The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1933, p. 4

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m e PeC _ § 0_A 26 *M mc n oys + " en > _ March 29 ' In concluding his 7 over this country in the ; way of Governments, railways and factories for 30,000,000 people. The *Prime Minister's reported plan to _reduce the membership of the Legis-- lature is a move in the right direc-- tion. The number of counties could | be cut in half, and if we could have | this Province governed for the next , ten years by a Commission of about five men, chosen for their ability | rather than their party affiliations, we | * would get out of our difficulties much more rapidly than under our present system." i Debt--Retirement Plan. | "In 1927 the Attorney--General, whol was then Provincial Treasurer, intro-- duced a debt--retirement scheme which | received wide publicity, The publicity ' campaign which followed the an-- nouncement was so effective that for & number of years the people were ; convinced that at the end of forty years the Province would be free from debt. In speaking in this House in 1931, I suggested that the debt--retire-- ment plan would likely be dropped. From the fact that no reference was made to it in the Budget address, I think we can conclude that we have heard the last of debt--retirement for a long period of time. "For many years no Budget address was complete without reference to the highway sinking fund on a twenty-- year basis. This fund was never estab-- lished, and, therefore, does not exist, ! For the period of 1904 to 1932 there has been collected from motor--vehicle 'licenses and gasoline taxes approxi-- s mately $118,000,000, an amount which h:e ;;ot rfzzx}"e short of thtci)dtotal hig(lilwgy' f / 0 Province ay. Had the income from these taxes been applied j of that age has received his education for the purpose for which they were! and should be fairly well estab-- intended, the construction of roads,) USsH@d." _ , we would today have practically no: _ Declaring again that the Govern-- highway debt." contended Mr. Tweed, ment should not pay New York ex-- Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Minister of Change to holders of those . bonds Highways, interjected to state that living in Canada, Mr. Tweed said that there had been practically twice as Of the $2,000,000 bonds which Calgary much spent' on roads as had been col-- had due on Jan. l. and which called ' Highway Improvement Fund. g gttg.was actually held in the United "A few days ago a very interesting & statement was presented to this House Conservative Suppori. R f showing ali sums credited to the high-- Dr. H. J. Davis (Conservative, Elgin way improvement fund, and all sums ®ast) objected to Opposition attacks chargeable thereto for the fiscal year On Premier Henry on account of his ending Oct. 31, 1932. 'This statement Connection with the mortgage com» shows total credits for the year to this bPany. '"Would they put a premium account of $32.198,349, and debits on a man who has been successful in against the account of $13,357,563, business?" he asked. "And would they leaving a balance of $18,840,786. 1 deprive a man of all his worldly doubt if there are a dozen members in £0ods? I think these caustic remarks | this House who have seen this state-- About the Prime Minister are very ment. Certainly, it cannot be found much out of place." He referred to 'in the public accounts, and if there the number of Gdirectorships held by + is any such fund in the hands of the Premier Taschereau of Quebec with-- IGovernment. with a credit of about out any one objecting to them. |819.000.000. I think a member of the After spending some time criticiz-- | Government should tell us where it ing Mitchell F. Hepburn, M.P., Pro-- is," said Mr. Tweed. vincial Liberal Leader, Dr. Davis said: After congratulating the Govern-- "And Ontario has another man run-- ment on its cconomy efforts, and the ning wild. I refer to Mr. Philpott. I cutting of salaries of Cabinect Min-- honor him for what he has been, as isters, Mr. Tweed said: "When we a returned soldier, but I believe he compare the ordinary estimated ex-- is on the wrong track. He would have penditures for 1933 with the ordinary this Parliament use its strength to| expenditures for 1932, we find that, break down those things which we hold | leaving interest and exchange out of so dear. the account, there is a reduction of "I join with others in saying that $1.656,000, and, if interest and ex-- the educational costs in this Province change are taken into accountinboth are too high. It makes it hard for years, there is an increase of $1,112%.-- us to explain in the rural parts the 000. A considerable proportion Oof salaries paid to the higher officials," this reduction has been brought about he said, adding that he believed by reducing the salaries of the civil economies could be effected by joining servants. up some school sections. * "In 1931 I suggoested to the Govern-- Dealing with agricultural matters, ment the advisability of imposing a iDr' Davis paid tribute to the work of charity tax upon meals costing OVer |the Ontario Agricuitural College, and & certain amount when served in |advanced the idea that co--operation public dining--rooms, and also & taX |offered more help to the farmers than suggestion is--still a good one, and if | ro--operatives, and personal ambitions imposed at the rate ~f 5 per cent. ON | have been the motives in some cases." meals costing more than 50.cents and | 'The Marketing Board had done upon hard--liquor dsale; "la'"'f."} dbcth: | wonderful work in connection with painless tax mlm ';d°," -'2'300 Ts |the marketing of apples, honey and Province 'W'g'é & ;' a 3( 'ollof" tobacco, he said. "I believe that the "mg' could applied to relitf} qovernment might be well advised to wor ' form a Commission to supervise the Succession--Duty Tax,. ' whole dairy industry from start to "The Government has announced a finish, and it would find out many surtax upon the succession--duty tax. more weaknesses than this great in-- In this connection, I have a sugges-- vestigation in Ottawa is doing," he | tion that, if adopted, would yield the concluded. Province a very large revenue in the A. H. Acres (Conservative, Carle-- future. At the present time the suc-- ton) had just opened his remarks cession--duty tax is graded according when the House adjourned at 6 to the amount of the estate and the o'clock. He warned that any sugges-- relationship of the beneficiaries, I tions he might have to make should would g one step further and also not be construed as meaning that he grade the tax according to the age was no longer a Conservative. He was of the beneficiaries. That is, if @a still one, he said, but indicated that beneficiary was over 35 years of age, |he might have some pertinent re-- ;thotaxonhhmion of the estate |marks to make when the debate re-- would be higher use a beneficiary |sumes on Thursday.

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