March 11 GLGame Committee G1 R ibilit masmxais " ter of does and f r of does and fawns; second, licensed | * F * hunters; three, wolves; fou}. i |__ed from misunderstanding; tha: power ull Report Tabled in | hunting: five, starvation in decp Sxfg;}. be reserved to the department to regu-- House Makes No Rec-- 8 @ner causes. late regionally on game and fish, and | mRegll'dhllg Ontario's wolf problem, ;h:gtth ergfggog?gi' orobepen sz;a?on or f e committee finds t «* 2 ® ning of trappin ommendation on Use or dee;' State of Provincr;atha:ot,hlgagg'l% semrgee mlsft to .It:ll:etMigiiswr. Ne e i c 4 problem in so" menacing a f ment--That officers of the Otherwise of Dogs in Ontario." References ts the recom-- GPattment have the right to search Deer Huntin g mendations, however, declare that without warrant, the premises of hunt-- "wolf bounty should be in the amount iN€6 C2MDS, lumber camps, mining Whte ie se en ty en imess paid in the adjoining Provinces of C2MPS and automobiles and that all sUGGEsTIons MapE | sns im Mmich" be Tequired. to keep saice records that e sales record; t FOR PRESE N | Rel;ommendauons Made. uniformed omcerspof the department ecommendations for changes of should have the right to netrate SERV ATIO | law and regulations made by thg com-- _ Provincial parks. € e feelainian hm ml}tBteee méslr be summarized as follows: | G'jilii'gesti- Seveur?l regulations for ove * k ise | ar--Close season, May 15 to Sept. . qualification required, and collusion o.'F ('{;'g';"?n 'é':;'r ":":'m}'ns; '2]'" '::]'l ";';, 15; beb:r.\';:l doing damage to farm stock | with outfitters should be guarded , Governmental responsibility, and that mgeer afitfi{%ge_.swmff ';:t pehr;nit. iaggrr:;s: Gam ' the question taken over by the Min-- | agq a few days t ght changes to m e Preserves--Establish-- | ister called for no recommendation 209 & !°w days to the open season in | ment of game preserves in the eastern from them, the Special Committce some of the hunting divisions; under | Area of the Lake of the Woods, north on the Game Situation in tiie Prov-- no circumstances should deer and . of Sault Lookout and on 18--Mile Island ince named in 1931 under the chair. | MDMS be shot or pursued in the water in the Sturgeon Falls vicinity and at manship of Hon. W. D. Black, has or by m':ar.'s of any conveyance--vir-- Hannah Bay, for geese flying south. submitted its report to the Ontario tually every part of the Provinc» and f Genera!---Co--operat;on with Quebec Legislatere dealing with many phases all h'g"f" den}x)an;l( tlhi.< regulation as in rezird to prohibiting sale of wild . of wild life with studied suggestions glsggrsx :vi'thm:;x llltc t a")'(fliltll allf 'g"' astaucg for the preservation thereof. Snd Te ns' x Teuw e ue Ay t.taoe's duck and partridge; more uniformity Of striking import is the commit--| {0 4..7"ng :1 'eg"h emt:n' 1'10 attacl _ of game laws for the two Provinces; : tee's suggestion that the Department| Caioon Wwhieh ogsu bl:*n {' cgrxtsest.ha definite marking of interprovincial 'of Game and Fisheries be brought | q p; $ fth' 'f "{nf To { _ boundary upon waters of St. Lawrence under a separate member of the | f:r;amr'nen "it, frepor o la € a"f: and Ottawa Rivers; that the depart-- Cabinet, without portfolio. :"8 -ip°{'a Y r';'u'mfa m":ot, o l ment submit a case to the proper -- -- The report tabled in the House a;'"&' v'; TD orsati0n by molor O" | / authority showing in the light of exist-- vesterday by Hon. George H. Cha'!