| + / rwormmtome ver requested any investigation, in fie te "of all the agitation of Mr. Hep-- . ue O" a C rn, and The Globe, and the Star, Et;{nd the Progressive Leader (Hon. Harry C. Nixon), and many other § . » + [politicians that I could name." O | "Isl§nt that remarkable," said he. a ' rO n't it significant?" ha?uqting _at length from the Beau-- nois evidence before the Dominion léarliamentary Committee, Mr. Mc-- r | Il'lea. challenged any one to show C r e a iX' ere the $125,000 payment to John a | 1rd. Jr. was linked up with Hydro, ¢ or where there was "a tittle of evi-- , aence "that, anything is wrong with M. o & mone--mmmnemarcamimme Egrdggo S(;lahmilrlxg ttl*iat Opposition in-- ini * * € es and allegations regarding the LeS (;!l' Clalms Liberal ??(1;1];: \tnhcere gll Eiart of fa, mgve to lift shoulders of the Libe C ader S u p p 0 r t e d Za!(':tg atth letxr%le dso;neteof the "humirlti13 * at had fastened u i I;eorglan Bay Canal |& result of the i esubstnols dig: s % osures, Mr. McCrea added, testily: ill and in Turn Was 'It will take more than that, I sasgr, Helped in Being Elected o en Sm ava oo | A crowded House and galleries in N mmmeamrenatmtzs | which standing room was a premium O MUNICIPALITY | gs%crtgg the Minister of Mines and his | k A ASKED FOR PROB ' Mr. McCrea pointed out that from E, taunts hurled across the floor of the I' }-iltqustlz z--;bgutf mismanagement and po-- s § | ical interference one woul i v(:ub '(;f a'df batmg silence of at least that this institution of Hydrodwja:digg McCr:a ar;4 3 §t.andmg. Hon. Charles| lgravc danger. n the 'Om :;is;eie 2{5 12%3}25'3,2'5'335"". Its One Strong Protector. k. a 6« afternson to .pledge to Hydro, in thfi' | I propose to show, however," he {J::::Xxlt" sg"cthmg Provincial--wide con-' 'decla;ed in ringing tones, "that from ols sy, "the same sure, strong pro-. | the inception of this great institu-- P:rt?'g onamwl y %f _the 'Conservative| | tion, the Conservative Party has been se 10 depeln <ci _ it always has been | Elts one sure,'strong protecting arm, 10 the tfask----avow e::ir]xd to set himself | énd that it was made possible by the S aly----of siripping o gro?!?dt,}?ewl:mjn- | o S:t:se;\{factiive P:x_i-ty. I propose to show who would destroy Hydro Some 31| | stron $ r? lng aim. 1 propose An the sheeps' clothing in h_some 57 y 1 i* o fom the wolw yho woud have beeh masductadl which they ~ | e.rip fr_om the wolves who would the £reat --public a J\I;ie?':hf'nends of !glest-roy ét some of the sheep's cloth-- rise. ip enter-- | ing, under the guise of which they P To inls Ustripping" or s i are masquerading as Hydro's friends." MF. McCrea carrice orll) ?cess. Mnch} He continued with a detailed history s hall hours belore the oi'{ :}vag 21(11dj !of lt{ydro from the beginning of the journed, and which he i oT _X "Bat 3 f Tirst thing nest ?I' uehcfial; t}c;econtinue ' "It is remarkable that in all the the thin. keen --Blake o Tig alpplied | agitation of Mr. Hepburn, of The | | constructed, _ wen--balanced diefally | Globe, of the Star, of the member | sionate argument to Harry Sifton%a:;l i RM i ank o ce sorik ooiitical Mitchell F. Hepburn in particular Ontario, and of others with political | Sees "Arm--in--Arm" Allacks * | j ends in view--it is, I repeat, signifi-- ; k $. 