"an"? "l "" le" "utif, tttr), cjta' it,',,, EUS, ilhr'l: l L_c - p, 'l Iii3iiif A3Mf a ( . Ygf8i . st. t ONTARIO l (lhtt tt 3% . y I , tr , , T 7 Vol. KIA. TORONTO, SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1932 No. 14 _ - - _" W -d iffir f:,i:::,'Lv__'--':':':--::::__L----%--_'-- -w_____.m__-_~._-.____- ._____A_. l I'lx'tt\l\('li Hl-i HNTAlx'lt) : Hill l No. t t't.t\l.\ t IVI Au,sr.um.v i I] An Act respecting the Town of Kenom. Town ro, Aluu'tl g'lt'll, 1033 l 2.1 An Act respecting' the Village of llollztntl Landing. lhree it clock p.m. I . . . g 23 rAu Act respectingI the Village of Fergus. "w Honourable the V!miiii,c,irvor of the iiorer,r, l t rt [tract-riled to the ('lnnnlier ot the legislative l 24 An Act respecting the City of London. "~~o-.nlnl\' .unl took his sell o.i the Throne. l ' . . . ' i 25 An Act respecting the Town of Colmurg. "c ( lerl: \ssist'tnt the: re'ul the titles ol the i V t T lit it l. til I)..\\t'tl sen-r "ls ily, lolluws: i y, An Act respecting the Town of Riverside. tint l 27 ~An Act respecting the City of linst Whuls,ur. N,-, 9 I "i:; Act respecting the Township of 'l'oronto. l 28 An Act respectingr the Township of Gloucester; , \n Act respecting the Roman Catholic Episcopal J 20 ch, Act respecting the Town of Renlrew. Corporation of the Diocese of "Irma. . l M) An Act respecting the City of Sudliury. o' .\n Art r('>])t't'llllt; the .\luincipnhty ol l'uipoonge. l '; 3I An Act respecting the Township of lirtst Whitisy. l An Act respecting the Queen City Virus Insurztnce 1 Company. f 32~~.\n Act respecting the (l n t n r i o Shore Gus 3 Company. limited. 5 An Act respecting the Sisters ot fit. joseph of the 1 . Diocese of Hamilton. I .HmAn Act respect ing the Township of Kort h York. 0 An Act respecting the City of (illelph. t 34 An Act respecting the Township of Scnrlioroueh. i, S In Act respecting Wyvlifft' College. , so ~r.\n Act respecting the ( ity of Toronto. " An Act respecting; the Township of Crowlznnl. j 37 An Act respecting the Town of Fort lCrie. . ' , . r , l , _ . TF ll) An Act respecting the lownslnp of leek. ( .38 An Act respecting the ( ity of ()IILUVlt. H An Act respecting the Town of Huntsville. I n'9 Av, Act respectingr the Town of lx'ockl'mtl. l . ll Au Act respecting the Town of Brampton. 1 in An Act respecting; the lown ot Perth. ll An Act respecting the City of Snruitt. I 42 _ An Act respect mg the Women s Christian '. V Association of London. ' H Au Act respecting the County of Carleton. l . '- i 43 --s1n Act respecting the ( 1ty of Hrnntlortl. 15 An Act respecting the Wulkerville-liust Windsor . ,. " . Wuter Commission. t ll An Act respecting the ( ity ol Hamilton. to An Act respecting the County of llulton. I 45 An Act respecting the Town of Smith's Falls. 17 An Act respecting the Sisters of St. Joseph of the If, "All Act rcspec1ing the City of Niagara Pulls. Iroise , Pe 'l r) th. . ,. ' , . ( of ter m l up Ci "In Act respecting the, ( ity of 51. t, athuriues. IN An Art respecting the Trinity College SCINWI- 50 -.1n Act respecting the sumo Hus Company. It) Au Art respecting the Township of biitst York. ( 51 An Act respecting the Township of York. T 3" An Act respecting " Trust Settlement of Arry 52 -An Act respecting the City of Hamilton and its Ellen Iluyvr Culhoun et ul. Board of Parks Management. . 403