. Ma r'. 2 o. l, I I actions should be carried out by an ellich W we. agreement between the Commission 'tlst Ltl'r'lglt. etc..." 638.30! and the Dominion Power and Trans- Amektnn Bank Note Oom- a mission Company. Limited. wherebv m, ttetnthttt interhn de- I i Ithe company would convey all I begtttmtt' ................ 4040' 9 'its assets, including the shares -------,i , a f ct the various subsidiary com- l s 4,946.09l , , panics; considering Power Com- ' 60,000.00 !mission Act and advising as to - - LEGISLATURE El necessity of amending samed and Total ...................$64,946.00 drawing amendment. the atttm anccs , Til-l _ f on Ministers rezardinfz same. and. 19;; 11tiig?e,'urart 083mg; 1 ---- _----------, hnvintr bani instructed by Commis- {30141500111 Electric t%GiiirC.iiii; ' . sicn tn prepare tho agreement. at- 8150 Mr Tiile ve inion u; Amounts of Retainers and tpt1Hatntos mu mtmhcrs and officials . . Y ga op ' vof the Commission and it; auditors Gatineau con.trysb--.tee,, $i00. Mr. ' Fees Revealed by "a"! noon i'ffl"l'l'S 'i,,.',', s"'i"itor of the 'r111ey--oounse1 fees m Conhrgas Re- . r,.,',,',,),',,-),',,' Pew-n- and Transmission duction Company v. Hydro-Electric Cooke 'Fi-r,,:-:,,"': ppngjelor'ivr DO'V?" of V011- m Commission-tee, $1,250. - idorto sell and wrung" that meeting _Mr. Tine}? acted against the Com- (ot shareholders must be held: also mission in the following matters." ANSWERS NIXON QUERY considering carefully and discussing (a) As counsel for the McGuigan position at vendor and its subSidiaries Construction Company and P. H. Mc- _ - - N, 'li'ustionrt'itutlg bonds and Intl/l.' Guigan, arbitration proceedings taken "A oe , it,,.. . . so ormotagreement:0tt - . Chic. 1023 W. N. Tilley. he" was structions of Commission engaging bu"At1't'egi for the Federal Crnr- 'paid 864.440 by LIP? Ontario Hydro meg-iii soliclitxiirs tttdef/Pe',?, tongs; ernment in the Exchequer Court, mi. for legal FCrCC'?G 'enrlrrcd, it Was, rc- and 'sure','.,','),"),',?',,,',?,,',",',',,',),'?),,',"'?,??,')):","',' 'againSt the Toronto Power Company by Hon. John R. Cooke. Hydro Chair- Company to, its various properties in l to) As owl for the muniCipail- _,ma.n' ll: 1ilsy" to a question on the 332:)? 3335 too, ELSE}? Sitag'gg itit-s of Toronto. Hamilton and' "St ',crtior Dup~r by H. C. Nixun. Piogrcs- Power Light and Traction Company Calharines in an appeal to the Privy sivc Leader. In addition he received Limited to numerous properties f/ Council for the return to the mu- -;hc sunrof 34.94609. which he paid Hamilton. Brantford Township. Bur- nieipalities of bonds issued in regard out ill disbutTctmonts to solicitors Cor lington Beach. Beamsvilie and to land, to hydro-electric railways. =searching titles. to Registrars in vari- in connection with development at ous municipalities for such expenses Decew Falls and to transmission line (as travelling. telephone. telegrams. and , right of Ra.t' in Township of Salt.. .to the American Bank Note Company fleet, North Grimsby. South Grimsby, " gfor printing interim debentures. I Clinton, Louth, Barton and Ancestor: , The question on the order paper titles of Hamilton Electric and Beams..! was as itiimi's: l. Has Mr. w. N. ville Electric Railway Ccmpany to, 'Tillcy, KC. or any member of the properties at Stoney Creek and Beams-i firm of q'i."oy, Johnson Them-7n a: :{illmntgtiesmof b,hedti',,gugf, and Parircntr". bat':";t":'.. or Cr, fl"nt i',- ami n ectrc way ompaily self. been t-:aiirvl h" the Hydro- to properties at Hamilton. Ancaster. . E'nctrh Pcrrcy C'mmr. {in of Oniir, l Barton and Brantford: titles of Ham- sincc Jon. l, 1926." F ilton Terminals WWI Limited, in T 2.----li r i. v hat "we the "Crawl ills the City ot Hamilton. and of Western ' and Cr, tsal amounts of retainers and Counties Electric Canpany. Limited. ices paid by the Ontario Hydro-Ei- P, Brattttarti. and of Brantford Elec- trip Power Commission in each in- tric and Operating Company, 'Lim- stance. ited. in Brantford. and of Highway I The answer to the first. question gums Emacs Limited in .?..1y.1ut.1 'was in the affirmative ndas. alt and at. Catharines. and ' . of Hamilton Street Railway Company 1 Yearly Payments Cited. 