The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1933, p. 1

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Marech 15. L McArthur), and at Ottawa Georgt ; Spotton of South Huron, and Colonel | n a r | O S r e Mullins of Marquette. Both used strong language in condemning the pt;ckers, and asked for an investiga-- n. "I agree with the member from' O Onver O a n S Northumberland. I Believe that there e is something to investigate. I agree | that there is a packing combine in' Ontario, and I believe that two or, three men hold the strings and aic--| Ower n ereSt tate what I and other farmers get| for our produce." Mr. Oliver then recounted the his-- l rers tory of the Barrie packing plant, a Letti lw:s{ficir,nt that it could not| co--operative fendeavor into which . et contracts without costing twice as| EOM 1400 farmers had put their tting of Breslau Bridg€ uen when the work was completed. | money, <"The idea behind this was to Contracts Is Criticized Sees Bis Yearly Savine. 1e io e 4 errere oy the" Deceing o Advocating a Prosperity Conversion e(llaértgm 'ti'rtl\eisfarlr:ext:s, by t%etepacking by -- Hipel--Government Loan, Mr. Hipel said: 'It old save | id siouuce baton Second to m ues % the taxpayers of this Province a huge| 1 t}l;jnkuc?l wiI(lm seoonthat ?'0'('1';' and Loan Pohcy Attacked gum ;-r;nually. %1" wclmld have a ten-\ he sald & agree it did it, | R ency to genera ower prevailin as ' 3 3 by Oliver interest rates. The Government Woull| | . " T Hey, here, Settihe i decentralize Y | th ki dust a | then be able to lower, through the!| go% packing industry, and to | break | m---------- Agricultural Development Board, in--| down the packing combine. . ANG 11| § ferest on farm morigages, which is so| | & NMMAAY'% it succeeded. If the Gov--| FRED REID ADDS \ ernment will make it a loan it will| necessary to agriculture today, and | | the Government would be able to bal--| §$9 ahead, and more of these plants ; HUMOR TO DEBATE | ance its Budget instead of having an--| will follow. | \ nual deficits." | Noted Life--Line Thrower. | Necunkescomecammes |\ _ Dealing with the question of the| _ "When the member from North | Calling upon Premier Henry to have | increased taxation on farms, in com--| Oxford was speaking (Mr. Ross), the a special committee of the Legislatu:" | parison with their decreased earnings,| Attorney--General said that the Barrie appointed to deal with the matter, | Mr. Hipel asked: What has the| packing plant was insolvent. Well, if N. O. Hipe! (Liberal, Waterloo South) | Government done to relieve the exces--| it is insolvent, then almost every in the House yvesterday advocated th sive burden of taxation on the farmer?| business in Canada is insolvent. I calling in of ail Provincial loans beat, Two years ago 1 suggested that the: admit that it started with insufficient ing an interest rate of more than 4 G(l)l\emment sould, at least in part,| capital. But for the Attorney--Gen-- per cent. and converting them into r;; eve the townships and counties of| eral to stand up here and in a horri-- | loans bearing interest at 4 per cent. the burdens of the King'® highways fied tone say that the loan should not | In the course of his address the expenditures. Today I would go @| be made, it is setting a precedent for | Likcral member suggested that ther' step f"("r';hf'lfl a!;gdsay tl'g\t thehGoverfn-\ this Government." | should be more rigid rules governins gxent. ® '{"tg i uce Lhe rC arge bgr Colonel Price--I did not say that a the granting of charters to inco"po-- censedp;a o yeg pttsseenge o y farm<| loan should not be made. That is a rated companies so as to prevenl cause 'igng t"e gas dytgr man:{ 3"3:' matter for consideration. The Gov-- "legalized daylight robbery": scored ';Sgof&':: ta?to" ailor em, pius nt :;nmentl dot:s nOBf' twam" tfistdiscourage tion tax; and criticized the | ®" s ese plants. ut it m be con-- tl?tii;%rpg{a contracis for the Breslau with regaird toMgrax;itiingl of fcharécxt's | sidered on its merits. bridge to corporations, Mr. pel referred to|| Mr. Oliver--This Government has ri10ge. W. S. Prait and the company bearing|| rather become noted for throwing Suggests $1,000 Indemnity. l&% reviebade ;rrld fugag?s'ogo;?a:\ If'c'z"hg; out the life--line to companies which He took Hon. Leopold Macaulay to | p ;gncr)\?l- 0,'; xxlfna anti-fraeu:i m lsla:' have got into difficulties Last fall . task for having devoted 75 per cent. ucq .& iA %"cré' Oafx 4 that the Secguri'y we read in the press that the Gov-- of his address to Mitchell P. Hepburn. e &Oppre'énuon ommvssion . be ernment had thrown $18,000,000 down | Ontario Liberal Leader, instead 0i | Prxitecs the nocessary power to exam-- | the Abitibi Canyon. It seems to beg dealing with the problems affecting j'fm akll applications -- for incorporated | the policy to go to the aid of such ; the Highways Department and the | podies orp&at, this power be given to\ companies in difficulty. It .rather Government as a whole. He als0 5U8~ | gome 'other board. Colonel Price in-- seems that there might be one law estea that the indemnity of the «j ar cinlre '\ for those who have millions and an-- ; 8 "4 (| terjected here that volonel DreW WAS'| yner for th h | embers be reduced to $1.000, @MG || py.operating with the other Provinces or those who are poot, | C kt tgefe ied * o (rom z"'s"t';:{"';fi'i'? || to get uniform legislation. Knows About Overhead. | ose coming fro 3 st x :h::;ktl be remuncgatcd in keeping wit"a 1 of Pathetic Interest. ' j Colonel Price Sajfi that the paCklng \ _ "Th j thing more interestin plant had a big overhead. Well, he their cxpenses. , ere is nothing €-- |should know all about overh rer ¢ f d more pathetic, than to see aA verhneads, as Attacking the Government's policy | an P no one has a bigger overhead th : of being ready with the "life--line" to | lawyer or doctor get up and give his this * * ¥ erhea an & 8 f e 4 iculture and |{ s Government--a uscless overhead rescue such companies as the Power | opinions on the ilis of agric built up by the litical t Service Corporation when they got | how he would remedy them," S@id MY+ || Cocenm P M¥ Olive?o lu P(ai ronage into financial difficulties, while hesi--« | Oliver. "'The basic industry of agri-- Y He t in continued. y 1 P ick industry today. e then went after Mr. McArthur tating to make a comparatively small culture is a very S1C l Y: '| for his objections to tradi ith * |joan to the Barric Co--operative Pack-- | Unless there is some change, unless Russi . ng W t it was t in the con-- ussia. Some people were of the idea ing Plant on the ground that it was there is some betterment in that if Russian coal were imported | insolvent, _ Fargquhar Oliver -- (Grev ditions of this industry, next year will | that R e e ported, . nsolvent, e y 4 There will be || ussian morals would come with South>, the single U.F.O. member, Sh0 CVON woree Limes it, he said. "When we sell to China pointedly asked if there was om> policy more foreclosures, if the tempetr of or India, we don't send a forerun for million--dollar corporations and the rural Ontario WOUuld PEFMit it, . | "____ C ememmmac c iner another for the poor. "But that temper will not permit it. j s F Fred Rex (Conservative. Windso-- : There was a forced sale at Believille to see what their religions Oof morals West) was the only member to take : the other day, and horses sold at 25e are," he _saxd. "We trade with them up the cudgels for th» Conservatives.| each,. That is the temper of the rural on a business basis. I am absolutely He referred to Ontario's good position | people. They will not allow some one . in favor of the principle of trade with in comparison with that of Detroit| to be sold out when he has done his Russia, and I think all this talk about ' and the United States, and in a spivit | best to make it go," declared Mr. atheism is bunk." of levity which marked his address Oliver. With respect to the Moratorium Act, throughout paid his compliments to "I want to say that the trouble Mr. Oliver said that he believed an the several leacers and members who with the activities of the department -- effort was made to take care of both | _ had spoken. is that they are telling the farmer to the mortgagot and mortgagee. But Replies to Hipcl ' grow more and botter produce, but in one sense it did not go far enough, Premier Rep pei-- ' don't tell him how to produce it at he said, reading a resolution passed Mr. Hipe!l wanted to know whY| cost, plus a reasonable WASt, If the by the U.F.O. convention regarding there was such a great difference be--| Minister of Agriculture would cut his debtor's equity. He gave the instance tween the actual cost of the Bresl@U| estimates in £Wo, I would not object. of a man who bought a farm at $10,-- bridge and the tencer price. _ | I would cut them in half and spend 000, and paid $5,000 down. If fore-- Premier Honry interjected: "As th¢} what was saved in bettering the meth-- closure took place, the man would Minister of Highways is not in his| ods of distribution and marketing." lose his farm and the $5,000 paid on seat, I might say I have somt know!--| "Hre quoted Hon. Charles McCrea as . it. He believed that he should be cdage of the Breslau bridge contract.| saying that thrift, patience, COUTASC, able to retain his equity in it. for 1 was Minister of Highways at that ; industry and faith in God were noces-- "And before the session is over, I, time. The bridge contract Was I°t! sary to pull the country through. |with the member from Brant (Mr. prior to the subway contracl, and NO "gurely the people have amply proved Nixon) will have a bill drafted to aoubt this had changed the price. that they have patience and courage. provide for this, and then there will Mr. Hipel--Did this contracto? And so far as the Individual is con-- |be the opportunity to discuss it in know when he took the contract tDat cerned, thrift is & necessity rather full," he said. he could get extras from the Prov=-- than a virtue in these times," igeisaig E LiMrte Reig'Goin mDhmenutfif the ince? . _ "Thrift may be a good thing tself, | Lieutenant--Governor _ on s. : Ap-- Mr. Henry --Now, that is a pretty 4i= but if carr{ed to its ultimate end it | pointment, said he had won the rect question. 'There was nothing i . would be the worst thiDE bossible dur-- | hearts of" all _ with nis 'vacuum-- regular in the whole thing, possibly ing such times. As far aS industry is -- cleaner smile." The Speaker de-- cutside of the fact of a cheque pP¥Xd concerned, we do not want to produce _ served credit for his patience "for in connsction with the services Of &N more, but rather to soll what we have sitting there day in and day out and cutside engineer who had submltt::d produced." taking it on the chin, better than an alternative plan. If the member Claims Packing Combine 'Tunney." The Windsor member WAS thinks that thete is anything wrong 2CRKIME * glad that Mr. Henry had recovered with the transaction, I would suggest | "I wonder if the packers have be? |from his illness. He was & MAD, Mr. that he inquir® into it at the Public |using the 'Tories wWell lately," the | mreid asserted, who was A farmer's Accounts Committse, when the Dep-- U.F.O. member remark(d. Recently | son, the father of a farmer and Auy Minister Can be called. there has been a Togular ParAde Of |farmer himself. He Was NO @VANT Mr. Hipe!--I did not say that thers Tory members in condemnation of gelist, as Mr. Nixon had said, but was was anything irregular, but the peopls them. We had the _mcmber from ~ -- * will want to know if the department Northumberland in this House (Mr. -- > , 1 _

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