The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Mar 1932, p. 2

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Martz , » | WITH 'PEG UPRISING | Port Arlhur Tory De. from the Tory benches greeted the|perditures--and then follow up by l o Dufferin member's remark. telling them: 'Oh, you're not taxeq at clares H u t c hi n s o n, SI"ngllgh all you like," retorted Mr.'all;dymti are just paying for services ack, '"but let me r t rendered.'" Labor M.P.P., Only are @ aivided party. egvefi«terethgvb» 533\ That Mr. Elliott might be thinking S s , Sstand on beer by the glass at the| too much about potatoes and too ure of Communists present moment? I understand that|little of the welfare of the Province, V * * PR + the Premicr has stated that he is| N# the thought put forth by Mr. ote in His District not in favor of beer by the glass, and | Murphy. He went on to suggest that ermepiminn eeierrnn im vatle I also understand that 75 per cent. |\the member for North Bruce should of his followers have pledged them. CAT®Y his simile to a logical end and DEBAT selv j sti ps +; _' take whatsoever indemnity he might E WIND--UP elves to their constituencies to sup i port it." More jeers. earn in the form of bags of potatoes. | sSOUGHT TONIGHT "Well, I can at least say that this | Strong Indian Flavor. * , group of ours is united on that ques--| That a stranger hearing a debate o tion," declared Mr. Slack. ' in the Legislature on Hydro, with | _ Brig.--Gen. Don Hogarth, Consorvative '"How many of you?" cracked Hog. | names such as Beaulzlarr;;)is. Chipr}))z;- I & ie William Finlayson, Minister of Lands.| wa, Wahnipitae an lagara = n;c',rr.)b:r for _P ort Arthtfr, _IB'St' n.ight and Forests. 'ing' bandicd about, might think he charged bofore the Ontario Legisla-- "There will be a lot more of us | was in an Indian reservation, was ture that Rarl Hutchinson (Labor, Ke-- herse after the next election," Mr. |the whimsical thought of Mr. Reid. nora) was connsected with the Win-- | Slack retorted. "You can't lead a party in the nipeg uprising against constitutional| -- As "constructive suggestions in this | House without a seat," Mr. Reid said «_ |authcrity, and that the only vote he| time of great depression." the Duf-- lof Mitchell Hepburn. "After our chisf| | can now be 100 per cent. sure Of g@t-- | ferin member urced the Govornment | gets through with him he will look ting in his clectoral district is that| o close up all its liquor storcs; ab-- |like Mahatma Gandhi standing in a -- of the Communists. | solutely stop the salse of liquor; and | blizzard." "And, fortunateiy," added the Gen-- | bv c{, 'dr;ma save a' million dollars a | _ It is not the farmer who is suffer-- eral, while the silence in the HOUSC | waep for diversion to botter and wiser | ing in this country, but it is the man [bscams electric, '"the number of Com--| |(iannels _ in middle life in the cities today who -- _ | munists in the District of Kenora is | e af is suffering, Mr. Reid said. "When | noghgible." f | Crime to Increase Taxes. 'your hair is turned to silver, try and ! | _ Gensral Hogarth's charge, sericus in | _ yr, Slack claimed that the Gov-- |get yourself a job," the member, him-- |its nature and dramatic in the man-- | ornment was "running around in 'self silvery -- haired, paraphrased. NMEF 3 AWhiCh it was levelled, came at | c;ireles" on its policy of muricipal re-- | "That man can't eat; the farmer can a quarter of midnight, after a IJONn&) | jof; severely criticized the Treasurcr | do that." | day in Budget debate, @24 | ;o, 'faijing down on his ordinary debt-- | "The man responsible for the state \quickened the pulse of benches and| L--;:yoment cbligations; and charged |of this country today is mass pro-- ;gfllhenes Pine beeqibeile "Otbo UB* tiaa't it wés "a crime" to levy further |duction and the scientific engineer," | reached this sessicn. taxes on the psople at this time of |he went on. "Kings, premiers, every | Text of His Remarks. distress. one, are under his control." His remarks :iegarding Mr. Hutchin-- | Nt since 1923, he allcge_d, hda%elglge iUSe of Word Protested. son were as i0lows: Hydro undertaken one maJOY C * Not content with stirring the atmos-- "Last year my honorable friend | ment in Ontario. Instcad _of d.:yelop- I o ag r ' mads some statements _ concerning | ing power within the Province, it had |phere of the House with his Hydro Communists in Northern Ontario, and | gone to Quebec for power--& POliCY 'salliecs, Mr. Sangster took the Gov-- I took occasion to reply to him on | which, eventually, he claimed, would 'ernment severely to task on its road * that occasion," said General Hogarth.| spell disaster for the great publitc-- expenditures in the united counties, "I thought at the time that the mem-- | owned entorprise. The st;f-:mc»nt drew _ and in so doing used the word "lousy" ber for Kenora had taksn his stand | proempt and general denial from the |'to emphasize one particular bit of on the Communist question in the| Treasury benches. Mr. Finlayson 'his ganeral condemnation. Instantly exuberance of youth. But I later| challenged the speaker to state v.'}l-?ye a Conservative bencher called out: learned that he had been connected | power could be developed in Ontario {"Not, parliamentary." with the uprising against constituted | at the prssont time. Mr. S:-(}'ca .":;ud' | "I apologize, Mr. Spsaker," declared authority in Winnipeg in 1919. "Lots of places." "Where?" asked |Mr.