The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Mar 1933, p. 1

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March 320. > SINCLAIR REFRAINS HOSPITAL GRANTS -- CHANGES PROPOSED FROM C REDUCE | ON NlXON MEASURE Amendment Introduced by Nixon Amendment Would ie nrne Robb Refers to Those Abolish -- Superannu-- Too Many Elections, Is Lib-- for Incurables | ation System eral House Leader's Mubitipe) grants 0) hospitais. do¢ c otne w . $ ospitals for Power under the Workmen's Com-- Explanation g;cy"?bbl:fssre ;:duced from $1.75 a| |pensation Act to establish a super-- S allatip 10 . ts Pfiblic' i og' ll&l:n amendment }Iannuation fund for employees of the ; ouh In the O ug Act, brought .board out of the Accident Fund would REC ALLS ]930 SU PPORT o crday by ntario Legislature yes--| |be taken away under provisions of an ' | visol :l h%ln l:tx:r D;. ; bl:f Robb, Pro-- 'amendment to this statute as intro--| n ierigeririmermen e | ponding aneind :mnt ealsth. Ad corre-- ,g{uced gx th? Legislature yesterday by | Liberal House Leader Sinclair de--, statute to lessen the llabll:ré; gf tfl: ll.:ander 19 O infi versge :s clared in a siatement handsd to '1""35 Pro;rlnee to these hospitais, and, ln{ + The Progressive Leader has claim-- Globe yesterday that he purposely re--| gggltlon. the municipality liability for ed that a provision was '"slipped in" | frained from voting in the divigion | hosp(i:a l(;r lsmr?gfilg:d ?ersonsso b?m in the act during the dyingtdays of the on the Nixon ameondment to the Legis--| 70 cents per day e e e (1)?3rzms§'zslson a?dmf:topf{xmifwdd tp o 1n-- |lat1ve Assembly Act because he had| _ In lessening the liability of the jured wgrkx%en to be Ssegnto ort up| ' consistently opposed too frequent elec--| Provincs to coincide with the new| the employees' superannuati s: ltxip: | tions. The proposed legislation, de--| provisions, as noted above, it is stated | Mr. Nixon's i)il'l)e al=ouar°n untb' feated by a large majoriiy, would have| that no Provincial aid should be! take away from the Licutenant--G | reduced the prosent statutory term for| granted to any hospital for incurables| -- ernor--in--Council the ri htetoa fi:-c co 'i.' :hellgigg)off the Logislature (as enacted | Where such hospital receives in respect| aries of the Compensation Board and nJ. o Sa;?:::erx?'fbtigw l{:;u' éfianr;g"y' | g: yt patient a sum excseding $1.50 "i ttg leavef itt,h with the Legislature. The also refrainsd from casting his vote,| _ Of course, the $1.75 rating underL torr:fiegt reéut@gggr::l}%ltigig'ggfi gn and told The Globe last night that he : this clause remains the same for all -- man, from $14,000 to $7 000: V?t:e: ' thought there were too many clec--| Oother hospitals There is, however, a Chairman, $9,000 t> $6,000; and Com-- gions. "There wore three elections---- section which empowers the Govern-- miSSiOners'. 36.000 to 3'5.506. n 1923, 1926 and 19290--all to no pur-- ment to make deductions from the Attorney--General Price also intro-- pose," the Glengarry member stated,. Sstatutory amounts due to hospitals duced a bill to amend the act, and '"There are altogether too many elec-- for Provincial aid. 'proposes certain adjustment of 'rates, gc:)rrl;:.vuitih f:i;gr vu;:.s"te"c';rt; 't'iflmf\ and An amendment to the Sanitaria for decreasing them when an industry's money. avor the five--vear term, Consumptives Act, also introduced by record is good, and increasing them !but. did not feel inclined to vote Dr. Robb, provides that the Govern-- 'when many accidents are reported by against Mr. Nixon." ment may make deductions from any any one industry. S. C. Tweed (Liberal, Waterloo Statutory amount due to any sani-- North) was not in his seat during the tarium for Provincial aid as may be division and would not comment on Jeemed necessary. his absence. Earl Hutchinson (Labor, To Kenora) was out of the House prior :}x;xd (iiuringhathc vote. He explained & + o & at it so happened that he had im-- R d b B II D 'l portant business with a Provincial de-- e IStrl utlon l etal s ggfin'gnt in the East Block, which L ft ~ % m away. S l C When asked why he did not vote, e to peCla ommlttee {\:r. 181::;'1:11; da'(}i' not choose to be in-- h e ons n rviewed, but handed The Globe the Premier y"% 16 Mc lge A T oNowing statement distritr)?n?t)nneBnixl? ls%?&?;ce:efg?g It?.g-: _*"Are we to take it that the Opposi-- "At the last election, I criticized the House adjourned yesterday afternoone C omnutice 5s in <eed hy nopoomnd Government for holding elections so It proposes to reduce the membership g)mmmge bo proeion l See oh. often,. and personally advocated fixed of the House to some ninet: -thrg Marry e oofonee in otafe s periods for elections. I did not op-- representatives from its prgse et, APhige h Aibime) qo menammneint rap : ol pose the bill extending the life of the strength of 112, and brought downni ti i can put an Ts pfembsts on is Legislature, in 1930, I am not so _ blanket form with details to be left to commitiee i! it wants to. bur he wil hypoc rmcai that I can today. vote for 5 Specisl commities of the Houte. Th lcommxt.t,ee if it wants to, but we will a bill repealing a bill I did not oppose draft was rushed off to the rfnte s en{arge io: s ty Tas my mmes ce we in 1930. And so I refrained from immediately after it was t,ablgd a r; ind escuescihe hoi. thine here un voting. Dissolution of the Legislature later, Premier Henry indicated 'whgn ;:guld en tilve racleithihe here in is the prerogative of the Crown and speaking to The Globe tha"t the :{House. U w Bd A I do not presume to suggest to his _ measure would be given its second | cor i eliih--_wo. Jt it sb to the Majesty's representative when he reading and the committee named ot be congig red bf 'in mpite un should exercise his prerogative." this week 1O be considered 18 *10 s106G iis6E daoacadit eminrd. * the committee report®& .. . * ~V'WW\IWWVWW " | ? M o i McCrea Sees Ment m mm € * ) ma o J o % | In Osteopaths Bill | _ Families Being Moved North arararaara n n n ns % 4 on e Will Namber 250 This Year While strong opposition Was foiand P heard at Queen's Park yesterday to the proposed amendment to the Two hundred and fifty families will sary on account of the reduction in Medical Act, which would give the be moved North during this spring the estumates to a figure of $75,000 title "doctor" to osteopaths and and summer under the back--to--the-- for the current year. grant them certain other privi-- Tand movement of the Department of| Encouraging reports were heard re-- leges, Hon. Charles McCrea, Chair-- Northern Development at Queen's garding 210 families already sent man of the Legal Committee of Park, the Colonization Committee of i North irom 26 municipalities through-- the House, which is handling the the Ontario Logislature was told yes-- |out the Province. Efforts will be made bill, saw some merit in the re-- terday. William Magladery, Secre-- to check the amount of land | still quests. Mr. McCrea declared thnat tary of the Relief Lands Settlement| held by war veterans, as it was indi-- there was a strong body of opin-- Board, explained to the committee|cated that several men had left their ion in the Province which felt tist this quota had been found neces-- holdings without notice. that the osteopath should be rec-- » ognized more than he had been. He ruled that the committce would make its report to the / Legislature. and decision was de-- ( ferred. ooo

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