The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1932, p. 6

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F-"""'-'.-""""""-'"-""""-"-" ___ _ -_ . MIX THI'L ONTARIO GAZETTE W l t.|l'rllll l"',, "it "I t ,I.I|l out all LIIHI' o: Hui! tho I ('oinpanv, and persons who thereafter heroine share » t', -~..i In ' ' is, IIIII /l , .iitpaiat us, lIlI'llt ants. I holders therein, " private eoinpany under the name of ttl, "III', "Te hri:,nr,, .Ill'i .IIII'iwli'i ',". win-tin y 'il' 'iIti'ttal I C.1NAI)A l.Al'Nl)lt1' Ct)1ll'ANV, Ll1ilTr.i; (u) .,, "l,,. t.t' stil, ,,.... ',) i... I a , .-t o. him-luau .. .i! l To earrv on the business of " steam and geiierdt .lll .';-,: ..--' .it Two; "-,-i', 'itt:'-'Ai!It oi (ll tii' ' laundrv; and for the further purposes and obit-its .. |i.1|,,tivl.'.t' ll, ' I i, it .,,,, at": it M or; tlu no; i, s,":", therein set Iorth; with it capital of l'iorty 'Iihousand 'it In I't,r 'i" it". "HM. .... :""" e "a; ,Zi,-1I'|:|i;|,j'. dollars di\ided into Four Thousiind shares ot It." . 'M', t'l', 1 ~t. ,. , I?" .2 it .1..- Ili',, ttm- IIIHJIII'H dollars eai'h; with its Head "thee at the said City of tt' t».. .... ,'v, I'- u: i... , ' l In .4 tin Ila-"Iii! 'I'oronto; and its Provisional Hireetors being Matting pa! ,t" _,. l, a"; PI... 3... up: rrt!';liotf; d» .it-v l'i'ankel. Ilavid Sher and Samuel D. Iillenlierg. heiein. \'.ZI:I.MII .i x:--. iii» d .., i i. '.Il'.'t'_ I'im. alt>.l_ luau "i', Iii-lore mentioned. IItl' 'l, 'I l IN I' IN Flu-III t.u'ttit'.il lst [In \Mltli' drill l, ~I, I tIltl Illu"! I I'll t |i|I'-'IIII Ila-t" not I V. IIIIINS, t"l i~ j», ' 'I' I). .t _.i~ ilt'li- Elma-- oil dollar Assistant I'rovineial Seen-tan. '.\.'II ",, i~.Ill)lllI\ .t' 's, .,i.l( ll "l Int-titlinatl'l ("I") lo' it» l'iii i-I'IlIi Ilizi. ii' in it, \ltrv-iltliiil'uisis, \ ii-,"ei Il, 'n-" lieu i, "!. Iltllt i' la" Ii lulltlIIIl, Illa!" m, - - W -----------e - -e- --_----_----_------ __ - -- li"'.'l\?.tt: "r,,', \IJiiiItt ii" Itll ' ':iii-rnl,itrr,,i,r,i,e,ri,t-l. CANAl)iAN 1iliRCllA.NlylyilNC, COMPANY, I \, Ititt\s, l.l1llllil) l sit',,' Ilrsirr,vivlr,tvir',,iis, I'l'IIl IC NOllCr, IS IIICRI'LIIY GIVEN that 'l, I I', under the provisions of The ('onipanies Art, Letters Patent, lit-urine date the 7th day of March, A.1). I'M}. have heen issued, in the terms and conditions and sulijet't to the limitations and rest rit'tions, if anv, therein set forth, 1u;usuiiutin:sr William Judson Rtitli. , _ . _ , , . 1liiuufurovrs' Agent; Samuel Ilireu Lawn-nee, Ills' Il 'rt IRII l| [RH Ill Ir,' l. IN ll lx'l.s, 1l,tuui'uiuurvr.. and Mary Helen Ruth, Bookkeeper; I I' all ot the ('ity oi 'I'oronto. in the County of York and , ., . 7 , . . _. ' V. , _ ' . 't' l'tuniutiid't)utniir,,trirl an_v others who hitvvlournu. "mil": llc",,',.,,)))),',),, in 1iii,/1',y',,l "I'm": 'l\(\'ll' 1ti,), stiltsi'rihers to the memorandum of. agreement of the "Hi." 'CC/i',,',,,.', "h". tlu. lth dale ""7 _ \ilarii'hl l ': f I ollllhl!ly, and persons who thereafter heroine share: 1,", 'i/d. ""2" issued in liu. Wm" . ".1 tlc/r/i,',.,)',, nolders therein. a private ( oinpaiiv undert he name ot F"q J'.' . . j" . 'l '. '.'. t ('ANAlylA.N .\II:R( IlANl)lyiiNC, C()1ll'AN'r, '.l,'j'l1.1i'-iy,'t will". liy..ti/,rt,ri.',y..s "1',le1o'.y,it,'/oy:.r, l/if, I.l.\l ITICI I: To trade in general lines of merehandise gliiliiiii ir'..",,",',',',?:,:',':)",',"': "I"? "V\.I=V"i'.l"in]?"lg! k"{'_"'i"' as dealers. agents or muui!litt.1uryi."s; with a eapital of 1' '." .i 3 i',r:."", "/1l I" Nt ',',l.'i" /l't lull- l'ortv lhousand dollars divided into Four Hundred ICs", Nuihnn handlet. ,)lt'ri.uj.y: utvl l.'hilip \tndler, shares oi tIne Hundred dollars eaeh; with its Head 1Hrucy: nll li, ll": l lly "I l'irroyio, Ill tlus ( ly/l "Hire at the said Citr of Torouto; and its Provisional srl Vor',.