--Sangster, "I must have learned "My honorable friend, in the debate,| Mr. Finlayson. "In the North," C2M® ; that word from somebody across the j told of residents in his district going | the reply. "Engincers tell me there | Fouse." to Russia. He quoted from a letter| is lots cf power to be d.gvelop?d ,11"}3 The Glengarry member charged from one man who had gone to the | there."" Mr. Finlayson claimed that what the united counties had Soviet, in which the latter said how | arity with the north, and that NO |to pay for roads was out of all pro-- glad he was he left Canada. The | such powers existed. ind §s portion to the benefits they derived honorable member for Kenora should "How about the Abitibi canyon: from them, and when the Prime Min-- know the city and Provincial police | asked Mr. Slack. iL C . _ ister inquired whether the honorable have been very active in getting rid of "That is being developed, said MY. member (Mr. Sangster) would like to : Communists at the Head of the Lakes.| Finlayson. have the highway down there barri-- Sorry Not in Seat. Transmission Not Practical. ggdgdtjug outsi;:l(;: hist home town Mso tee it & is hi' ." sad ier -- that traffic could not come in, Mr. is fon on ie en yeivevs Pn 3 Kepora A'fd . . ho CA k130" 1 {'"lg Pr%??m Sangster replied: "You might as well is not in his seat tonight, for there | Henry, "it isn't practical to 8 A. y o L4 ter out of h are some things which I will not now | that power, all that distance, to south-- |have. xou pu ncaster out ol the L nc * i fenin 3 picture with a cut--off, and the road's |say in view of his absence. I happen || ern Ontario. , onl ood now for the classy clique 'to have contact almost daily with Mr. Cooke (Hydl'Ot?gl:}i{Egl;'c cir?c-i 'to ¥id§ on ki y--e1d electors of the Kenora District, and | terjected the statemen 5 econd ; | * a 21 say now that, even were he to get || largest power development in Ontario || va'cIr:hx?m %Ig%fi X%L';gh meso%EZ{;O i%f g}:)ili. 'the support of the Liberal and the || had been undsartaken in Ontario since '1 €G ieTA, iun, especially s | ha t velopment; || and radium, and of her tourist attrac Conservative organizations, the onlyl 1923--ths Chats Falls develop l lions. was stressed by Mr. Newman, vote he can be sure of receiving 1ool and that a second major development, | Though Mr. Elliott was scorned for per cent. would be the Communist|| at Alexandria Landing, had also got [measuring the wealth of Canada in vote." ! under way in the period referred to by her commodities, yet her wealth did, Eleven speakers, Russell Nesbitt | Mr. Slack. te £ » | in very fact, exist in the form of wheat f (Conservative, -- Bracondale--Toronto), | "That's only a small development, and of pulp and of butter, he declared. T. K. Slack (Progressive, Dufferin),|| argued Mr. Slack. Aractonl l "I think it will be a very good: \Louis Cote (Conservative, South Ot--|| Mr. Cote, in an address ccl'h.:;::c ér:>1$: thing for the North country when| tawa), W. G. Medd (Progressive, South ' tically eloquent, commended . c that in l Hydro is in control of the whole situ-- |\Huron), E. J. Murphy (Conservative, | ernment's relief policy, claiming GN-- eq | ation," General Hogarth declared, in | st. Patrick's--Toronto), J. A. Sangster || his opinion it had been admm&suer f || discussing the relationship between| | (Liberal, Glengarry), F. J. Reid (Con--|| entirely non--politically. A POY2ON O° || ns worth country and Hydro. | | servative, West Windsor), William || moneys to be devoted in future to me®t || ""Jr_" pyocritook deplored the NECW | | Newman' _ (Liberal, North | Victoria), || unemployment conditions should, BC || ; _"%/ o5 cont amusement _ tickets,| Ioeneral Hogarth, T. A. Blakelock | folt, be used in establishing Jobifg and also felt that the annual °x--| | (Liberal, Halton), and A. Holly Acres || men on old farms. NO# t0o MaAt h nditure on the maintenance of the| (Conservative, Carlton), took part in! success had been I:egisuered in t"e %;ovincial Police force could well the debate, which continued after| past with such seitliement polici¢s, be reduced by 25 per cent. He won-- midnight for two hours, in an effort || but he believed that much good coulict! dered whether it was really necessary tces miee Leaders whlbe in x o mel cans Aooantised ara db eoted.. -- | t: h so many Sheriffs, and sug-- where the Leaders will be in a position | properly supervised and directed. ave $ d avin could be-- Sis p tonight, and the House | «© »» gested that a ving C( L to wind up ous Not Taxed at All. !fected by a diminution of their will be able to prorogue a week from Since the Conservative GovernMeNt [ nympors tocay. is came into power, stressed Mr. Medd, ,' "The broper place for a man in "A Divided Party. ordinary expenditures had risen {?OM | pupuc jife is on this floor," the Prime Mr. Slack told the House that it | $41,361,439.92 in 1923 to $§4,846,994'.-8 | Minister replied to a challeng:e to ill became the Prime Minister to| in 1931. He said that in addition / ;,, by Mr. Blackstock to meet Mr. charge the Opposition groups with| some $2,700,000 due on the dabt--re-- | Hepburn on a public platform. lack of union within their ranks whenl | tiring scheme is not included for thr.; ! ~_"I don't doubt you'll see him here the Conservative Party was no united | past year. Although it was PAEN! | in another year or two," Mr. Black-- party at the present time. Jeers[ | that the people had not the monesg | stock replied. Ppe on .. ommmmpe mt inimieo mm nemenmedienonnctinmediiee «$ 1 "fTHG .. COVERIINONIY: CA _ SDCOO,_ _ AY ~elmmmmmmmmerie mss mtmmemmmit ; + lthen tax the people to meet the °x-- ; s

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