The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1933, p. 1

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Pod i mtc 632 °ath caindliicad® onl h > > l in ies Je dn bWilin® ols thhe s c ~~ e ie March 23. Immigration C MORE QUESTIONS ! igrat1 ecases, A P but Costs Continue, , . € f ! 1| | a | Legislature Learns "_---- I I o .mm mmniinar en n on oo o. Wants to Know if Bonds Expenditure Last Year by Held by Henry, Ministers h or Commissioners Ontario Is $55,000 for imorinteeinstereoagnundias Dcvarkment of Cclon! WORK FOR TRUST FIRM? zation and No Immi-- wedalinsics +. grants Enter Provmce, j Questions were shot at the Ministry * * I in the Ontario Legislature yesterday P r e m i e r lnforms: by Hon. Harry Nixon, Progressive | -- Leader, seeking information on the Members | . Abitibi deal. Failing to obtain the w mm | names of bondholders of the Ontario e | Power Service Corporation, Limited, OUTLAY HERE j in previous inquiries, and being told 7 | that the Government did not know NOT INCLUDED the owners of the bonds at the time s | of the deal, Mr. Nixon now pointedly Neweessusmmmmesmmmmme | ?jsks Ci}t the Prexgaier, a;;n:l members iof Not a single immigrant was, 4 ignnpegs wiae ieb rale Argh ch o 0 0(0 | brought into Ontario last year by the | smnefs were financially interested. The Ontatio Department of Immlerati | Progressive Leader had previously in-- | NC ol immigration | timated that he will delve into the and Colonization, but it cost $55,000 | p 3 ibi | h | whole question of Abitibi before the to M Ip °gn"l'° ;0"' :' "}'1'5 dep'"'; Public Accounts Committee ment in gland and other points in t s | outside of Ontario, Premier Henry | 1m'%Iy':he inquiries tabled yesterday fol | informed the Legislature yesterday | Did the Premier, or any member in reply to a query of D. M. Ross | of the Government, the Chairman of (Progressive, Oxford North). During| the Hydro--Electric Power Commission, , the past three years an amount of | or either of the Commissioners, hold $230,000 has been spent by the de--| or control any of the bonds of the' partment outside of the Province,| Ontario Power Service Corporation and but 372 immigrants have re--. prior to, at the time of, or subsequent| sulted. | to, the making of the public offer by | The figures given by the Premier the Hydro--Electric Power Commission, | show that in 1930 the sum of $86,000 at the request of the Government, to: was spent in England or elsewhere the holders of bonds of the Ontario ; outside the Province, $31,000 of which Power Service Corporation to exchange was in wages, and 341 immigrants such bonds for debentures of the Oom-' were secured. In 1931 the amount missicn, guarartesd by the Province similarly spent was $69,000, of which of Ontarik? } $30,000 was for wages, and 31 im-- If so, what was the amount of| migrants resulted. Last year, for the * the bonds in each instance so held or| expenditure of $55,000, of which $28,-- ecntrolled, whom by, and when pur-- 000 was in wages, not a single new-- chased? comer arrived. Has the Montreal Trust Company Other Costs. > been given any authority or appoint-- ed to do any work in connection with And these costs do not include the the public offer made by the Hydro-- cost of the department here and the Electric Power Commission of Ontario, wages of employess. In 1930 there at the request of the Government, to were 10 permanent and 15 temporary holdsrs of bonds of Ontario Power employees at Queen's Park; in 1931, Service Corporation, Limited, to ex-- 13 permanent and 10 temporary; and change such bonds for debantures of in 1932, 3 permanent and 1 tem-- the Commission, guaranteed by the: porary. The numbers of employees Province of Ontario? If so, what was of the department, outside of the the nature of the work or authority? Province, were: 1930, 16 permanent How was it given. and on what date?. and 8 temporary or occasional; 1931, Where did the Hydro--Electric 16 permanent and 7 temporary; and Power Commission of Ontario get the 1932, 13 permanent and 2 temporary. information that over 97 per cent. of Last year the Ontario Hydro Com-- | the bondholders had accepted the mission spent $28.656 on publicity, offer? Premier Henry stated in reply to a * Have the bonds of over 97 per question of R. A. Baxter (Liberal, cent. of the bondholders been deposit-- Oxford South). In answer to an-- f ed with the Montreal Trust Company, other by S. C. Tweed (Liberal, Wa-- * or whoere are they? terloo North), he stated that the net Did the Hydro -- Hlectric Power «um of $5,815 was spent on the Com-- Commission of Ontario make any missicn publication known as the + effort to get from the Montreal Trust Bulletin, that municipalitiés inter-- Company, or from any other source estsd got cop'ies free, and that there of information, the names of the were 55 paid subscribers. There were bondholders in answering question No. 40,750 copics of the publication 5, Votes and Proceedings No. 21, Wed-- printed in 1932, and the cost of it nesday, March 15? If not, why not? was charged to the '"opsration" ac-- Has the Hydro--Electric Power count cf the Commission. Commission gt Ont,a.x*k!)_t submitzd an'yi $ offer for the property, assets an Ne Foreclosures. undertaking of the Ontario Power No foreclosures have been made by Service Corporation in connection the Agriculitural Development Board with the judicial sale advertised in during the past two fiscal years, the the Toronto Telegram, March 62 If Prime Ministsr stated in reply to W. t > so, what was the offer? J. MacKay (Liberal, Bruce South). Is the law firm of Tilley, John-- The board does not make foreclosures, . is e 154 son, Thomson & Parmenter repre he stated, but there were proper-- senting the Hydro--Electric Power ties taken over as a result of sale or Commission of Ontario in this mat-- quit--claim proceedings. ter as well as the vendors, the Mont-- In answer to a question of the real Trust Company?: same member, Premier Henry stated mbGieeremememmirnemenmaniomef ratniragienomtened that the new residence and adminis-- tration building at the Ontario Agri-- cultural College had cost $975,000.

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