1rt't'lhtri,,,t.e. of Lincoln Electric T _ _ t , an 'er Company. Limited. . wJl'eay1iglcorisv/o the sccoiloquestm ' it; swfmarmes; examining all min- _ 1?i?r1ro.1r. may acfcd new Com- Pdf, _itiJd'fi7idt'gi'glyigi?i'tgit// mission in appeal to the Supreme ences with vendor's solicitors and Na- Court in Beach v. Hydro; fer. $1.350 um Trust Company Limited in en- 1928--Mr. Tilley gave opinion in deavoring to obtain, -tTriiGit'h' dis- . , power contract with Port Colbornc charge ot vendor's bond mortgage to lElevator: foe. .t?.50 Harris Trust and Savings Bank and l 1929---Mr. /rill.ey acted as counsel National Trust Company, Limited: se- N for Commission in suit of Eldridge V. curing bands amounting to $4,932.000 Southampton: fee, $500. which mature April l. 1932, on terms ' 1?2?c-Mr., Tilley gave opinion as to that Dominion Power and Trans-- franchise rights in purchase of San- mission Company will 'at once pay to geen Electric: fee, $300. the National Trust Company the par A929rrh.". Tiller advised re contra "t amount of outstanding bonds, with 'in- 2.333 Union Carlf.tist Company; it". great to maturity. but being unable u) . make this arrangement, finally ar- Dcmiliion Power Deal. ranging atter conferences with Com- 1930 -- Mrssys Ti." J hn m mission and auditors to deposit with Thomson i: "1;,irqrh'bl; fgh'hgd National Trust Company $5,350,000, ll " f. C..',!,': V "m" _ part of the Commission's debentures, pon the Ccmmissicn and upon G. . . N._t ti9astpmeetthetttmdstrttmturitr, T. Clarkson and H. E. Guiltoyle, Au- ("km and mm " to steps ditors for the Commission. regarding necessary to rttdttettt the Hamilton verbal agreement arrived at between amt Power, Light and Traction the Commission and Dominion Power Company bonds: examining the various and Transmission Company, Limited, bond mortgages and seeing as to dis- for the purchase by the Commission tes,', of bond mortgages given by . of the assets of the company: pre- Hamilton Cataract Power, Light and liminary study of corporate structure Traction (bunny, Hamilton Electric of Dominion Power and Transmission Light and Power Cimpany, Hamilton Company, Limited. and its subsid- and Dundas street Railway Com-l .iary. the Hamilton Cataract, Light puny; the Dundas Electric Company.! ' and Traction Company. Ltd., and Limited. Lincoln Electric Light 'their various subsidiary companies. and Power Company, Hamilton including the Hamilton Electric Light Electric Light and Cataract Power land Power Company, Limited, the WW. and Hamilton, Grimsby & _ l Hamilton Street Railway Company. Beamville Electric Railway Com- ' lthe Hamiton and Dundas Street, puny: drawing and settling for.ms. ot ' Railway Company, the Hamilton dettettture8totte given by Gommission, ' _ 'Electric Radial Company the with guarantee of Province of On- Hamilton. Grimsbv and .Beams- tario; preparing and settling numer- ville Electric Railway Company, the outs doeumenta necessary to cm, Brantford and Hamilton Electric settling adjustments. 3113118138 1?. ' 2 Railway Company. Hamilton Terminal and "15mm b'lr,'ffilef, 'lU'lit - .' 'Company. Ltd.. the Dundas Electric Marsala 00" cos-I . . base as instructed-tee in all . Company. Ltd.. the Lincoln Electric 1'?fuyrg'ttt Light and Power Company. Ltd.. the - , ' . . Western Counties Electric Com- Paid "laments as follows. pany, Ltd., and the Highway King A. M. Waller, _aolicttor. iBuses. Limited: obtaining and can; c."",','.""',',; 1tt,t'ie,ir,2,iie,'.:' 1,001.95 'sidering the letters patent or specie . . mm. .m ' - acts of Parliament incorporating the i Hamdttms, aenrdting titles 713-30 ' . different companies and obtaining JHWh Brawn. solicitor, . . - muniton, searching titles 746.00 from officials of the Commission gen W solicitor eral information regarding the '5a2li,ae,T,,r' titles 85620 franchise and rights of the different .m gtc'gTftg2lilg . various franchises held . by sub. ' lateaii in Hamilton St . lsidiaries it is desirable that trans- "tfllttgut Welland; Brannon, Kitchener and Mitton q..........-...... 572074 I . ___-.."