The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Feb 1933, p. 1

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! Tebvuaij I 8 x -- ® -- ININTEREST RATES SINGLAIR : FROM CGOVERNMENT & ' TO BRING RE"EF Also Wants Legislation to ON ABITIBI DEAL ; yesvimeuds vaa Abolish Grand Jury ie enntomandeenth Mimico Deputation Inter-- System Query Indicates Desire to views Premier--Adminis-- several most important bills will be Delve MDeteply Into i i sponsored in the Ontario Legislature tration of Finances by W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., Liberal atter A c e llllou.sel Le;;vler, and nouoi of ni;?tion * e se 4 has already been given of his inten-- -- OPPOSITION TO BOARD || lhn" Eiputantvoung giaation COMMENT ON SPEECH lt lb which would require every one who lncm mtteres Ne 43 . holds a franchise to use or lose it; & P When reprosentatives of Mimico abglitklm of the G% symmlk; ve:;';gé:fi"'ss;gam fledhetbieggy at P 6 p re-- ! and a law to compe walk-- «* on of t ature ',:':i)wnGC;un-xl vz'pp'c'.( b'eb'v P'c | fng on highways at nignt to carry a with a bombardment of questions to . er G. S. Henry yvesterday afternoon | light, are thres of the feature pro-- 'the Henry Government which seek to asking that the proposal to appoint a | posals. | throw light on the Abitibi Canyon deal Board of Supervisors to administer _ Mr. Sinclair would also make it pos-- and to bring information on opera--. the town's finances b> not immediate-- | sible for an elector who is left off the gons of the Barrie Packing Plant. The | 4 Ivy acted upon, and that steps be taken voters' list to secure a vote by obtain-- tter question was placed by F. R. to relieve the situation by sccuring A ing a certificate that he is on the 01,11,"19; &F-o-' Grey South). § . reduction in bank intorost rates on assessment roll. s ( led query by D. J. Taylor 4 -- loans and municipal deb>ntures, Mr. The Liberal House Leader is also wmmv%eGm South) asks on x Henry promis*d to bring the situation sponsoring a bill that would give every lake date the(!(rvetrnmem; offered to S before his collcagues in the Cabinet city in the Provin:e power to elect & _ fuy t(.'t':eron Abitibi Development: / . without delay. & Board of Control. Some of the larger is e themm Power Service Cor-- ®. t cities now have the r'ght and Boards poration ; terms of the offer; if _ _ Reception Impresses. 4 im n the offer has been accepted and deal h F R of Controcl are part of the municibal jcled: .i»; "I wias dcepl)' lmpre.'a(',d with itae R()v:ammnnt_ but many of the smaller me » the ml. mtion incur-- <4. fmuon we recci"ed from Mr. Henl')'. and more rceently incommt'ed cities r Y me mn&, and. Mly, the _ _ who showed that he was much con-- dezire to be empowered with the legis-- :aismes ?'"t'geaddms of the bondhold-- _ _ cerned over the situation," declared lation. bor')&mof t,heamoums each held of the _ Deputy Reeve W. A. Edwards. The It is the purpose of an amendment . Gorporation invoolumedi?n me;ea?""'" '\ _ deputy explained the opposition to tabled by Mr. Sinclair that tax-- y y 1. having a Bsard of Supervisors ap-- exempt Indian lands, when rented, are | atter of Conjecture. pointed, and said that, although the to become liable for taxation. A bill | While the appearance of Mr. Tay-- Council would have the privilege of to provide f~r the election of a member | lor's questions indicate in Queen's _ submitting several names for the of a Board of Education when an| Park circles a desire on part of the board. two of which would be select-- elected representative to that body re--| OPposition to deive deeply into the _ --ed by the Government, the choice signs within one month of his elec-- | Abitibi, no resolution asking for tab-- _ _ was ultimately not made by the mu-- tion, is ancther before the House. ling of Abitibi contracts. and all cor--, "\ _ nicipality itself. "It is an indirect Hitherto the board could name a per-- . IEspondence thereon, has appeared.: _ _ way of taking the complete control of son to fill the vacated post. I gteis felt certain, however, and mem--| _ the municipality away from the tax-- T C 'ders o oo the opinion, that such a| '\ -- payers themseives." he stated. He C demand will be made upon the Goy--| " c'aimed that the entivre prosess aimed iemment when the placing of the' U _ at tran--ferring the first claim on the ]fi%%fignth?m:lofio}gm?gcuggt: \& :\junicipe_l;i.; rranz_lot':m \'_Pra'fldl}g.d';z ;: { ing the purchase by the Government | m b:organ"e &s the vore, fl" ae | of the Northern project after it went| "H nks. "It is time that the bond-- | into the hands of receivers. | _ holders woke up to what is actually | Premier Henry has stated that he fi being done," he added. | will deal with the entire question of' [E Relielf in Mimico. | Abitibi on Tuesday, but just what hel & The deputation requested that the mh';; %syef t; mifhmjec-' Government take over 100 per cent. fion of power in the N e g";fs' of the cost of relief in Mimico and siked by the press on Thursdaoml y tf:el! effect an equalization of school tax-- signifi ¢ f * | To ation, irrespective of municipal boun-- aggame:nggatzm:g: iI:sueergn ogy l}\l aél ) be introduced which would set up a That part of the prepared speech of| --. common ratio between the City of Dr. Burt regarding Hydro was not 'Toronto and its urban suburbs in the delivered, and members declare it was | -- matter of responsibility for all public omitted at the request of the Govern--| _ _ services shared in common by the mu-- ment. Premier Henry told The Glope ___ nicipalities ooncgrne_d. that no such request came from him. x "No soluuo';\ is to be found in _ transferring the administration and _ control from the elocted Municipal _ Council, with its intimate knowledge 'ft of local problems, to a Board of Super-- e visors," the Premier was told by Mayor W ; A. Norris. P | The Globs was informed last night that everything will be well in Mimico ig,, _ _| until the debenture (payment next | |||| month ..s actually defauited. What [¥ will happen then depends largely on | \k what action the bondholders may take. *

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