u* s ¥"}> . Mar i5 C CC isSsIOr LanCcer CoOMIMIssIOn es'+ ~Calls for Institut alls TOT IMSIIIUTE, Radi Purchases | Wt tsmmc a v.\.) iiguilite td ie seaiaraioe nc " e a | | Active Educational Cam-- \_ paign, Appointment of _ Commissioner, "Follow _ _ Up" Service Also Rec-- Snnnrn en renen omm s | the value of radium in the treatment _ _cmmended of cancer, etc., as indicated by the | statistics of cure observed in all clinics, | y««qumnamamess is unanimously of the opinion that, | in the public interest, it is advisable $ | WOULD ESTABLISH that the Government purchase from | FEW CLINICS FIRST time to time such quantities of radium | as may satisfactorily meet the demand | erreemearennenmmmnnneeniiies for treatment of cancer by this means. | _ _Recommendations of the Cody Can-- Rafllo-Emanatlon P.l ant. | cer Commissicn, as incerporated in -- | '"3. The advisability of the Province that body's report, and tabled yester-- 'egtablishmg a radio--emanation plant, |day in the Legislature, call for the ;thh the necessary laboratories, etc.: | establishment of a Provincial Cancer:. | "Your Commission, having studied | Institute, together with aresearch de-- |the use of radioactive emanations in | partment; a _ radio--emanation plant 'the treatment of cancer, is of the and a limited number of clinics--no opinion that it is a useful method of more than three at the outset; pur-- treatment for certain cases, and there-- + chase by the Ontario Government of fore advises that a plant for the pro-- certain amcunts of radium; adoption duction, standardization and supply of of an active educational campaign radon be established. wfvard cancer breventicn; ap-- ' "4. The advisability of establishing | pointment of a Commissioner, a}t.ach- | a Cancer Ressarch Department: a jed to the Depariment of Health, for | "vour Commission advises the es-- | custody, control and distribution of Itablishment of research and other | | that radium; and the inauguration of | necessary laboratories for the study | _ [ & social service in 1;:onnectlon ti)th,*h [ of cancer \ |OTenn --Arniah to c AoHow ho " pabienss | -- 1 +s 'The sdvigability of establishing | :and maintain records of all cases. a Cancer Institute: | One of Clinics Here. "For the purpose of securing skilled \__The first three active--treatment personnel and for the stimulation and | clinics should, the report states, be guidance of research, and in view of ; 'located at Toronto, London and the world tendency toward setting up | | Kingston. institutions for the attack on partic-- | _ The report of the Commission rep-- ular diseases, your Commission ad-- resents a ten--month survey in many vises the establishment of such an or-- 6 foreign countries as well of various ganization, either as a separate in-- | sections of the Dominion, an expen-- stitute or as a separate unit in a gon-- I |diture by the Province of slightly eral hospital, but in any case in | more than $8,000, and a great amount proximity to a general hospiial, and ' , of work upen the part of the investi-- in association with the medical teach-- gators. 4 * . ing body of a university. The func--| f The Commission was established in tions of such an institute would| Expert Treatment Advised. 19 | May. 1931, b}' oroe'r-m-COllnCll Of ; ('OIT]DI'LSC. not only dlilgn()Sl.S and treat- E "In its S't,\_l(iy yollr Con}mlfislon 'Wa§ ' the Henry Government, and has been ment but also research, teaching and | COUstantly impressed by the view Laha: constantly J'on the go" ever since. Its || puplic health measures against cancer.| | C20C°T, Should Tines 'of dingnoss and personnel is as follows: Rev. Canon |!/_ fore Than 'Three First Rerany: 'oy the need." in ie Aiterest H. J. Cody, President--elect of the Uni-- _ | Not More aasnagiren ons (;{Ll]?bi)ati.cnt. cf close co--opsration of |-- versity of Toronto; Professor J. C. "6. The advisability of establishing all services of treatment:; and by the McLennan, former Professor of Phy-- |cancer clinics: Cosivability of concentrating treatment sics of the Universitsingfs Toronto; r?r. "Your Commission recommends that A}nla fewr\fgr?él-lclazs centres under care-- w. T. Connell of Kingston, bacterio-- _ is is advisable to organize a limited | ful PHP Pernarmmdaet fispe log'cal expert, and former professor number of diagnostic contres, but at senits 'be celnpnoned "'fn't'i'f"ccg'ggteg% of the medical school of Queen's Uni-- the outset, owing to the difficulty of personmel for such centre is available, versity; and Arthur R. Ford, manag-- securing experienced and highly skill-- | and in this connection Cesires to em--| ing editor of the London Free Press. _ ced personncl, your Commission advises phasize the fact that in unskilied spector of Health, acted as Secretary, _ cuch active--treatment centres should 824, r44!um may do more and Hon,. Dr. J. M. Robb, Ministe® ho orsanized, and that these Should gc?dh{ view of the fact that certain of Health, accompanied the Commis-- a asenniatond . iL 5 ospi s of radium in Ontario are be associated with a teaching hospital _ amount # sion on many of its inquiries. of a university. 4 privately _ owned, -- your hg-arr':vr;]xleilci):} Points, Recommendations, "I. The advisability of adopting Xf;"icx;anécuulgl éZ:sa:tr emtocadiesptosé t io. tr e | Points into which the Commission _ Dlans and methods of educating the | (soyernment should consider its Pur-- was required by Order--in--Council to public with respect to the prevention chase. avices that, in inquire, and recommendations of the . of Cancer: L1 ¢ nnechion with svery tenire. the moet Commissicon on each point, fcllow: "Your Commission, aware of the g:reful and exact records of cases be '__"1. The use of radium and X--ray lack of knowledge of the public in re-- kept and that a social service be main-- / for the treatment of the sick: spect to the ('31'13{ signs of ign' gd' tained for the purpose of 'following up' | "Your Commission is ed that| -- vises that an active campaign of edu-- {al1 patients. _ _ l the use of radium andagtrfrays of| cation should be instituted, and that l on iogc"gmés:,;'igiss?gggfihgfl&fb: suitable wavelength and intensity is the co--operation of doctors, nurses, ggg;flf:fi? d by the Governmeont for the of high value in the treatment of can-- | dentists, teachers, the press apd the ; ' cusicdy, control and distribution of its cer in certain parts of the body, and | . public should be sought for this pur-- | lcwn rfimm' ffor ttir\lg tiixeaa\%;;#gggiggnggg . arge 8e. | | supervision of active-- M < M afi tmofur'fonfrt;ex:}i?g:gt sc git.l}) pCB And generally any matter or | ana diagnostic clinics, and_ for t.hieogu;f c es Th o ae sti ising out of the subject re-- pose of securing close co--operat [ _ "2 The advisability of the Prov-- ?el;cqs:doltlo ai";" E(!':'omx'mssi:m and which all services in the treatment of cancer; 'ince securing a supply of radium for . in the jud'q}mnt of the' Commission | | and that such Commission or.ci%rtnmig; | the above purpose: calls for investigation and consider-- ;11('11&';)?0 attached to the Ministry _ _ "Your Commission, having in view aticn. iealth. *