amazing then, Mr. Churchill said that the Mums were presented as net instead of as gross. "These t1gures." 'he said. "represent more accurately and reasonably the actual cost ot gov- lm-nment. and the increase or decrease in the real burden on the country in 'nur accounts." .t,l',tt.yttttrroroetavinthesederaiand other Provincial Governments. but is that Which was adopted in 1928 at Westminster. when Right Hon. Wins- ton Churchill, then Chancellor of the 1gtSlo,:.'otyer, presented his Budgm PREMIER AWARE 'MISSING' PAPERS ARE ill EXiSTENGE In Fact He Was Approach- ed, He Tells Legis- lature PRICE The Globe's statement that the missing Aird papers in the Mada- waska power deal with Hydro had been offered to this paper tor $5,000 caused a breeze in the Legislature yesterday. Premier Henry brought the matter up himself and indicated that the Government already had knowledge that the documents, "ap- parently carried cut with garbage," were still in existence. for he express- ed surprise "that an up-to-date jour- nal which spends so much time in the public weal" had no knowledge in re- gard to "rumors which have been abroad for months." " haven't any doubt that my friends opposite have some knowledge ct these offers," Mr. Henry went on. "The tact that they have potpade use of them is pretty good evidence that these papers do not amount to much." Mr. Henry added that W. N. Tilley, K.C., counsel of the Royal Commission probing Hydro, had had his attention drawn to the rumors by the Attorney-General. "About the time of the appoint- ment of the Commission I was ap- proached by an individual asking if the oovernment was interested," the Prime Minister continued. " said I did not think they were particularly." "May I ask whom the Prime Min- ister means when he refers to his friends opposite?" Hon. Harry c. Nixon. Progressive Leader, inquired. "iriiiiniiF"iiisnis--r suppbse {he Op- position x_ne_rp_bers received offers the made to me. Same as I did. Mr. Nixon-May I say for your humble servant that I had no offers HEARD RUMORS Mart/2.