The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1932, p. 2

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|__While the Privy Council has held that insurance belongs solely to the , Provinces, there are limitations upon 'that statement which are questioned, ' and Premier Bennett is hopeful that some of the Provinces, uniting with | the Dominion, will agree that it is Federal authorities are hoping to avoid further litigation with the Prov-- inces over the insurance tangle by discussing the situation at a friendly conference with all concerned. In the meantime no official comment is available on the Price bill, which em-- powers the Ontario Cabinct to make necessary regulation respecting the licensing of insurance companies. The Price bill is not available here to-- When asked tonight for comment on the Insurance Temporary Provi-- sions Act introduced in the Legisla-- ture by Attorney--General Price, G. F. Finlayson, Dominion Superintendent, :l'xidb}i)l? had not previously heard of e s In the United States, according to Mr. Bennett, the forty--cight super-- visions of insurance have not always been found to work satisfactorily, be-- cause their laws are not uniform. in the public interest that there should be central control of insur-- ance rather than control by every Province in the Confederation. The -- Dominion -- Superintendent's view is that he should be given suf-- ficient authority to check the assets and to supervise the policy of insur-- ance _ companies doing business throughout Canada, for the sake of uniformity. The Senate Committee on Bank-- ing and Commerce endeavored to ef-- fect some compromise, to arrive at & conclusion which should be as far as possible in harmony with the views of the Provinces and of the insurance companies that were very closely concerned. It developed that this result could be arrived at only by a complete redrafting and re-- printing of the two bills, and th> prospect now is that two or mors bills respecting insurance will be presented to Parliament later in the session. They will be introduced first in the Senate and referred to the Banking and Commerce Com-- mittee. Wants Adequate Authority. The Provinces, particularly Ontario and Quebec, objected to the two new bills introduced by Senator Meighen, which were designed to give the Do-- minion Superintendent of Insurance adequate supervision and control over British and foreign insurance com-- panies doing business in Canada, and many of the companies affected also feared that if the bills became law they would involve the Federal and Provincial Governments in renewed Htigation on the question of jurisdic-- The two bills which were withdrawn were prepared by the Department of Justice in consequence of a decision given by the Privy Council last au-- tumn, which decision, to some degree, limited what were considered to be the powers of the Parliament of Canada with respect to insurance. The Privy Council also found that the existing Insurance Act of Canada was' im-- properly drafted in certain particulars. Provinces Object. eign and Canadian insurance com-- panies doing business in Canada. in lieu of the two bills recently with-- drawn in the Senate. (By WILLIAM MARCHINGTON.) (Staff Correspondent of The Globe.) Ottawa, March 21. --It is the in-- tention of the Dominion Government to introduce within the next few weeks two or more insurance bills respecting tpe status and powers of British, for-- be submitted to the Provincial Insur-- ance Departments for their guidance in the issue and renewal of licenses to transact business. "So the matter stands at the mo-- ment. I trust I have made the posi-- tion of the Province clear. I have, I believe, shown why it is necessary and advisable to pass this bill." insurarce companies, to say what| companies shall and what companies shall not do business in this Province. Nevertheless, they do show how a central bureau might be established, supported by the authority of Provin-- cilal statutes, to which all companies carrying on business in the several Provinces could be required to submit returns and demonstrate their sol-- vency, and from which reports could Ottawa Plans Hydro Maple Hill Transaction on Order Pavers -- Liberals and Progressives Join to Restrict T ories and Commission en Contracts and Agreements Mr. Taylor also filed pointed ques--| tion interrogation, tions regarding the Hydro Commis--| been paid the la: sion's purchase of the "Maple Hill" Irving & Davis, power site. These queries will appear| 1926,--and Jan. 24, on the House order paper as follows: | connection -- with "1. On what date was the power| Gatineau contract. "That, in the opinion of this House, henceforth, (1) no contract for the purchase of power from a private de-- velopment within the Province; (2) no agreement of purchase of any existing power development; (3) no grant of power rights; (4) no contract to export power from the Province should be completed, legal or binding unless and ;mbfl confirmed by act of this Legis-- ature." Liberal and Progressive groups co-- operated yesterday in an effort to re-- strict the powers of the Henry Gov-- etnment and the Ontario Hydro in regard to power contracts, agreements and grants, when D. J. Taylor, Pro-- gressive, North Grey, with Dr. G. A. McQuibban, Liberal Whip, as his sec-- onder, gave notice of the following resolution : POWER SITE PURCHASE QUESTIONED IN HOUSE Mar. out of season, provic been taken in season. Other amendments to the Game and Fisheries Act, as sponsored by Mr. McCrea, forbid the use of snares in Victoria County, and the use of hands in the taking of rablyits, where ferrets are being used--do away with the necessity of wearing badges when hunting--and, as a hard--times meas-- ure, authorize the sale of muskrats, out of season, provided they have Rumors are that the covering legis-- lation will strike a number of snags before it actually goes through, and that the Opposition will divide the House to secure & registered vcte on the principle involved. Several Tory members have expressed themseilves in committee as "not going to change their minds this year," and, if they hold to their declarations, they will be found boiting from Government support of the legislation when the vote is taken. TORY SPLIT IN HOUSE OVER DOG--BAN BILL § THOUGHT LKELY The all--Provnice ban wes attempted last year by Mr. McCrea, but was modificd to a half--the--Province cur-- tailment, in view of the strenuous opposition then encountored. How-- ever, definite intimation was furnish-- ed by the Minister that he would press this session for his original goal. Renowal of last year's opposition has not switched him from his purpose this session. This extension of the pres>nt ban, which applies only to that section ly-- ing north of the French and Mattawa Rivers, comes as no surprise, although thousands of sportsmen are opposed to it, many Conservative mempers fought against it in party caucus, and the Fish and Gam» Committose of the House adopted a resolution demand-- ing, in effect, no further tinkering by the Government with the situation until such time as the Black Inquiry Committee had been consulsd. MCDIFIED LAST YEAR McCrea Will Press for Adoption of Ontario-- Wide Measure A Provincial--wide ban on the use of dogs in the hunting of desr is provided in amendmeonts to thse On-- tario Game and Fisheries As:, which Hon. Charles McCroa, Minister of Mines, brought down to the Legis-- lature yesterday. _ & From Hon. J. R. Cooke, Hydro Chairman, the House had the state-- ment, by way of reply to an Opposi-- tion interrogation, that $8.250 had been paid the law firm of Kilmer, Irving & Davis, between April 16, 1926,and Jan. 24, 1928, for services in connection with negotiating the "7. What solicitor or legal firm rep-- resented the Commission in this trans-- action and what was the amount of retainer and fees paid?" _ _"5, What is the average amount of power developed and sold? "6. To whom is this sold and at what price? "2. What was the total cost to the Commission in acquiring this prop-- erty? "3. To whom was this money paid? "4. What is the total power ca-- pacity of the plant? dGevelopment known as 'Maple Hil}' taken over by the Hydro--Electric Power Commission?. What was the date of the Order--in--Council confirm-- ing the purchase?

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