' ® # » February 22 omnmvsenihin lt atferanstoediifen uce dete uen fierieemmmnomnierenrioe ensmege ~~"He has brought up the fact that ~ t ain mmocingd with & mungage com-- CURTAILMENT , NOT FINIS pany, with which my family has been 2 4 associated for some fifty years. He OF NIGHT LASSES L'KELY has gone on with a lot of cheap talk | about 12 per cent. dividends, which ooo sgpnmalh onterenionreen emnnmmnianrens _| he knows full well is not the truth s A s o sls He pgovgntm:; the carnings is MOt Advisory Vocational Committee Voices Opinion at he knows it full well," declared Pre-- | Meeting--Subcommittee to Consider mier Henry with some heat. y o o Mr. Nixon--I do not know it. i Henry's Communication Salaries of Directors. dninderentedten ane t tenine errieeer amemennnoecederccns Mr. Henry then asserted that il That there will be considerable| will now be required to pay a fee of was common knowledge that whon curtailment of night school classes,| $3, it was decided on the recom-- the stock was purchased it generally | but not much likelihocd of their total| mendation of Dr. Goldring, School cost around $200 a share. "Then he disbandment, seemed to be the gen--| Superintendent, who also suggested talks of the salaries paid to the di-- eral opinion in a discussion of the| that the non--resident fee for part-- rectors, and says that they were night school work at yesterday's| time day classes in these subjects be raised from $5,000 to $5,300. Does meeting of the Advisory Vocational| increased jrom $4 to $5. Certain | he not know that it was the salary Committee. Premier Henry's com--| women have been taking advantage for the Board of Directors wniecn was munication to the effect that Ontario| of the free day--time tuition instead increased from $5,000 to $5,300? The educational boards may discontinue| of attending the night school classes, reason for this increase was that the night classces if the present finan--| where there is a fee of $2, which is there was another director added to cial stringency make them too great| not returnable, it was explained. the board." A a burden was passed along to a spe-- The meeting also approved recom-- "Vas you there, Sharlie?" interject-- cial subcommittee of the board, which| mendation of the School Superin-- ed a Government bencher, amid av-- has the whols problem of night| tendent that a new and more con-- ' plause, the sally being apparently di-- | school costs under consideration. densed booklet of information con-- rected at Mr. Nixon. _ . The board's Business Administra--| cerning secondary school courses for Turning to the question of redistri-- tor pointed out that there is an| distribution among fourth book pupils bution, the Prime Minister waxed sar-- amount of $160,000 in the estimates| replace the two booklets previously | castic at the Progressive Leade's ex-- covering Principals' and teachers'| authorized by the board, "Informa-- pense. "The member from Bramk says salaries, caretakers' pay and sundry | tion for Parents and Pupils" and 't!ut the cutting down of the number night school suppliee. It would be| "What Next?" The new booklet, "A of members of this House would save scarcely possible to disband the pres--| Message for Parents and Pupils re only $40,000, after having taken up ent night school classes until March| Collegiates, Commercial and Techni-- the time of this House as he has. Th» 31, so that half this amount would| cal Education in Toronto," has been member was just spreading himseif be required for expenses up to that| approved by the various boards 0f | to take up the time." *3 time, he estimated, leaving roughly | secondary school Principals and by | _ _"I object." said Mr. Nixon, rising to $80,000 for the fall term, Oct. 1 to' the public school inspectors, stated | his feet. "How about you spreading Dec. 31. As the board has revenue on | Dr. Goldring. I yourself last year?' ; . evening class fees totalling approxi-- The committee referred to the:| Premier Henry--I had something to mately $30,000, even if the classes| board's Solicitor the claim of an Oak--| say. He then charged the Progressive were entirely disbanded for the fall| wood Collegiate student for outfit of | Leader with having "talked against term, it would affect this year's| clothing valued at $12.75, which was' time" to prolong his speech. budget only to the extent of about| stolen from Central High School of Mr. Nixon--Last year you kept us $50,000, he submitted. Commerce, while he was engaged in here until after 7 o'clock one time, Adult students, who are residents| playing there on the Oakwood basket-- ' and you had agreed not to go on. j of Toronto, and who have herebo-' ball team. The clothing, including Premier Henry--I have often kept fore recsived free tuition in domestic | trousers, shoes, goloshes and woolien lyou here, when I knew that someone science, art work, designing, etc., | socks, were taken from the dressing-- was just talking for time. through the part--time day classes, room adjoining the gymnasium. Mr. Sinclair Complimented. T es os° "I would like to ccmpliment Mr. Sinclair on the wonderful spirit he has shown, especially here this after-- noon," commented the Premier. _ "We on this side of the House will co-- operate, if we can get away from party lnrmemeint Kerermene politics." Answering Mr. Nixon's observations . information respecting the purchase on the Abitibi deal, he stated: "I will would be tabled, so as to be available rest my reputation in this Province on for every member of the House. the purchase of the development from "Some one has referred to Mr. J. the Ontario Power Service Corpora--> H. Black, as if he was a villain," tion." The Government had stsopped | added the Prime Minister. "I think in in order that the development| that my friend referred to him as the might be proceeded with, and he : President of the Abitibi Company. I challenged Mr. Nixon to give proof: do not know if he is even a member that the shares which the Government . of the Abitibi Company. As far as I had paid $90 for had ever been sold . know, he is only connected with the for $17. Dominion Construction Company, Mr. Nixon jumped up, with a copy which has the contract with the Do-- of The Globs of July 25 in his hand minion Power and Service Corpora-- and referred to an article which stat-- tion. He was only concerned in hav-- ed that the price of the bonds had 'ing the work gone on with, and with jumped after the Government had getting paid for it." indicated that it would purchase. Mr. Nixon--How about the other contracts? Are they good? Proof Is Demanded. .. _ _Premier Henry--They are good in ggme argument ensuec} "duri'n.. so far as they are worth anything. He wal h Premier Henry said: 'II YOU explained this remark by saying that have no more than that to show for it. if the Abitibi and other companies in then I will not reply to it." Opposition ine area were successful in their de-- members thereupon called on him to velopments, then the power contracts prove that they had not sold as 10W | would be valuable. But if such devel-- as the figure mentioned. opments were a failure, then of course "There was no hole--in--the--corner ns ; i s the power contracts with them would deal in this, asserted the Govern-- not be of any value ment Iae.c_!:r_ a_rld declared that a.ll th.a; He then adjourned the debate. |