The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1933, p. 2

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March i1s. a piloneer who had flailed the grain R | as he now flailed the Opposition. o e | Mr, Nixon was the Leader of the | lBoys' Parliament, and Mr. Sinclair lm l s ac | j was a Mayor and a gentleman. He | was sorry to hear of Mr. Hepburn's k 4 iliness, he said, and hoped "he would | soon be able to be back to take a > e" ccuse | , punch at us all." § "But," the flippant member de--| _ L clared, '"it is like working a jig--| ® saw puzzle to find out who the Op-- | ar a0'lcs ; position Leader really is." | Complimenting -- Earl Hutchinson! (Ltil'!i)or. Kenora) on his address, lt\.dhr' beorrentaiieirenmvnnierierrniemge Reid stated that Mr. Hutchinson, the s only Labor member of the House, had | Made Charges, Grilied, But criticized every Minister of the Gosl & ernment but the Minister of Labor. Heard Relative of Henry That was significant. i M | _In a serious vein, Mr. Reid declared | Concerned, He Says 4 | that the question of alleged packing-- | k house combines was a mat;,cr of ?o-' t t t minion jurisdiction, and that Prime Minister Bennett was quite capable D E N l E s UNFA'RNESS of clearing it up. won mm mm mmz omm Although it was previously an-- ® * nounced intention to concluds the de-- Charges by Premier Henry -- bate yes!cf*rda(_t;.l la}fk of legislative that Norman Hipel (Liberal, business forc the Government to baxt delay proceedings by having Colonel South W ate}'loo) was giving Price speak on Thursday in the final the impression to the Prov-- repiy ince that he (Mr. Hipel) was f being "shut off" in the de-- _bate in reply to the motion to adopt the Speech from the 1 Throne were hurled back at Mr. Henry in the Ontario RETlREMENT AGE Legislature yesterday by the 1 Waterloo Liberal, who pro-- ceeded to lecture the Premier OF CIVIL SERV ANTS on "unfairness" accorded him by the Government during w....ommmmmmemne the past two years. [Those Now Under GS5 Would . Members Astonished. _ . . | . Coming out of the quget of ad-- ' Be Superannuated jJournment time, Mr. Hipel's castiga-- I tion mads m:mbers sit back in aston-- | When 70 ishment as he related instances of trsatment by the Government in and | t out of the HMHcuse during two preceding out that I had been shut off, but SPORSORED BY HENRY les.SionS.' a now that the Prime Minister hay Mr. Hipel told of the alleged unfair--, mentioncd it, let us go back two Cievea tss e omm nivrere ks ness of Mr. Henry in refusing to accept years. At that time I got up and se s his "adjournmenc--of--debate" motions: moved that the House ecjourn and -- Ontario civil servants now under in two succecding years; and related ' the Prime Ministor said I must go the age of 65 will definitely be retired ?gwnwh:n :13 had levelled clilar{;e: in | on no matter what comes or gces. wh _ 3 e House two years ago against Acme | It was five minutes after 10--the 'm:n th::b l;actr;n é(: €._ PropOset Becuritics Limited and Vitamin Mill--| Frime Minister said: 'No, no; we are ndm e Civil Service Act ing Company, Ltd., he had suffered the| going to continue to 11. I finished rules. Changes in the act are being humiliation of being faced by thrse| at 10.35, and a Consorvative adjourn-- sponsored by Premier Henry and he ccunsel in the Attorney--General's Do-- | ed the debate, and there was nothing gave notice of motion in the House partment when he sought to give in--' said about it. yesterday concorning thcm. As the formation, and was denied the privi-- ; "Last year the same thing hap-- law now stands, the Government may lege of having his own counsel pres--' pened," Mr. Hipel continued. "I retain an employse after the 70--year ent. During these hearings, Mr. Hipel moved the adjournment five minutes limit is reached, if he can give ex-- eald, ons of the Government offi-- after 12, but thr Premier said I must ceptional services. Those over 65 cials remarked as to officers in the| go on. This I refused to do. More wiil not be affected by the ruling. interestod companics: "He is a firss;'|! than a dozen Conservative members Another clause would allow an em-- ecousin cf the Prime Minister or a first | _ came to me before I got to the cloak-- ployee to retire or allow the Govern-- cousin of the Prime Minister's wife";| room and apologized, saying I was ment to retire the employee after he and as to another: "This man is sit-- | shabbily treated. Next morning the has served twenty--five years in the ting in the House today"; andathird:| honcrable Conservative Whip came employment of the Government. "was an cx--member of this Houss." | to me and also apologized for what Thirty years is the statutory ago at The Premier himself opsned th>, had occurred." present. way for Mr. Hipel's rebuke. The | Mr. Hipel then went on and re-- A third change in the act will pro-- Houth Waterloo member had about;. viewed circumstances surrounding his vide for larger payments to the estate voncluded his address and remarked| Charges two years agc. of the widow of a superannuated that there were a few more things he | Later, whon discussing with a Con-- employee, where she dies shortly had intended taking up, but there| sorvative lawyer the fact that he had after her husband is pensioned. would be cther opportunities, he said.| been denied the privilege of having Hon. William Finlayson gave noticso As Mr. Hipel sat down, Colonel Price| his lawyer present, the Conservative of a bill which provides that a gian arose to adjourn th> debate, but be-- l jumpod to his feet in rage, and said: must be a British subject before he fore the motion could be put Mr.]| 'Do you mean to say that took place can occupy a position on a statute Henry was on his feet. | in Ontario--it might have happened labor board. '"'The member (Mr. Hipel) is trying | in Russia.'~" to work off the same scheme he used At this point Colonel Price arose last year," cut in Mr. Henry. "I don't to say that when the matter was want the imputation to go out to the brought to his attention he referred Provincs that I shut off the debate-- it to the Securitiecs Commission. Mr. if you wish, the House will call it 6 Hipel replicd that he had no quar-- a'clock and come back so you can rel with Colonel Price. A Govern-- tinish." ment official told Mr. Hipel, the lat-- ter said: "The whole thing was a Makes Repiy. caboodle from start to finish, and The South Watcrloo member arose _ should never be allowed." quietly and in his unruffled fashion of Premier Henry did not reply to Mr. C speech said: Hipel's criticism, and at once moved "I didn't want the inference to #0 ) the adjournment of the House.

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