The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Feb 1932, p. 1

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is sincere in this matter or not. Any one with an cunce cof reason would know that the Bsauharnois Company did not give Aird $125,000 for telling them where the Hydro offices were located in Toronto. "Mr. Tilley, of the firm of Tilley, Johnston, Thomson & Parmenter, is, according to the present set--up, the only counsel with standing before '"The limitation of the Hydro probe arcuses, further, the well--founded sus-- picion that the Government is cover-- ing up. Mr. Aird, according to the Hydro Commission, was rendering a service to the Hydro in connection with the Madawaska deal, and, ac-- cordingly, received $50,000 for the services rendered. This same Mr. Aird also received $125,000 {rom N.easrs. Sweezsy and Griffith of the Beauhar-- ncois Company, who stated under ex-- amination that Mr. Aird was repre-- sented to them as a collector for the Conservative Party campaizn turds in Ontario. I have reason to believe that Mr. Honry knows full well who it was represented Mr. Aird to th@se men as a collector for Conservative camopaign funds. I, however, will gladly accept' Mr. Henry's word if he states that heI does not know who represented Aird to Messrs. Sweezsy and Griffith as an agent of the Ontario Ccr,serf.'ative[ Pa¥ty. If such be the case, then I challengse Mr. Henry to include the $125,000 Aird payment to the investi-- gation, summon Mr. Sweezey and Mr. Griffith to appear before the Commis-- sion and say who it was that madej such representations to them with respect to Aird. Here is a chance for | Mr.'Henry' to' prove to us whether he| been made in the way of investigation, all this information should be made kn_plv_n to the public." Declaring, further, that "responsible men advise" that W. N. Tilley, K.C., counsel for the Hydro Commission, "and his law firm have drawn from the Ontario Treasury and 'rom the Hydro Commission since 1923 large sums for legal sorvices," Mr. Hspburn urged that, "before another move kas SYDENHAM, Feb. 21.----De-- claring that "he has reason to believe that Premier Henry knows full well who it was represented John Aird Jr. to Sweezey and Griffith of the Beauharnois Company as a collector for Conservative campaign funds," Mitchell F. Hepburn, M.P., said if the Premier did not know, then he challenged the Premier, at a Liberal rally here on Satur-- day, "to include the $125,000 Aird payment in the investi-- gation, summon Sweezey and Griffith to appear before the Royal Commission and say who it was who made such representations to them with respect to Aird." | "*Reszonsible Men Advise." Also Inquires How Much Tilley Has Received in Fees From Hydro DEMAND BY HEPBURN POINTED QUESTION TO BE PUT TO HENRY ABOUT BEAUKARNOIS Does He Know Who Told Company Aird Was Col-- lector for Tories? (Special and C.P. Despatches.) Dealing with the Ontsario Adminis-- tration, Mr. Hepburn said the Hyvdro was developed as a public utility, and power was to be sold at cost. "Despite the power available on the St. Law-- rence," said Mr. Hepburn, "the Prov-- ince went out and bought $14,000,000 worth of power from private interests. Let me tell you why the Mail and Empire devotes so much space to tell-- ing you what a terrible person I am. Mr. Killam, who owns the Mail and Empire, owns the power company at Chats Falls. He is selling the Prov-- ince a third of his output for enough money to take care twice of his over-- head costs, and to provide for a sink-- ing fund. It pays him well to give space to me, because if I got into office there might be a very searching in-- duiry into this matter." A large audience heard Mr. Hep-- burn, and the hall was filled to over-- flow. On the platform with him were John Vallance, M.P. for South Battleford; Fred Totzke, M.P. for Humboldt: Harold G. Holton, Secre-- tary of the Central Ontario Liberal Association: Hon. Nelson Parliament, (G. Anson Aylesworth, and _ James Garvin. who was Chairman of the meeting. Mr. Killam Criticized. "Can any one picture the helpless-- ness of a man or woman who loses a job today?" he said. "Surely such a condition is an indictment of our whole system. If men of affluence and wealth do not use every effort to apply policies fundamentally sound, then I fear for the future." Concentration of wealth in the hands of the few and the ever--in--| creasing poverty of the poor was theg greatest problem confronting the world today, Mr. Hepburn said fur--| ther. So far efforts to solve the dif--| ficulty had been "futile and useless."' "Farmers of Ontario, who are| struggling for their very existence.' are having their burdens increased by the higher interest rates now paid to the moneylenders by the On-- tario Government." he declared. excess of $100,000 Mr. Tilley and his law firm and his partners have re-- ceived from the Ontario Government and the Hydro in the past four years alone. In view of these cirecum-- stances, what can we expect in the way of restoring confidence in the Hydro?" Poverty of the Poor. i oo oc en Een ELo ront . Oe t is en en Ne( OPGEENE his law firm have drawn from the Ontario Treasury and from the Hydro Commission since 1923 large sums for legal services. Before another move has been made in the way of | investigation all this information should be made known to the public. One Ontario lawyer writes that I should challenge Mr. Henry to tell | the people of Ontario how much in | 1 Di 00e Wiaidwici0ll. -- oifce Mr" Til. ley's appointment I have had written opinions from legal men as to Mr. Tilley's and his firm's connection with the Ontario Governmeont. Responsi-- ble men advise that Mr. Tilley and eb : cR u2e mnk id & 8 Justice Middleton. Since Mr® eb. 2 2 _Mle is not investigating any-,' body," the Provincial Premier is reported to have replied. "Mr. Tilley has been appoin'ed by the: Commissioner to assist him in get--| ting all the facts." | Mbisiintnilinde eiealthdatinyd ~ /. Asi 5.. ): 2.3 head of the legal firm of Tilley, Johnston, Thomson & Parmenter. "Is it fitting." Premier Henry was asked on Saturday, "that a lawyer shou!d be engaged to inves-- tigate his former client 2" 1 ransmission Company w be investigated by Mr Middleton as Royal Com The only counsel retained the course of the ingt examine witnesses before : missioner is W. N T; 110 00-- 1 i VELACCITIC XCOTTHT] and the Dominion Power s C' Reproduction of the c the official record of the . 000 transaction between tario Hydro--Electric C P oo l es ic eP t es ©Th P t 6P n t 9 cg s i e t The Hydro Electric Power Commission Dominion Power and Transmission Dated 2nd April, 1930 NLLEY, JOHNSTON, THOMSON & is W. N. Tilley, K.C., the legal ftlrm_of Tilley, Sated by Mr. Justice as Royal Commissioner. counsel retained to direct Agrrement unmion Power and ompany which is to the inquiry and the cover from $22,000,-- the On-- ommission the C

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