The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1932, p. 1

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IOFCANADA HIGHWAY }Trucks Must Not Trail o rimmermemaiones, y | Within 100 Yards of Northern Deveiopment Out-- { Each Other lay Cut Down This | Year LIGHTING FOR 200 FEET # Providing that motor trucks, al-- KENORA CHARGE DENIED _ | though they may pass on the high-- way, shall not trail within 100 yards xm m mamamme of each other, Hon. Leopold Mac-- | _ Eis formai intimation that a trans-- 2. Sden o as reepaiee \Canada highway in Ontario is, as a yesterday afternoon. Other measures, | completed ggwum'mfi'(:,',';;"f to ensure safety on the highways, distant was furnish liars _ on | which were included in th> amend-- ture yesterday by Hon. Willlam Fin--| i uy h in speaking to and securing| ment. included the proviso that motor mdysml, reading of his a,nnuil'ss 000. | vehicles must be equipped with lights 000 q:endingn%ill under t,l'e' Nor ;.' of a kind to make objects 200 feei Development Act 6 | away visible to the driver. The pres-- c ooas lorscast in The Clobe of Mon-- | I g}!;t ll?%islationhrequires Telr;aly that confirm ue c ho | e lights, such as cowl lights, shall day, and ed 3e.sterdgy b' Mr;: be visible from a distance of 200 feet. Finlayson, neither the Provincial not the Federal Government will for some | A claise in the amendment also pro-- time to come be able to spend on the | F ' vides that the maximum overall trans -- Canada _ construction the | | length of trucks and trailers shall amount of money that is being ex--. | bcRreldlvur_'ed from 65 feet to 50 feet. pended in this fiscal year ending Oct.| ; eplying tp Mr. Nxx_on's statement 31 next. And any decision as to the | | of the previous day, in the matter complete routing of the highway | | of the Georgian Bay Canal Charter, would, in the Minister's opinion, be| | Hon. Charles McCrea yesterday ex-- | very unwise at the present time, par-- | ' plained that he was not present on * Itwu]arly in view of the possibility | that occasicn, "when the honorable that the findings of the Royal Com-- | member for South Brant took the mission on transportation problems | opportunity to deliver this lecture." m'ght "Oha,nge the whole aspect," of "What is all this about?" Mr. Mc-- the proposition. Crea queried, stating assertively that the original bill of 1894, grantinzg the Notes Cost and Length. charter, did not give power to producs th:we lmdm!;l-ore mone{hw spend on cemee ced on ut m uon on pac in thent ntonooonopmentp ns 41 ATME SCll POWEr 1O0F COMIMCICIAI pPuUr-- road s _ year an we ©€VY©" . ine North, had bought Manitoba po-- POSES in the Province of Ontario. He dreamed of," said Mr. Finlayson, "and -- '** . added that h> would always be happy we can't expect a windfall like that tatoes for Kenora camps wnen PO-- to accopt Mr. Nixon's word at 33'3_', again very soon." Picturing a high-- tutoes were going begging in th* | vatme, except in such cases where way whose ultimate form would in-- Kenora District. The Minister statsg great legal minds differed in opinion. volve a cost of $10,000 to $20,000 a that the catering firm had assured At the words '"great legal minds." mile in building, and which would him that only Ontario produce had yfr, Nixon remarked, "That lot's m> course for 1,386 miles, between Quebsc been purchased, and when Mr.. out." and the Manitoba toundaries, Mr. Hutchison challenged the defense with "I think it doos," Mr. McCrea re-- Finlayson added: '"You can readily the production of three letters setting . torted. understand that it isn't going to be| forth an opposite story, he (Mr. Fin-- completed for a good many years." | layson) expressed himself as confident P Coupled with the Minister's stoOry | of the accuracy of the Crawley & Mc-- of the trans-Oa.nac:.;_] mcttf)ens'rucuon m'i Cracken stand, and took Mr. Hutchi-- & date wneonghethgv nUu prcm(ly?u':}gg; | son severely to task for his "constant. ment that only the minimum | _ petty, and ignorant criticism" of Gov-- | would be undertaken under the North-- | ernmont underiakines in Renora | ern Development Act this year. In| C °M DC 8 F + | conformity with the Government's , Mr. Finlayson revealed that amonsg | [general retrenchment policy, the ap--| tN¢ 40,000 men who from time to | Northern development time during the past six months had |/ on for P g:odmbemiafl well whittled down. A new _ been employed on the Northern road | bridge at Englehart, work on the: Projects there hadn't been a single | international highway iin the gorth- gljxme repé).rte%; that grslt-a,'ntlcxfpatedg west corner of the Province, and pos-- isease, disorder, an ack of co--| } sible completion of the Nipigon road operation had not materialized; that C would represent, he said, the major communism had been resented by 95 | items in this year's construction. per cent. of the men and driven out Under Northern developmensté 5}135*1 of camps in which it had attempted year, the Government spent ,49,--| to flourish; and that a great factor 393.19--ma%ek;lp Ofs 36.03(?3.602.48 on | in this latter situation had been, in j roads and bridges; $1,100 on cream-- his belief, the raising of the Union R eries and grain elevators; $10,434.28 Jack in the morning and its lowering s on seed grains; $12,901.72 on pur--| at night--the only military cere-- chase of cattle; and $131,355.19 on monies, as a matter of fact, in con-- settlers' loans. | nectionk with the whole gigantic s undertaking. Clashes With Muichison. .. , Until last week, when a laborer was In his trans--Canada story, Mr. Fin--' plown up by dynamite and killed, no layson_ locked horns vigorously with _ one major accident had been reported. Earl Hutchison (Labor, Kenora) ove: Mr. Finlayson paid tribute to the the latter's House statements of last co--operation of engineers and the week that Crawley & McCracken, the | laborers themselves; also to the big catering firm, which has the con-- | churches for the part they had taken tract of supplying the labor camps 1 | in placing camp life on a high plane.

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