0_ | | cant, that not one municipality be-- t rx;%iingththap Mr.' Hepburn had| |lcnging to the great union of mu-- | Bappoca he Sx'f't,ons 1927 Georgian | | nicipalities has made a request for | " y Canal "steal" bill at Ottawa and| | the inquiry for which th liti | that Mr. Sifton last year had "helped cians seek," Mr Mcérea a\sssrego s } ! F to elect" Mr. HMHepburn to the leader-- | "'fhn Géve ment of Mr. F ; | ' ship of the Ontario Liberal Party, the and u; i Amnent 0 e J d emand | | Minister of Mines pictured their' = | h i Go_vermne_nt fer nigh $ To ihe| operatiun as "an arm--in y co l | that Ontario obtain her rights to the | | (nctivaled aolely Ly 'a dé:il;? taf(fié}il' | power," he said, referring to the St.| ' dredit, destroy and delract frdgl t'fi;l Lawrence. Whatever was necessary 5 work of the Provincial Power Com--| 'ffi" \;'agerw:ixyé us bet paic(ii fml.l l;y' J i mission. e Federa overnment, and what-- | { !" Mr. Sifton, he said, 4 5 | ever was necessary for navigation and [ best to sell power wdH;lgx% targcgl;u_s | for power should be shared. ' & power which later the Commission The power--users of this Provinc.e." f had bought at $15. Mr. Sifton, by he stated emphatically, "do not in-- C his London Convention resolution, had tend to be saddled with the price of K committed the entire Provincial Lib-- | the deep waterways. : crai Party (W. E; M. Binclair included) | "Therse are thousands and Mhod, to a poncy which, if ever effected, sands calling themselves Lib@ralsv" would make the power and light con-- he continued, "who will stand fast sumers of Ontario pay for the canali-- for the party protecting Hydro and zation of the St. Lawrence, and would | against those who would undermine end forever the hope of Hydro secur-- it" Those last, he said, were they tx;'g cheap power from that river, and who "seek to walk into the seats of * e Ottawa, as well." Mr. Sifton, he the mighty, whilst posing as friends ?vg-re% had "flirted with the Insull of Hydro. They realize that while j 'sxi\billifise: regarding St. Lawrence pos-- one group is marching in the valley ($ &. ; of humiliation, another group across | Di;t;tes Party Policy." the floor of this House is marching | _ "This is the man," said Mr. McCrea, in the valley of lost hope." | r nvention & P e pain 'ot 1930--the man who now dictates the | M}.\t {?(fréiofnfigc?oll%at ts'g?l' :fc:lf policy of the Liberal Party,. Yet Lib--| I ant that! fag * ing new" 'erals profess to be friends of Hydro [\ meut d "bhere . ons pvare Com | They want an investigation into every-.l i8 'tl}e o ce by oo cdag %)emlz thing that Hydro is doing and has: ;musxon of $15 f en <a n Adan} F done. Don't you think that such an, | had bought power at this price in investigation ~ would please Harry| | 1907, gmd again, in 1915, to help out Sifton, Sammel Insull and the power | | {D° "lhe B 235;,'*;'};";115 ols Mc. rons of Montreal and the U P [pesu, ie DC ge? e a" States? Of course, it would. Son.jtetg' | Laren purchases--all $15 power--had conceal his motives, we find Mr. Hep--| _ P°C" negotiated from 1926 to 1930, burn parading around the country with because of an imminent shortage, in a fuse in one hand and a match inl Ontario. All eghese contracts had first he other, irying to blow Hydro to| -- been approved by the Commission 61-- pieces if cr(\;a ca.n(;;;ar d gineers, headed by Mr. Gaby, and aft-- Mr. McCrea ged that the Oppo-- erward by the firm of Clarkson, Gor-- sition demands for a wide--open Hydro don and Dilworth, representing the inquiry had been fostered by a desire Government and the Hydro MU--~ for "political advantage" out of "a nicipalities, in their serutiny of the : brass--band display" of what they were transactions. attempting to do; and that not one "And then our friends across the single municipality of all the munici-- way, and our friend outside the | palities in the great Hydro Union had House, and the Liberal newspapers 35