'F'ebrud.v-] 29. | y ) Licensing of Ail Collection Agency Companies Is Thought Desirable g | "What Is Crucity?" SINCLAIR' oo mm in § S B"'L READ "I have had letters from all over Weemnsssssmemmeamenmmmmmmees gevl;;otirj;ce abc;ttxt this. The question Giving many instan ¢ c-- 'Wha cruelty?' A great number tion uencles.nywm\ thel?she:d 33:" | of decisions have been made, and it in Ontario, using high--handed, high-- takes up much of the time of the pressure and improper methods to courts in defining it. This bill is to collect honest debts, Attorney--Gen-- help fhose who are examining such eral W. H. Price yesterday explained cafies. he explained.. amondment to the Collection Agencies affect the workings of the Mothers' Act, so as to allow proper regula-- ,Allowances')' Act? Would it not widen tion, control and licensing of all such _ | i{$ 5COP°°" questioned D. J. Taylor, agencies operating in the Province Prggreeswe. Grey North. At the pressnt time those agencies 'I. do not think it would affect it at having their head offices outside of all." replied Colonel Price. the Province are so controlled, but Colonel Price stated that the the amending bill, which was given amendment to the Bills of Sale and its second retdlnc' will make the act Chattel Mortgages Act was to allow | inclusive. * the {Joug:y and District i'tll':dges t': exercise the same powers with respec | ho{x'r". %hm:&unh .lt.t:t:ge&imtz "t': to the registration _of renewal state-- ; | knitting and 'got down to real Susi-- ments as they had in connection with | | ness. Second gs were also given the registering of chattel mortga.ges.f [ to the bm'"'nn by Wilfrid This would allow a longer period of | | Heighingt » m(c"""dn.u" St gme if(cin' the filing of the registration, | Davids), to conserve and im rove the e ie valiey of the Don River, to an amend-- . meurstie ht tioce d adt ns tSps | ment to the Bills of Sale and Chaite : @EERLION Oil there 15 mot Lhe Sale | o emergency in connection with re-- | Mortgages Act; to an amendment to newals as there is with chattel mort the Deserted Wives' and Children's 'es " interposed W. E. N. Si m{) i"- | Maintenance Act; and to an amend-- {?ge,;,l Housgofmder' But h d?g y3 'I';'e :'?0"30*' merely briefly explain-- Lien Act was merely to give greater | g them. ease in bringing actions to trial, said | Operations Investigated. 'Ehe Att.omgy-(general. There hag | _ _In speaking to the amendment tc cen some doubt as to whether one | the Collection Agencies Act, the At-- | Assistant Mastcr might try a me--, | torney--General stated that during the chanics' lien action if he was not the | past year certain features of the _ | Officer to fix the date of the trial, and | investigated by the police and Crown _ | Gelay, confusion, and recurrence of | | | unnecessary costs, it was stated. | ', At-wrneys. The AuomCY'General | The bills introduced by W. E. N.! f cm;d instances in which he stated | ; sinclair to amend the Elections Act so| %ac't. on ?ag' bce}r:a '.'"f,:& l as to provide for compulsory votin82| | _ "Some of us have personal ex-- | to the Highway Traffic Act, to compel| periences," interposed Hon. H. C. 'pedestrians to carry lights at mght:{ Nixon, Progressive Leader, with & |and to the Municipal Act, Board of | smile. | Education Act. and Assessment Act,| "Then all should support this bill," _ | were all given their routine first read-- returned the Attorney--General. §1ng, In view of such tactics, it was | The amendment to the Municipal thought better that all such companies Act would allow any city to elect a |shoulid be licensed, he said. The foe Board of Control; that to the Board | ; was but a nominal one of $2, of Education Act would make a by--, excepting to those companies outside, election necessary shculd a Trustee' with head offices outside the Domin-- 'pesign a month before the usual elec-- ion of Canada, the fee for which 'tion date; that to the Assessment Act: would be $50. | would allow any one whose name was| The only bill which affected Toronto _' on the assessment list to have it placed ; particularly was the Don Valley bill, on the voters' lists, Mr. Sinclair's pro-- and it received its second reading after posed amendment to the Jurors' Act Premier Henry had approved the would have the effect of abolishing principle of the development, although Grand Juries. stating that there might be certain Mr. Sinclair's bill favoring compul-- features which would have to be sory voting would provide for a fine of "ironed out" in committee. It was re-- $20 and disenfranchisement for seven ferred to the Municipal Committse. years as a penalty for those who failed Another important bill to be given |to exercise their franchise. Those who | its second reading was that concern-- . were unable to do so by reason of ill-- | ing the Deserted Wives' and Children's |ness or physical disabilitee would be i Maintenance Act. "Judges of the |exempted. ;Juvenlle Courts and Domestic Rela-- 'The bill would also provide that tions Courts have been finding dif-- |employers must allow employees time culties in defining what constitutee {Off to vote. No employee who ab-- lcmelty." commen:ed the Attorney--| |sented himself from his work in order ; General, explaining that the present |to vote could be penalized by reduc-- act provided that a wife should ber |tion of wages or compensation on deemed deserted if she left her home |account of taking such time off, it because of crucity. | stipulates. *