-- (yjacr?go ya'xlu'ge. Killi t th h 'l' ing conditions the danger to conserva-- lies, Minister of Game and Pish-- _, ; be ""l' 'fel- ng ol tnese gbz tion of water--fowl consequent upon eries, comments fully on investiga~-- * t TiA Wild; pedm:lanem carinol | -- leasing of Indian lands for shooting tions made into deer preservation and sagiiugry -_%om';" ea. is against; | | purposes-- contains a direct recommendation to _ Reindeer--Committee reports against | prohibit the shooting of does and | proposal of pri\ate' interests forl fawns: declares that under no cir--| E"42ing rights on Crown lands, | cumstance should deer or moose be Bounty Conference Suggested. | § shot or pursued in water; would fix Wolves--Pending adoption of more | a closed season for bear; comes Ollt| effective plans for trapping wolves on | flatfooted against the use of live' Crown lands, parks and game pre-- decoys and artificial feeding in duck | serves, the use of poison by permit end geese shooting, and makes scores| issued by department shall be allow-- of recommendations portaining !0| able only in the hands of experienced | fur--bearing anima'ls and the trappitg | and responsible persons; no poison ; trado. | shallé(sce& for g'lolves, as the | Report Long Awaited. _ committes e public earnestly 'f";e long' -- awaited report comes: Objects to its use; wolf bounty should after a widespread inquiry mado by | be in the amount paid in the adjoining members of the committee in several, Provinces of Quebec and Manitoba. rts of the Province and by ootain-- Interprovincial conferences suggested writing from other Provinces and | Qu'ebeic bounty is now $15 and the States. It is tabled with the infor-- | OnDtar 1? 823- inibition of tion that it has been signed by | uck and Geese--Prohibition of ex-- :}? the members, but it is common | tensive practice of baiting, use of live idor gossip that the findings were | decoys, and artificial feeding on shoot-- far from unanimous, especially in so | ing preserves and public shooting far as the dog question was Con-- | groundsi. cerned. _ Indeed, Coulter McLean| _ Partridge and Pheasants -- Future (Conservative, Eglinton), long an | Open season left in discretion of de-- advocate for the use of dogs, and a| partment. Bird Dogs--Prohibition of member of ths committee, told The field training in months of May, June, Globe that he had not signed the re--| July and August. % rt j Gun License--A Province--wide gun pcAiber telling of its comprehonsive license recommended where licenses study on the preservation of deer in : are now required only in certain sec-- Ontario and of its investigations into: tions, with no issue to residents under the contentious problem of dogs, the fifteen years of age and no issue to * committee notes that there was con-- . any one except farmers in May, June, siderable objection to the prohibition| July and August. 6 of the use of dogs in all sections of Trappinigy--Indications that otter are the Province excepting Northwestern: coming back, may be seen in the ox{t, and records its opinion that clause that an open season may be "prohibiting the shooting of does and granted at the discretion of the de-- . fgvms is a real measure of conser-- partment; all traps, deadfalls or snares | vation, and recommendts its adop-- to be lifted or destroyed at end of: tion." * gmpping season; that tt. be unla;:'ful f y contract, eement or purchase Conservation Major :;::t":m, other Of @Dy kind toaggtaln from any Indian In makingd cosnt:::s he !_'Ppon goes Eame, the flesh of game, or the pe)ts Provinces & » A of fur--bearing animals during the on to say: "Ontario easily bears the glose season. | paim for reckless driving of Ted G°CT * mqucational--Advertisements to be | year in and Y;'r"'a::" ,;',:'eh%';;r";'fg} inserted at least once each year in | t.kga '1: ;:w far below what it ought :;em!ym!;ewspaper of the Pr°'?"f€ °rn uhbe' that is to say, from 250 to 400 [ ; _ '; oonls)erv]:t.ion. study of preser-- ter to a township, where average con-- o JB 26N008. g::';ns in regll'd to fm-age' swamps Minister Without Portfolio. and seclusion obtained." It notes that Administration--That the Depart-- unquestionably deer conservation ap--. ment of Game and Fisheries be pears to be & major problem with| brought under a separate member of which Ontario must be concerned for| the Cabinet without portfolio;, that years to come. the Tourist and Publicity Bureau be Marked responsibility for the steady | allocated to the Department of Game destruction of the deer herd is laid| and ll:"l&mnes; that the Game and to the foslowing causes: Pirst, slaugh--| Pisheries Act be codified and extricat-- _____--_'--_--_-_;______.--m