair or the .0 conse v of cashed. ever do trine. iHepburn camps, and Mr. sing-lair would hilive 1llg'r,t'e,'lie'ii' I say theyi "What proof have 1('ll of i'iuf'."" mailed the Spelkcr's attention to Lil" intercsts." e 'ol all to the private) interrupted Thomas Murray, Liberal. Prtatnier's remarks. contending tlw Lu . . South Renfrew. latter clearly was not speaking to th: Misrepresentation Charged. I Mr. Henry waved a Globe new) IT- , luheral amendment belorc the notify. Branding the Provincial Liberal, port in reply. "Here it. is in Tho he can't 159 fry the whole lot, Leaders Milton speech as "misrepw Globe. You find it, word for word) olytctttl ercr'lry.?la..t ' . ., 7),"fr.tyftion.?r the facts," the Prime'. with what this magazine cyrris:C' I dont knoa why" I SilOilidzi l, Minister said: "We all know that we: " don't believe cvei'yilllllr: I SC"' in obsetn ed MR .Henry. 'lel' ahlelld- have had to go outside the Provincci the morning Papers." rclnricd Ily, we? takles in" pretty near till tlw to buy power to take care of ourl Murray. "41dcif, urge. hi .. tl " .shtlrtage because of the policy of the} "Then there's some lrrpr in You." n es in some t mg". mid" cnt" :former Liberal Government. at Ot-l . . br ' , rsFF . earth, cracked Mr. Sinclair. thatihe tawa." Wavi hish I said Mr. Henly. Mind bum lll'. ' _ r,' -. , . . ng ands at the Op- . ' .'. Government doesn't seem anxious lo .1 pusmon ban h h . .. ' believe Hepburn. cuhcz. let the 1 k ' bo ., , ' r c es.. e added: Why . people no" a ut. , h don't you admit it like honorable, Mr Nixon Enters Frav. Mr. Henry recalled that on the vet'y ' nmucmm Ad i . . . . weda iastw kM -...- bur N" '. mityour mistake and, Hon. Harry C. N'i.N:m. Pynutt. "a _ y vee $8513. Hep um . it come here with clear minds to discuss, Le ti r in in with tho gummy," and Nixon had used the expresnoxri ! this important question " i a 6 . p . ' ' be" i, "They've given us a wooden shovel tori In re oti " . , l that The Globe report hm have been dig with" in the Hydro inquiry "in- 1:] qu ng some ct Mr. Hepburnsl a "mtsquoting" of Mr. Hrpburn. stead of a spade to dig right throu h " platform figures, Mr. Henry came un-L A chorus of "Ah. n iii-t." "willed up to China." tey g 1.; ".U:tigttttif of Mr. Nixon again. j from the Tory lyulclTs. . "It just shows that great minds ii talkina 'a'Uutli,,oatit1eau power you re:', "Aw, yes, smiled Mr. Nixcn. "Only think ill r." . [l l . ". " , °.. . toge er. sml ed Mr. Nixon. i, yes said M F three days ago tho Hotrorablo the Mr. Henry-Little David is growing i "Is that r. Henry. . . ( Minister of Agriculture stood up in up. ican funds99pmma payable in Man. this House and repudiated every word Mr. Nixon-And the big Goliath is I .. . . . l I read Trom an article in The Globe." getting smaller and smaller. 1oh,u2.t the Interest on some of the! Three other incidents in the rapier- Mr. Henry-What you over there "I mean the I play between Government and It, at?" is not a spade to dig down to power n payments for the,' position benches stood out in the) na, but one to dig yourselves out "The . _ ttfternoon's performance. I of the Valley of Humiliation. melanin??? 1-? under debate, I' Mr. Henry. in stating that there Replies Demanded. later " , n we can discuss it: were many Liberals supporting Hydro . . . _ an well as Conservatives. told' the With the benches aand galleries a Opposition Hits Back. - t-itter of speculation. and plainly rel- , . . House that Mr. Hepburn had n t been ishing the spectacle before them the l At this stage began the opposition) be leader-choice of the Liberal Prime Minister now "ifiGGiiiF, each l counter-attack, which quickly put the: people at large. but had been elected Liberal and Progressive member indi- Premier in a testy frame of mind , _ at a convention. the banquet incident? vidually Reading an extract. from Liberal members began to chat in; l h which had been attended by one Mr. Hepburn's Milton speech he de-,' fcrmally with one another. The hum d the Senators who had helped to ' of voices jarred on th ' . ' he "V 11... f mended to know of T. A. Blakelock dre Bo e Premier's ad-,' Humiliation . ed Mr. Hepburn and his policy. After .. ers swung around m their chairs. . Asked after the House adjourned cri t . .. t I would like in h " es ram Conservatives of Get up . Y movable friends what Senator. hf 1t1.Rtiet:, Mr. on your feet and answer," Mr. Blake-i to listen to this," Said the Framer, wry ggitie: fatnit,flL,fty,vd'3n. I lock said that he did agree with Mr.' armed with another GiCbe editorial. i u?ete teaBtan e was Dresm . Hepburn. In rapid order, the Premier -m.

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