The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1933, p. 2

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Maych 223 f ' m«:{:d" o e i dnc Pecnua COMMITTEE APPROVEs s g:neym:h': h%filstermh't:{l misusel a g: CHAIN--STORE MEASURE * & . "I ao n weigimmntirgiommmmimmnns say that some money has not been » misapplied, but | of "ne "sa0.000.000 1 Cronto M.P.P.'s to Oppose spen irtx h::ut time, no onemhu sug-- Bill in House, Debate 'm""td'.. any ol i was impropetiy Indicates RE IRED IN NORTH No Crime in Camps. Municipalities will benefit to the mgu;;:naysg'xe dwelt; é:.n Edt;gtlfilg%n extent t:i tt:gusangs of d? it iig r trans-- ---- estima rou an crease n o w;y, m t::d tiga:h of r?;:t t::;':1._000 men fiu.slnees assessmgnt. on chain stores, * who n e n camps the amendment to the Assessment 32,"",000 May Suffice for nnfit tr:i ;u&%lec':;m;? ltzgg b:gé ggunlx& &ct, aiv, pa'la,pprovedt't'fl:)y th:e (Ii..egislati\:; ed. unic Committee yesterday, passes | Northern Deve'ODmentv boast of a similar record, and it was the House. The committee safmcgoned Sa 5 Finla son a tribute to the type of men who the clause after much debate, and y y made up the camps. after an endeavor was unsuccessfully Geampriigermamnnemmnammgges 'There were at present 12,000 men made to cut the proposed increase in the camps, who were getting $10 down 25 per cent. to make the pro-- NERMINTEENANCE WOR ORL Y | 1 5es SERt fhan Hices who whre ob (bep nenlo 10 oo "O" CR 0| 17 Spmuiersasisesterecaeuuememgrirss taining a regular wage, he said. "I hope pe'I'orom,o members are prepared to' Aithough. $3,000,000 is to be avail> Tny" Te thmeth, That ge vih e abic i bresented to the House dor third | able for the work under the Northern _ to open up the road from Pembroke reading, it is indicated by the debate Development Act, the actual appro-- ttg ?c:rth !Bay. m'l;hex&' ol{\'e ra':lla\:e atl)'ls in committiee, and Hon. James1 Lyonst the year is considerabl irive from e o y & (Conservative, Sault Ste. Marie) will ?e::: u&nanm{hat. and $2,000,000 migh{ then east down the Ottawa River." Jog thgm-y Chalh B Lores: D tg suffice, Hon. William Finlayson, Min-- Second Reading Given. o X grocery stores, bu ister of Lands and Forests, told the 'The bill it i1 y C. A. mopess." (S15, ofttein gtours as . restuurante: Legislature yesterday when the bill . on '"b":plmu'!mn"odn North) to pro-- drug stores, candy shops, etc., are in-- fhorizing the amount was siven . Tige that debts could be extenged for suaes ioines i the provisions; but second roading. The higher figure a longer period than six years with-- stores joined together for co--operative set is to take care of contingencies . out becoming outlawed, was given purchasulxg will not be hit. £of which might arise, and it does not second reading and T eferred to the Severa ;epressntatxivea gh :)x-unlxs in have to be all used, he said. L@St _ jegal committee. It referred to simple T{;'f'"flfi"'{'fi'e Fhw on (i1d hok cause of drastic curtailment of ex-- -- wW. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal House |py i passetdra.ongu Oe 't'g "flm' penditures of all departments is in _ Leader, who said that it would not lfilg o sermer eubers of the co ied order, only maintenance works are to _ relieve any one of a debt, but that ait'm aont: dede t.tgt ghaine St°'rn;~ be carried on in connection with many such debts were between g'ad 1 v:erednt.h rice of produce Obfit Northern highways this year, he said. friends, and one did not wish to take | this \?ras iveneap S erilal P > At the end of the last fiscal year action to collect it, but did not wish It ma %e ossible under an inter-- 4 thers was a balance in the fund of it to be outlawed. retatiox{ of tge clauses to brin a:so- $915,000, but this has all been used A bill sponsored by T. P. Lancaster : Hny stations within the meaning of up in the intervening period, and there (Conservative, Peterboro' County) W@S cnain stores, comment said Theg bill is an overdraft, the Minister stated. also given second reading, and ref@r-- | was sponsor' ed by the Ontario" Mu-- !"We have no money for new work, red to the Municipal Committee. It nicipal Association and introduced to | and there is not a single contract in _ provided that all municipalities should tnc committee by T. W. Jutten (Con-- Northern Ontario at present. We have publish in the press an abstract Of servative, Hamilton Centre) 'had to lay off men all over the dis-- their receipts and expenditures, so * * triet." that the public might be acquainted "It has been suggested that this is with them. It was pointed out that sort of a personal cheque to the Min-- the publishing of municipal annual ister, and that I can use it as I like. statements was already being done, But I want to point out that every and that both were not necossary. chegue, every work started and every A bill introduced by Hon. Charles account has to be authorizsd by an McCrea, Minister of Mines, to transfer Ordesr--in--Council. Many suggestions from the Minister of Mines the power from the department have been turned he possesses in respect to municipal dowr by the Council," Mr. Finlayson gas franchises to the Railway and n To Aoke. n tnsls o ond r s amendmen e Will Answer Questions, Assesement Act, introduced by W. A. When the bill came up, Hon. Harry Baird (Couservative, High Park) to Nixon, Progressive Leader, asked if tighten up tax on incomes was aAlso the Minister was going to reply to read a second time. charges of maladministration of the work in the North which appeared in the press. Mr. Finlayson stated that 3 he would answer them on another, and he hoped. early occasion. "I have had them all checked up. Some of them are a rehash of old matters which have been cleared up long ago. I will be glad to discuss them later." During the twenty--one years the work of Northern development had

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