- and lm'i'm," "I, I)l'.l.ll'ltli' and "ll-V "m" Hireetors 1nsinc, Wiiifuin Judson Ruth, Sainttel lliren "ll" h,ists Itto1sii!t' lu'"'"'"'"'"' Itt Ills' memorandum Lawrenee and Marr Helen. Ruth, hereinhetore ol agreement ol the( onipanv, and persons who there mentioned - nltct' Irvcoo. sharelioldei's therein. a t'ot'pol'alion tttttl"t' . the name ol "lC:l)l"i)ls'sl), l.ltill lHNt', VlNll'Rl/,yi, F. V. Jf)llNei, I IXII I l-.|_I (at Io inannlai'ture. purehase or other Assistant Provincial Secretarv. wise ainiiiire, nold, own. illori'..',ic',i', sell. assign and (HIM - 13 transler. LIl\t'SI and trade and deal iii goods. wares. ' ' I. _ "rcrchuurlisc and propertv of everv elass' and dt'svrip- lion: and tor turther purposes and olijei'ts therein set we", -e» " ------_-__-__----___.-___--__r__-_---_-_ _ - . _ forth: with a eapital divided into six Hundred preter- enee shares ot the tar value of Vifts. dollars eaeh H t , , - ' . _ . _., _ and Hue li,',',),,))',,) ("IIIIIIIIIII SllJI'I'S- without anv "INHAS t, Illt K N SUNS, Ll1llTEl) nominal or par \ ilue; l'rovided, however, that the , _ M t r., , ' ' " . . , ... . a tid shvvs wiihout v,ominnl Ill' Pnl' \.lill{' shull IIU II Ir.", Ill) l F, [TI lll,iRrillr. (il,)y')r..t.1y issued and "Hum" tor a t-oiiszderaiion Hol memu Il)lltlt't tat. PTvls1"ls ol [he Companies Art, Letters in thr, _t.',u',lvirtlr' Out' 'I'housand dollars: with its I(&II()'III, hearing date the -nd day of llarch:A..l). Ilt'ltl "flirt: at the Villnrw o) lh1ttlfortl, in tht, (iotlttlv lthi2, li:I\'C lscen isy.ue.d, 1." the terms and C(indtlltlns ol yhm we and Proviuo. H, U", "in; and {,5 i'rol and stilijeet to the limitations and restrictions. it any. visiou,tl Dirt-"tors bciuy, .'Jlrert lidward .\loss, gram"; therein set,coyyti1utiy,r James Winston I(,ti/l and \eat'le. Nathan Sandler. I'hilip Sandlt-r and llarrv I'alward Rlle'Cll511111'll,IiLlI'I'lStEII'S-aid.Zl\\';all(i[LillilltCIlI Neveren, hcrciulscforc mentioned. .. (atheriiie Jones, Evelyn Victoria Ilue and Muy Lavina Hart, Stenographers; all of the City of NN indsor. V. v. IUIINS. in the'Cotinty of Essex and l'rovinee of Ontariri.and Assistant l'rovinrinl .'iruuvt,irv. any otners who have lieeonie suyscrilocrs to the memos _ raiiduin ol agreement ot the Company, and persons (this) H who thereafter become shareholders therein, it ter- poration under the natne of THOMAS CHICK cl. SUNS, LIMITED: (a) To carry on the business (I - 7 - _ ------_---- .._,,w - "Wk ------ general contractors and to enter into contracts for. viii e------------------- construct, execute, own and carry on all description of works; and for the further purposes and olijei'ts _ therein set forth; with a capital divided into Four CANAlrA l..\l'\l)RY CIll'ANV, Li1llllil) Thousand shares without any nominal or par value: Provided, however, that the said shares without I'l'III.I(' XII'I'II'IC IS IIILRICIIY GIVliN that nominal or par value shall be issued and allotted for under the provisions of The t'oinpanies Alu, Letters a consideration not exceeding in the aggregate Forty l'atent. INHII'III; date the "ill day ot Mriwh, AA). 'l'housand dollars; with its Head Office at the said I033. have Iii-en issued, in the terms and eonditions Cils. of Windsor: and its Provisional Directors heme and suliieet to the litttilaiioas and restrietions, if any, James Winston Reid. lidward Russell Smith, luliia- therein set forth. constituting .\lannis I'rankel. David heth Catherine jones, Iivelvn Victoria Blue and May Sher. Samuel lr. Filleultcrg dud Allrert Sliit'riii. Har- Lavina Hart, hereinbefore "mentioned. riycrtat-liw; and Irving Weinert, Fitudent-at-lstw; all ol. the Chy of Toronto, in the County of York and F. V. JOHNS, Provitwe of Ontario; and any oi hers who have heeoine Assistant Provincial Secretary. subscribers to the memorandum of agreement of the I (408) lo'

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