The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1933, p. 2

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March 28-- Premier Decline To State Salari ' Of Hydro Offi Engaged in Commercial Undertaking and Such Information Not in the Best Interests of Com-- # # * mission's Work, Henry Tells Nixon + PROGRESSIVE CHIEF The refusal of Premier Henry to ; make public the salaries of executive officers of the Ontario Hydro--Electric 2,782 for 1931 and 2.656 for 1932;| Power Commission, as asked under whilf?. the number of temporary apd inquirics tabled in the Ontario Legis-- gcsclaé\.xox;gtl. ggz.'qlosleggn fo;ndl 9?31. 13%3 lature, brought a vigorous protest it was 1,057. 'The total wage bill of {gomHProgrcssivc Leader Nixon after thg0 C(}mmis.;ion was $8.9(;79,00(:l §0!' e House adjourned yestorday. Mr. 1930; for 1931, $8,170,000 an or Nixon proposes to move that no fur-- 1932, $6,270,000, the Prime Minister their moneys be voted to Hydro until ; Stated. thlcil mll'ormation is forthcoming, he Sm T('Dl&'Ltl? fllqlleg{mOf D!'-CeL-' J) told The Globs. impson (Liberal, coe ntre), The questions wore by W. G. Medd Hon. J. R. Cooke, Chairman of the (Progressive, Huron South) and asked: HMydro Commission, stated that the for the salaries of F. A. Gaby, W. w.| total cost of the short--wave experi-- Pope, I. B. Lucas, K.C., and of sev--| Wental radio stations of the Hydro eral other engineers and heads of| Was $1.597 for the fiscal year ending departments. 1932, this including the operation costs Arising in the House, Premier| asdwell as th;? fi(;(cd charges, interest Henry stated that it w in and sinking fund. ; the best Inmieresy of . the work on-- 'The Commission maintains a cen-- trusted to the ; | tral technical s constantly -- come-- 4 municipalities, ?:1?:,&51838 T;,&fmt,l;?, municating with the field staff and tion. Mr. Nixon at once objected to| SUPSrVising operation. Hence it is Mr. Henry's stand and said he! N°C@ssary to provide some means of would debate the matter some other| COM®Munication between the adminis-- day. | trative officekand the field plantt.;i' "It was commonl that | raid Mr. Cooke. "In most cases the Mr. Gaby's salary was :fm?r?;ffe% from | brivate telephone system used . for € is .. | operation is connected with the ad-- $25,000 a year to $35,000," Mr. Nixon | Inistrativ flice. but this is not jater stated to 'The Globe. "I pro.| MVAHaLite, Oilibe. U 1 practicable for Cameron Falls and pose to move after the Budget ad-- Bar Falls, due to their remote loca dress, that before any money is voted | {i0f, **"* 4U° °0 tC Temose 100a~ to Hydro that the House assert its| " vg * f right to have this information. For | For this reason ihort wave radio 4 | statiouns have been established at the years the Province carried it in the} % i "| generating stations mentioned above cstimat.s-and in. the public accounts | and a corresponding station at the and answers have been given by the} aqministrative office in Toronto. At Ferguson Government on the higher| par ralls, the nearest telegraph sta-- salaries of the Hydro officials. Now s r j i tion and railway station is 70 miles that the information appears to b2@%© qistant There are only two mail :,l'l?:":lf:mém}:gng%n!t}mtoprl?ixzio:etlg(c) deliveries per w>ck between 't-he rail-- a PR s way station and the postoffice near-- facts. 3 fint est to the power house, and for some | The salaries paid to the officials weeks during spring and fall there of the Hydro--Electric Power Com--; is no mail communication whatever. mission are wholly within the control}; should the operators at the plant re* of the Commission, which, under the} quire repair parts technical advice or power of the Commission Act of 1927,; instructions, service might be seri-- Celaries ami Is noticen --anail "bs! Suiion ere aot manaoie, _ _ _ _ c * C | 'cation were not available. final," stated the Premier to _ the "At Cameron Falls the nearest tele-- House. "The Hydro--Electric Power| graph station is at Nipigon, but there Commission is engaged in a commer--' was no telegraph operator at that clal ;x;{!;rtfiaak';&gg :?\9 thteh Legl;l'ativc sta:llon when 'thia fi)o(;nmigion's r:;.dio Asse en these powers station was installed. ommunica-- to the C%mlrinission. the Government tion by mail to the Torontoootficfie is does not believe it is in the best in--. slow, due to the distance (800 miles) terests o'to the work entrusted to th«;; and to the fact that there a;e fonly Commission, nor in the interests of| three mail deliveries per week from the municipalities, publicly t.o"discloseg Fort Arthur to the power house," ex-- msl's:)x;fl;fv&rgu:ot(:x::zpl&y:: :\i am ob j pl?li'g:d tlc\:{;'l Cc%(llt{e. of the Forestry jecting to that kind of an answer and| Branch of the Hydro Commission was I will debate it on a later occasion."' $86.384 for the past fiscal year, Mr. ® "Tnen" the sam wen | § uies tnat oxtond Boutn), en the same answoer was given | . A. Baxter * 4 * to the second question, Mr. Nixonl There were 46584 trees pruned, and stated he was also objecting toiit. the trec';'h were s.prlesac;fim!t;l &w;ex; The questions also sought to find| miles. ere are 15,77] ( when the officials received, their lastl under the Commission's charge, and increase and what it amounted to. tree--trimming am}rgégh; g:kwagf W&l;'é The number of permanent em--| are necessary. I" + ployees of the Commission, exclusive| branch is not new work, it being done -- : of the Dominion Power andf Trlag;%- ;onneiréy by line maintcnance gangs, ' mission Company, was 2,613 for A e sa §

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