Febru ary 23 Premier Answers First of / NIXON MAINTAINS Many Queries Made by bmmeinmnamas Progressives Will Move That Clause wann n nc smmz _z I ,, + ""Slipped Through" Be A question pertaining to Provincial A | d and Hydro exchange costs was sub-- ppeae | mitted to the Ministry at yesterday's e s | session of the Ontario Legislature. D. * M. Ross (Progressive, Oxford North) INSURANCE QUESTIONED asked : "What has been the total cost smmmccmuss | occasioned adverse exchange rates Charges in the address of Hon.. during each of the last three years to Harry C. Nixon in the Legislature (a) the Government, (b) the Hydro-- . on Tuesday that the Government Electric Power Commission?" had "slipped through" legislation last The first answer to a score of Pro-- year providing for grants from the gressive questions reached the House Workmen's Compensation Board re-- | when Premier Henry replied to one sources to assist in an employees'| put by Mr. Ross some days ago regard-- _ superannuation fund were followed answered officially that there was such| : of questions dealing with group in-- . a committee, and that the following| _ surance to the board's employees. | composed it: The Premier, Atwme)"-! Progressive fire will be heavily ent Treasurer, Controller of Revenue, passed in the session of 1932 The | Civil _ Service Commissioner, and Globe learns, and members have been | Colonel H. D. Lockhart Gordon. Mtr. outspokenly opposed to the change | Henry then outlined the duties «4 the which, they claim, takes money m'l matsmbeg;g l enditures "Ang -- tended for injured workmen unX' hay yare ainal Soid Drades assists in building up a fund for em--| to present recommendations for enr-- ployees of the Workmen's Compen-- | umhl t se(:-fvi expenditures in (iozrern- sation Board \| men ces. He stated that no l aaten j member of the committee received m'lt'g:da!;rfi":;"fmew:r mdue'ch;'::z; 'wmog'r 2':' 21]xltiegihz>;§epvt}ex:§ Globe that there was no indication in | y ETLE the printed bill last session that the | mm of departments or Minis-- amendment was contemplated, and; g he averred that he would seek legis-- | lation this term to have the clause as it now appears repcaled. "I feel that it was put through the House last year in a secret manner, and, as I have no information from the Government to the contrary, I will move an amendment asking that the clause be repealed," stated Mr-- Nixon. "I took my bill from last year's file in my offiice on Tuesday and there was absolutely no mentlon| * of any such powers in the printed bill before the House." | The group insurance right was held | by employees of the Compensation * Board prior to last year, Mr. Nixon said. But, he claimed, the superan-- nuation clause was legislated in ad-- dition. It is the insurance feature that is' now questioned by T. K. Slack (Pro-- gressive. Dufferin). He asks how | many employees are on the perma-- nent staff of the Workmen's Com-- A pensation Board; how many tem-- porarily employed last year; what was the total wage bill of the board; what sum was applied from the funds of the board as a contribu-- lt.lon to group insurance costs; how much from employees; how many ]contributed: the total insurance, and ; the cost per $1,000 to an individual | employer. Following this series of queries, Mr. Slack then asks: "Has any action been taken to put into effect the provisions for superannuation which this House passed last year?"