The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1932, p. 1

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/ y & Mar 74. f oNUs On APPLICA@K | |TILLEY FIRMS FEES NO ACTION TAKEN | |1 ' UNDER SINGER BILL '(REVEALED TO HOUSE -- ON VOTERS LISTS l a l \| Amended Measure is Ap-- i$1.50,900 From Government Supporting Nesbitt Move, proved by House _ in Six Years--Silent on Premier Suggests _ Committee | Hydro Payments "Next Session" | | o e t ' > Fred Singer's bill "to put an end | Attorney--General Price's formal | to a practice on the part of fire in--' | reply in the Legislature yesterday to IN TlME FOR ELECT'ON surance companies of discriminating | an Opposition order paper question cnnilite c aseininine hecenbirnc ty | against applicants for insurance on ' from Hon. Harry C. Nixon, Progressive the ground of their race or religion " | Leader, reveals that since 1926 the On the undertaking of Premicr was approved by Legal Bills Commit-- | legal firm of Tilley, Johnston, Thom-- George S. Henry that "something | tee of the Legislature yesterday after ) son & Parmenter has received from might well be attempted next session an amendment had been inserted |the Ontario Government fees and of the House," Russell Nesbitt, Con-- | which puts the onus of proof of dis-- _ | retainers totalling $150,000. servative member for Toronto--Bracon-- crimination upon the applicant in-- | Of this sum $82,500 was received by dale, yesterday withdrew his Legis-- stead of compelling the companies to |the Tilley firm for work done under lature resolution calling for the ap-- prove no discrimination, as the _ | brokerage prosecutions during the past pointment of a special select commit-- original wording of the bill in effect |two years Work in connection with tee to consider the best means of im-- | provided. | the separate school litigation brought | POViNS the method of preparing t,he} The amending clause, as drafted by $50,000. voters lists for Provincial elections. | R. Leighton Foster, Supcrintendent of _| In connection with the brokerage The Prime Minister agreed with Insurance, says: "Any licensed in-- |cases, the fees were as follows: Gen-- Mr. Nesbitt's attitude that steps| surer which discriminates unfairly be-- _ ; cral, $20,000; Rex v. Mowatt and Rex should be taken to provide a more up-- | {ween risks within Ontario because of --|V. McGillivray, $2,000; Rex v. McLean, |\{O--Gat¢ list, and, furthermore, ex-- | the race or religion of the insured |$1,000; Rex v. Wray, $1,000; Rex y. |Drtssed the belief that expenditures shall be guilty of an offense." |\ Draper, $1,000; Rex v. Solloway and {'emmmg thereto should be borne \~ Fred G. McBrien (Conservative, | Rex v. Mills, $2,000; Rex v. Hepleston t;'l'gely by the Province. He felt that Toronto--Brockton) tried to have the |and Rex v. Shutt, $2,000; Rex v. e present situation could be taken bill hoisted for another year, but his | Smart, $3,500; Rex v. Young, $3,500; care of--in time for the next Pro-- motion that it be shelved found no / | Rex v. Patterson, $3,500; Rex v. vmtctlal clection--by appointing a com-- | seconder. Much publicity had been |Campbell, $3,500; Rex v. Stobic, $3,-- i mngien i the carly hours of the 1933 | given to the matter, he contended, and _ | 500; Rex v. Forlong, $3,.500. In the SCSSion with power to investigate and | be felt that the situation would work : | Additional cases against Solloway and . [@OOT ,DAtK !is findings and recom-- | itself out in twelve months' time. _ | | against Mills--twelve charges of thett . "SECIIIONE, ._., | | * After much argument, in which the | || being laid against this brokerage firm | | ous? 'the Rlection Act at ts aame| various insurance companies were, | --the fee charged by the Tilley firm _ ;. » .e.t ection Act at the same | | well represented, Hon. Leopold Ma--| | Was $10,000. In the appeals launched . p./, o ry in Hon. Harry C. Nkon." | cauiay, Commuttee Chairman, called| |by the brokers, the 'Pilley firm's tee | | "LORF*RRU® 168060 A |for the vote, which was unanimous| |(or perusal, preparation, etc., was $10,-- . _.; {}" honorable friend thinks | for the bill as amended. | 1000 when convictions were confirmed. . piCf, > anything wrong with the | ' In 1928, the Wenige v Judd action Election Act," returned Mr. Henry,| brought' the firm $150. Fees for| NS Might look at that, too." l | water power reference, as paid in Mr. Nesbitt, who has been a doughty | 1929, but covering work extending fighter for years for a better system | from 1926 to 1928, and also the Geor-- Of Preparing the lists, reiterated to gian Bay Canal charter matter, were the House yesterday his argument of | set by the Tilley firm at $15,000; $12,--, & Y°Ar ago, stating that, while it was | 500 was the retainer paid by the Gov--| t00 late now to name a committee ernment in connection with the Stim--| this year, he hoped the Government | son Company prosecutions. | would see its way clear to appoint The separate school litigation bill: S§UCh a body "at its convenience," and | was paid partly in 1926 and 1927,, that much good would come out of and the balance in 1928, although| 4"%. inquiry authorized to its care. l » services rendered by the firm in con-- Liberal Leader William E. N. Sin-- nection therewith extended from 1924 Clair claimed that Mr. Nesbitt's argu--| to 1928, inclusive, and included Ment deserved the support of every | travelling expenses and disbursements. Member in the House. It was a funny . For services of Strachan Johnston, thing to him, he said, that no prac--| K.C., in connection with the Security tical voters' lists, either in the Do-- \ Frauds Prevention Act, the Govern-- minion or Provincial arenas, were \ ment paid the firm $2,000 in Sep-- available to members of Parliament. tember, 1930. In his belief much of the respon-- | With only one sitting day of the Sibility for the situation was due to| | session left. the Government has still . the placing of preparation of lists in | 'to answer Mr. Nixon's question as to inexperienced hands. A special com-- what fees and retainers have been .mittse of members, he felt, would be' prid the Tilley firm by the Ontario @ble to straighten conditions out in | Hydro--Electric Power Commission .A comparatively short while. | | since Jan. 1, 1926. This question has | been standing on the order paper of | the House since Feb. 18.

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