The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Feb 1932, p. 5

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der it rained immediately after the ej ('L |speech was delivered; even --the ro yoprcnzriaan i only tears shed, said Mr. Hutchin-- $ | son. 'There were the tears of the tlh&erving unemployed at the doors of the Parliament Buildings witnessing the gorgeous, the yulgar display of ' "Mon mt(l,xpmmg occasion. Ig [ t{dnk ese were appropria in these times. pes l We memmrnmsemmumme Increase in Unemployed. | Unemployed in the Town of Kenora s1 i1 +| . |padTisen ) 19 mumber® Trom , 190. in Instructed to Repprt Back January, , to 700 in January, x e | ©1931, and to 1.055 in January, 1932.| . 95 { itabl 1 Before Conclusion of were at the end of their resources. W k | ahm hulailredtrmen were worldng off -- fOl' FOFGSU'Y or » | --«cemmummse on the trans--Canada highway, but not making enough to live on. . if House Is Told VISIT ABATTOIR FRIDAY these conditions prevailed for another | ommeransmcmineicncciune g:&r. poiople now l:zalled Reds would | Theme"l"ih?&l&&i: sot had: 'been _re-- MADE IN UNITED STATES _ six subcommittees, empowered to pudiated, and there was a determined o errmmmeniniorinnen ns study various phases of farming and effort _ on the part of the Provincial A instructed to report back with recom-- d'ndnmz M' !"'l H?memelnfimf"wmb?e'}% Eari Hutchinson Deplores' mendations before the current session were being exploited as never before. Cut in Fliers' Pay With | ends, were appointed by the Agricui-- v 'lu':,le need for further funds for addi-- , » | ture and Colonization Committee of "nmw b;,attkhe ffireno'ge'&'?&fi Rulre Little Notice |\ the Ontario Legislature at its or-- remarked that banking interests w____c_2c_2_2c_z | ganization meeting of yesterday. should b;'g_\éerfldg:n. C(}:.tfi:rgldwmf From Earl Hutchinson, Labor mem-- || These committees, with their re-- dered recovery, and if wages were to ber for Kenora, the Legislature last ' ';)p:i"rti'lg' c?;;f;lel:' Sired rasn ffilg\\;: eane____ downintmvst rates must be re--. night had the declaration that the || Grenyvillgé' Lives St;ockn I--?os\:')a::d Fral-- duced, and there must be a general Hamilton machine in which four | eigh, East Lambton; Field Crops equalization. members of the Ontario Forestry | IE\:/Iark i(;;ll%h&n, Welland; Poultry and The Attorney--General was con-- i & 3 ths in | gBS, am Newman, North Vic-- gratulated by W. W. Staples (Victoria Branch went to .tpexr (%feamq m,, Rain3 {I toria; Colonization and Agricultural South) on the manner in whicn . LOKe last fall, was an orphan" plan€ }/ Deyvelopment, Hon. Dr. Paul Poisson, proper justice had been meted out the United States manutacturers of | North Essex: Fruits and Vegetables, to Communists. which are now out of business--A | Horace Colliver, Prince Edward. That too much money was being | Machine totally unfit for forestry || _ Any member of the main committee spent on the Provincial highways was | Work, and a type which the Provin-- | may identify himself with the work of the viow of J. A. Sangster (Liberal, | Cl@l fliers had to put up with, in | as many subcommittees as he desires Glengarry). "IL don't geel that it is 'SD"" of the fact that commercial | on Priday the entire main com-- right to spend over $700,000 on the | Companies would not buy it. | mittee will visit the Harris Abattoir ; main Provincial highways in Glen-- Mr. Hutchinson claimed that the | plant, where they will be given a garry." he said. Air Board inquiry into the crash had ' demonstration of live stock grading He feared that the completed trans-- | | revealed that it had been caused by | | ang cutting, prior to bnifig entertained Canada highway would serve merely||SOme air misjudgment upon the part|| at juncheon by the abattoir officials to rival the railways, in carrying both | | of the pilot, plus unworthiness of the | mhe demonstrations will com'x;m'vl.o' passengers and freight across the Do-- iShIF- s ]sharp at 9.45 o'cloék. Cars in whi'cch mimion. _ : Difficult to Land. | to make the trip will leave the main "It is no fishing expedition; you | He said that it could not be flown |entrance of the Paorliament Buildings have the duty of explaining to the | at _ a speed of less than ninety miles | at 9 o'clock. Mr. Fraleigh is in charge people all about these contracts," he | per hour in the air, and, with its short | of all arrangements. J. Edgar Jamie-- remarked of the private power pur-- 'wings and fast motor, was very hard | somn, M.P.P., Southwest Simcoe, is ' chases in Quebec Province. He added |to land on either pontoons or skis. again Chairman of the committes. that the need for investigation had | The Labor member used this inci-- Kemeremecemmentemmmtenmmin ' \ been stressed, not only hy the Lib-- ldem. to illustrate the chances that the y ' |eral, but also by the Conservative ; Forest Patrol fliers had to take in f |press . their work in the North, and to sup-- 1 | _ Premier Henry asked the Speaker port his argument that the Govern-- 3 'to rule that the Madawaska deal ment should have thought twice be-- f 3 \ should not be discussed in the House, fore cutting these men's salaries and 1 'when Mr. Singster started to mention -- wiping out the bonus--for--flying--hours * that matter. After an interchange ¢ system that had been in effect for between the Prime Minister and the years until this winter, when it was member, the latter agreed to let the cut off "without hardly any notice at matter drop. k all." Education Is Urged. Mr. Hutchinson also took the Gov-- ernment to task for "spending thou-- sands of dollars to place a few Com-- munists in jail," when spending a ifew hundred in various places in the | North to give people work and edu-- | cate them against Communism would be more to the point. » That employees of Ontario paper mills were in serious trouble because . the International Paper Company had + been permitted by the Government to cut prices in Ontario, was the basis of another charge which he made be-- fore the House.

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