The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1933, p. 2

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[_--7 m P e C e e e e P oc ie ce S Oe Ceepeeaeeeaeaaaee 0 00 ol o Sraain eenid We : Martch 14. ' ; \ 4 , FOR WH]CH "' PAYS City Is Allowed Use of | Empress of Ireland | , Fund lPremler Also States Net ~------------ | j Approval was given by the Legis-- Exchange on Gatineau mere yesterday 4o the City" or Lo. 3599 3]0 ronto's bill. Although the final stage » has not yet been reached, the House, wmememen mm rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmom in Committee of the Whole, passed each of the clauses without comment. COST OF NORTH HlGHWAY The bill validates the grants the eity has made of $125,000 to the Fed-- eration for Community Service, $25,-- The Ontario Hydro--Electric Power %'flffi thselsl';%%e!t'ati%n Foil Cgthollcf: 4 es, * o the Federation 0 Commission is accepting and dis-- Jewish Philanghropies, $7.500 to the tributing all the power tor which it 'Toronto Branch of the Red Cross So-- is paying Gatineau and Beauharnols, chiaty. C.lng $350 to the Monarch Ath-- s c Club. | , Premier Henry told the Ontario Legis It also confinms the city's sales of | lature yesterday, in answer to an in-- properties for arrears in taxes; the | quiry tabled by T. K. Slack (Progres-- closing of the southern portions of | C k -- He her Frederick, Scott, Harbor and West | ::.::cdnt';g:flt%m grwl;b::y 1';;? :o Market Streets, and allows the city | P » » to use the balance of the Empress of \ January, 1933, Hydro has paid on Ireland fund. This fund was set up lUmted States funds (in which cur-- :3 f;re for gdependems of the 1\lrictims at tragedy and was not all used, irency sipdro Pars -Gatineau for its the balance being left to accumulate power), a total in exchange of $739,-- for a number of years. |676.04. This amount was offset by _Another important clause in the| lsuo.acs.zl, through some of the mx d%""gn'f. the city '"'C&P"'fr to fl';' n ines on streets whore not | ppowe® going to United States concerns more than one--fifth of the buildings and payment being made to Hydro in are out to the street line. Having| | United States dollars. The net cost fixed this line, none but one--story in that period to Hydro on account of buildings could be erected out to the paying for Gatineau Power in Ameri-- street linec. The legislation stipulates | can funds was, therefore, $599,310.83. that when three--quarters of the build-- | back to the new building line 290,000 Horsepower Load. :"'" are 4 P Speaking to 'The Globe last night, a:: city must buy the strip of front F. A. Gaby, Chief Engincer of the Hydro Commission, stated that the Gatineau load at present was 260,000 horsepower to the Niagara District and 30,000 horsepower to the Central Ontario District. Power first started coming in from Gatineau in 1928, and by 1931 the load was stepped up to its present figure. Beauharnols turn-- ed current into Ontario for the first * time last October, and the load is ncw 35,000 horsepower, Mr. Gaby said. Answering Thomas Blakelock (Lib-- eral, Halton), the Minister of Lands * and Forests said that $6,926,110.75 has been expended by the Province on the trans--Canada Highway. As most of the work was carried on under the relief plan, the Dominion Govern-- ment would assume approximately 50 per cent. of this sum. 142.3 miles of the roadway have been completed and { l'h being used by traffic. The ccst per mile could not yet be stated, Mr. Finlayson said. 3 4# Amount of Northern Expenditure | # ® © _ _Cut Down by Two Million Dollars 1 Formal notice of motion of the selmg egu;serf st:ck \\t'hicht k}ad l;een k y y the department for plan-- greally reduced budget bill for Nmz erean on Shs land of tive sether." 'Phc ern Development was tabled in the | yyinjstor said that instances came -- to Ontario Legislature yesterday by Hon. | the attention of the gepol.rtut;ent:a:lvheri illiam Finlayson, Minister of Lands | such small trees and plan no xd Forests. Details of slashing econ-- | been planted by the settler, but sold j omy in the work have already been | by him at a profit. Hon. Dr. John announced and will affect districts| M. Robb, Minister of Health, tabled a throughout the North, but the road | notice of motion to amend the Public camps for unemployed will still con-- | Health Act so as to bring the public tinue. The estimate of expenditures | schools medical and dental servicss un-- for the current year is set at $3,000,-- | der the supervision of the Department 000, this being the first time in many | of Health. At present these services years that the amount has been be-- | have been theoretically under the De-- ; low $5,000,000. Mr. Finlayson also | partment of Education, but the inspec-- gave notice of a bill which would have | tion and supervision has been done un-- the effect of prohibiting settlers re-- der the Minister of Health.

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