l en ts se ts o m in wer e al l h ol 0y n C . > l eAAA n @ § Mar 4 "When the member for Northeast | Wellington suggests an exaggerated figure which he introduces of $600,-- ow« 000.8)0: worth of power t?odbe marketfi? o Power de-- || dur a forty--year period, could, mltynfge 'f,',',fg,"tso requircd, r had he so desired, have made a state-- all plants at times are operated for} ment which would have shown what ' peak--load conditions, requiring the || great benefit will result for the Prov-- maximum use of water that can be|; ince of Ontario through the utiliza-- made consistent with the daily ag-- | | tion of this amount of power. Au-- grogate prescribed. | thorities have shown that the cost of "With regard to the subject of day-- ' ' power entering into industry is a rela-- light hours, it may be said that any / | tively small percentage of the total one at all conversant with the busi-- | | cost of the production of goods, and ness of electrical service knows that ) | hence this $600,000,000 for power the maximum capacity of generating | | would ccrrespond to an immense ad-- plants is used but a relatively short | | qgitjional volums of Ontario's commer-- period of each day, in order to meet || cial and industrial activities. Aga'n, the heavy demand when the lighting | | ong in this connection thke member and industrial loads overlap. ; might have pointed out that if this '"There are, however, electro--chem-- power had had to be provided by ' | ical and other specialized industri®s | | steam, a source to which he refers, faat can use off--peak power. Th€ ) it would have added upward of $200,-- Cottofeton would have been derelict | poo 000 to the cost of the power." in its duty if it failed to sell any sur-- Akd, £ * plus power not required in Oniario. _ Nixon Scores Tactics. | Such sales result in saving in the cost Mr. Nixon opened his address with | of power, and this, in turn, results in an expression of strong disapproval ' saving to the Ontario consumers. of the Government's attitud> and tac-- | __"That the member for Northeast tics in the course of the debate. "The | Wellington was not sympathetic to| Premier and the Minister of Mines the Hydro undertaking is, I believe, took advantaze of their preferred 'clear}y displayed ir. his failure to in-- positions to divide their speeches in troduce in the cours> of his address | _ half and take up almost two aftor-- reasonable allowance for the extreme-- noons each," he declared. Then, Op-- ly trying pericd of depression throuch | position members had been denied which the world at larze, including 'eave to adjourn the debate, Mr. Hipel Canada, has been passing. being denied this privilege at aftor "In 1929--230, at times, every foot midnight, resulting in his making no | Of Niagara water which the Hydro: speech at all in the deobate. Mr. Commission was entitled to use, was Nixon also took the Premier to task, 8 employed at the maximum combined alleging dilatory hahits in opening efficiency of the three plants, and also. the House, frequently as late as 3.30 Gatineau power in excess of contract o'clock, and sugzgested that the Clerk allotment was required, and indeed should record the time of opening as | there were no surplus kilowatt--hours well as of closing. &o far as under-- | available on maximum peaks. standing as to the arrangements for _ "The Commission, in a formal state-- _ addresses were concerned he said: "It ment issued on May 6, 1931, clearly appears that understandings held by | | outlined its policy with regard to the members of the Oppositicn are not a | \power supplies, and this statement matter o'( much concsern to the Gov-- shows that only reasonable provisions ernment. were made for additional power to be '"Spying Out the Land." | progressively supplied in order to mee: "Thé next point in the Premior's such increased demands as might| address is featured under the head-- normally be anticipated. The mem-- ing, 'Spying Out the Land.' The | ber has not challenged any of the state-- Premier says: 'My colleagues and ments made therein, which fully myself are quite willing to carry on, establishes the soundness of the Com-- we have put our hand to the plow, mission's policy. The Commission, | irrespective of criticism, the sniping along with others, did not know with and the Gesire of some not in league certainty how intense and prolonged with us politically, that they might the present depression would be. The have a general election. I know that Commission does not stand alone in those so thinking have not so much this respect. Indeed, many promi-- _ the welfare of the Province, as their | nent industries in the Province have own political advancement at heart. been overtaken by the strenuous cir-- | I hear that they have picked out, cumstances of curtailed business. At 'msitions in the new Government. I\ the present time the Commission has don't know what position my honor-- | contracts under which more than 75.-- | able friend from Brant has been' 000 horsepower of contract power is | promised.' Well, as I sit here, day| being paid for by corsumers, but for | after day, and watch our friends on | ::mCh power they have litile present| | the Treagury benches in action, these | i se . supermen, these political giants and | 7e member for Northeast We!-- | | Goliaths,' I cannot find it in my| lington speaks about a million horse-- heart to envy any one of them his [Ppowéer for which the Commission is | | job and the men who take over their | ' obligated, and presents this figure in work after the next election are going | a& manner which would leave the im-- to have a thankless task. Somebody going begging and could not be used. scramble this terrible Hydro mess It should be appreciated that arrange-- and put this Province on safe ground ments were made whereby the power | again financially and get the debt contracted for, hwhich is much less under control. than 1,000,000 horsepower, comes on § & & the market progressively over a period | r":"""y Co--operation Is Aim. of some six or seven years. Moreover, f When Mr. Hepburn is elected, I a substantial proportion of power-- expect to give him independent sup-- under the Gatineau contract--was ac-- | | Port, if I am in this House, and his tually in use before the depression > Policies are of such a nature that I developed. The total power contract-- 1 can support him without dropping the ed for by the Commission for the| | Principles for which the Progressives Niagara System is less than 750,000 | have always stood, and he will be as horsepower. | free as the air to choose his Minis-- "I venture to say that if statements ters wherever he likes, as far as I am such as the member has mado on the concerned. A position in his Cabi-- floor of the House were made outside| | net has not been a condition of the of it respecting any financial or com--| | Agreement of friendly co--operation mercial enterprise, he would hardly| | which exists between us. escape court proceedings. j Regarding the first part of the '"Whose judgment is entitled to Government's amendment to the " h ?}rlnend:inner;ti derclaringid_adherence to e princ %, credence in matters relatin:g to the 'cost.p Mx'l.)e ?iixgriov ér;cgla?g:er l?: Hydro--Electric undertaki.u. _ th* | would support that section as it was | Hydro Commissicn's, the Com m ission-- today nothing more than a platitude. | ers of the locai utilitics and t %> hig?-- | "But this is q double--barrelled amend-- | ly trained and experioncod «experts ment," he continued, "and coupledi upon the Hydro staff, or the innu= with it we have the following three | endses and false represontatians of lines, 'Whose record of integrity, ef-| the member for Northeast Welling-] {é;j;ngisaggenaimg'fit&atge pgfii%a(:gdi fou and those who make like state-- | | maferial advance to the Province.' _ | ments? | "This is anothor matter altogether, | As my colleague (Hon. Mr. Chal--| _ and the Premier does little credit to | lies) said in the course of his re-- his administration in asking us to marks on Tuesday night, the Province' give to the Hydro Commission and would have been in an absolutely | their administration of affairs during | ° helpless and chaotic condition if the last few years a clean bill of power had not been purchased by the I health, in this regard, when they are ;| Commission so as to be available to actually under investigation at pres-- || keep the interests of -- industry andl ent." :| commerce alive and moving. --